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Fonud In the Newspaper. From the Cresco, Iowa, " Plaindealer." "We have never, as our readers for nearly thirty years ie this oounty can testify, written a 'puflf' of any patent aiedicine. Duty as well as inclination impel ua to depart from this atudied silence, to aay to our readers and the public that, having been completely prostrated with a violent and distressing cold, after three days 6ghting it with ordinary remedies and getting no relief from their use, we obtained a bottle of Ularke's Extract cf Flax (Papillon) Cough Care, obtaiDing almost instant relief and a steady improvement under ita use." Large bottles only 1 00 Aak for Clarke's Flax Soap. " Best on Earth," 25 cents. Botli the above for sale by Eberbach & &oa. If our sin8 were only as unobtrusive as the goodness of others is obtrusive. THE Y ARE I.l V1ÏI.I'! The doctors are all liable to be mistaken, It cost me $200.00, because they said I had the Heart disease, and then told me I must die. Grandmother said it was Li ver complaint, and $2.00 worth of Sulphur Bitters cured me. - Jennie Poor, Roakport, Mass. Poverty never travels in the wake of the man who minds his own affairs. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup cures rheumatism by striking at the seat of the disease and restoring the kidneys and liver to healthy action. If taken a sufficient time to thoroughly eradicate such poison, it never failg. You never koow unlil the big man who licked you has turned the corner how maDy men there were in the crowd whose synipathies were with you in the fight. To XerviMis Debllitated Men. If you will send us your address, we well mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye'a CelebrateÖ Electro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nerTous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet tree If you are thus afflioted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall Mioh. When every thirg else fails a man he still has bis vauity to fall back on. F. E. C. Medicine Co.- I have taken four bottles of your F. E. C. Kidney Remedy. Have gained twelve pounds in flesh. Dan'l S. Post. Fayette, Séneca County, N. Y. The F. E. C. Blood and Liver Remedy ia Woman's Elixir of Health. The desire to get even was the first acknowledgement of failure. Acute and chronic rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by the Ui e of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters. A small boy of four sumrners was ridingon a rocking horse with his companion. He was seated rather uncomfortably on ihe horse's neck. Alter a reflective pause he eaid : " I think if one of us gets off I could ride much better." Care Yourseir! Don't pay large doctor's bilis. The best medical book published, one hundred pages, elegant colored pistes, will ba sent you on receipt of three 2-cent gtamps to pay the postage. Address A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. The possibility of being found out is the greatest moral ageat, when you get right down to facts. __ Aclvice To Motners. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should alwayg bo used for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhpea. Twenty-flve cents bottle. There are so many thingi to admire in the people who admire us. Mrs. M. Schaenberger, Beaver Dam, Wis., writes: "We have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in our faniily for Ooughs, Colds, Croup and Rheumatism. It cures every time. Bobby - Don't be scared, Johnnie. Perhaps your tather didn't mean it when he said he would Hok you. Little JohnDie - Yes, he did. It wasn't as if he had promijed to bring me home a new whistle. A Lnily In South Carolina Wrltes : My labor was shorter and less painful than on two former occasions ; physicians astonished; I thank you for "Mother's Friend." It is worth its weight in gold. Address, The Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by C. E. E berta ach & Son. In its treatment of rheumatism and all rheumatic troubles, Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup stands first and foremost above all others. Read their medical pamphlet and learn of the great medicinal valué of the remedies which enter into its composi tion. A crawfish lover is the name given to the defendant in a breach of proinise suit. He is generally a bluefish af ter the judge names the figure of the damage. Uniese more care is given to the hair, the coming man ia Hable to be a hairless animal ; henee, to prevent the hair from telling, use Hall's Hair Renewer. There is one thing you can always deI pend upon and that is that you can never I depend upon otbers.


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