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Homeseekers and Harvest Excursión West at OneHnlf Kai.s, Tin., Illinois Central K. K. On April 22J, May 20 h, Septemb. r 9 h and 23d, and October 14th, 1890, the Ilünois Cemral Railroad will sell exoumlon tickets at One Fare for the rounri nip lo all stations west of and includint' Iowa Fallóla., which embraces the lolloning prominent pointe: Webster City, Ia. Ft. Dodge. Ia. St'jim Lske, Ia. Le Mats, In. Sioux City, Ia. Cberoke , Ia. On iwa, I. Sheldon, I. aud Sioux Falls, So. Dak. Tick'ts are iimited to return wuh n 30 days aud are good for stop-over privileges west of Ijwa Falls, both going and returninx- Solid traios, consisting of t-U-gunt free rclining uhair carg, and Pullmao palace leepers, leave Chicago at 1.00 p. m., and 11.35 p. m., and run througn to Sioux City without change. For through tickets, raten, etc, apply to nearest ticket agent, and for a c py of pamphlet descriptiva of towns in Northwestern Liwa, entitled "Homes for Everybody" apply to F. B. Bowis, Uen'l Northern P8. Agt., 194 Clark St., Cnieago. To-day and to-morrow and ever? dy in ihe yeryouc%n Uke the picturesque Erin for Philadelphia, New Yo k, and all Sea Board, cities and be asiured luxurioug travel. Elegant Pullman Slepping and Buffet car, finest in the world ; Day Coaches and Baggage crs over tli Eiie Railway to New Yotk. At'acr.d to Grand Trunk train leaving DcitroH 6 35 p. m. (daily except Sunday) i a avgiificent Pulman ileeper to Hornellville connectine at that point wiih lux'iriiu Drawing Room cars, arriving in New York at 4.22 p. m. central time, to run remainder of year. No extra charge for quick time and superior seiv:ce. New York pascengers landed up-town or dowu-town cocvement to leading hotrb, lesale and retail business houses, s'eatnshin piers and stations of connecting line.-. Cali on nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan, Ohio or Indiana for thrugh tickets to all points in the Est, or address F' ank M. Cadwell, Traveling Phss. Ag'.. 155 JefFerson Ave., Detroit, Mich. ; W. C Rinearson, Ass't Gen'l Pasf. Ayt.. C ve land, Ohio; Geo. DHaver,, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt., New York; L. P. Farmer, Gen'l Pass. Agt, 21 Cortland St.. New York. FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONC. 2Pother style 6-A Nets, prices to suit aU Wh. Aybes & Sons, Philadelphia. Sold by all dealers. f? J)Mitchell'sKidney Piasters J J Absorb all diïease in thcKidneys and f[ l f " restore thcm to a healthy condition. yf Old chronic kidney eufferers say I Jï' .they got no relief until they tried V'l l MITCHELL'S KIDN'EY PLASTE1ÍS. Soldby Drngglst cverywhere, or sent by mail for50o Novelty Piaster IVorks, L.owell, Miu. GO WEST! VIA THE TO ALL POINTS IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give information and furnish tickets to students returning home for the vacation. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., 58 Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. BUÍÜNGJi ROUTE Cheap Landsthe West. Along tbe unes of the BURLINGTON ROUTE in Nebraska. Colorado. Wyoming and nnriiiwesiern Kansas, particularly on its new ezteniln in that territory, there is Btill sume (Jovernment Land awaiting settlement, as well as other cheap laii'is held by individuals. These laiuls nro among the best to behnd anywherein theconniry for agricultural and grazing purposes In the comparativcly new disuicts are many improved farms which can be purchased at a very low rate of that class of restless pioneer settlere who are ready at all times tomove "furiher wet." In the territory embraced by tlie BURLINGTOS'ti liues west of the Missouri River, there are in the vicinlty of two hundred new towns which ofior to manufaeturers and business men an excellent opporiuuüy to locat with protit. Beud to the underslgned for lescr tive pamphlets and other matter giving Iockii . and fu.l particmars cuncerning these land A MAP OF " E UNITED STATES. A large, hand ue Map of the United States, showing north d souih Dakota, mounted and suitable for o e or home use and i-syiod by the BURLIN. ON ROUTE, will bc iimilshcd responsible pirties free on application to the undersigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents either in postage or by applying at Room 12, C B. & Q. R. R. üeueral Office, corner of Adams and Franklin etreets, Chicago, yon can obtaiu a pack of the best qualityPlaymg Canls. P. S. EUSTIS. Gen'l Pass. tTicket Agt.. C, B & Q. R. R. D-20-88 CHICA0O, III. :?,:;-:i;, :;y.?:r:::;;:, wealtbi Come to the land of the setting sun. Send for FREB circulare de?crlbing the "Garden Spot of Oregon," Purchases negotitased for fmber, hop, fruit, wheat and otlier lands. Saw-mllls, flouring milis, canneries, dairies, and other enterprises assisted Eastern capital proüiably loaned. Address OOPKR, PATTKRSO.V CO., IiKlepentlence. Polk Co. Oregon. All inquirie Answered.


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