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The cherry erop in Milan is quüe good. J. H. Ford's new store is growing finely. Mn. Pyle left for Canada, the first of the week. 0. A. Keüey has purchased a fine carage horse. Mrs. Chas. Gauntlett was quite ill tl. e ürst of the week. Mrs. F. A.Blinn left for a two months' visit at Cheboygan, Mondiy. Mrs. O. E. Hawkins made her parents a brief visit the last of the week. The Relief Corps will indulge in a 4th of July picnic in Wilson's grove. Mrs. Pawline, of Detroit, is the guest of her father, Chas. Smith, this sutnmer. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left for their 1 orae at Fort üodge, lowa, the last of ihe week. Herbert Earl, of Manchester, was the guest of bis cousin, Lew Blinn, the first of the week. The Misses Gertie and Cora Hobbs left for Detroit, Monday morning, for a few daya' visit. "East Lynn"waswell played under the auspices of the Milan cornet band, Saturday night. No celebration in Milan the 4th. The heat is too intense in this región to rnake the effort. Miss Lena Swick aave an enjoyablO evening party to a large circle oi' friends the first of the week. Miss Delaforce and Miss GertieHanson left for Caseville, Monday morning, to visit friends for a few weeks. Miss Allie Harper has retnrned from her school at Cadillac. She will visit h-r parents in Milan thissummer. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Trussel will leave for Belding this week, where they intend mak ing their hom for the present. Mrs. Lammer and three childien, of Topeka, Kan., are the guests of lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Otsborn, for the summer. Ann Arbor boys played a game of ball against the Milan boys at the driving park, Wednesday. Score, 13 to 14 in favor of Milan. Married: Mr. Georgeïaylor and Miss Effie Sayles, both of Milan, at the residence of the bride's parents, June-!5th, by Rev. Mr. McGregor. nixboru. Census taker Covert linished his work on Friday. The social piven al Chai He Morrison's, Friday evening, was well attended. Misa Josie Dunn, of Ann Arbor, visited Miss Mattie -Galpiu the last of the week. Henry Wells and wift arrived safely in Saginaw, after traveling by wagon, 175 miles in six days. About seventy-five cords of wood belonging to Mrs. Alue Nanry was burned last Thursday night. The Superior grangers give a picnic at Cherry Hill, July 4ih. The Superior brass band will furnish the musir. An ice cream social will be given at Win. Fairs on the Fourth of July. All are cordially invited to attend. A terrible wind and rain storm prevailed about here last Saturday, doing much damage, blowing down fences ana irees. Miss Thompson, teaclier at the alone school house, gave a picnic in Mr. Savage'a woods, on Saturday. On account of the rain the exercises were cut short, but the refreshments were only freshened and all the more greedily were the delicious and abundant editables devoured after the rain ceased. After three months of successful teaching, Miss Sillia Schlee, oí Geddes, closed her school on Friday with a picnic in M. F. Gulpin's grove, which was larely attemled hy parents and frienils. The exerciseawere very good especially, the iuusíc r.eudpre.1 iy the Dixboio 8triii(t band. Afier supper the youn? pe.ople repairetl to M. F. Gnlpin's barn and danced until the midnight hour. Woller. Miss AmAndH Bnrnett, of Ann Arbnr, and Mr?. Wilson, of Hanover, were ilie guests of a few of onr townspeople lübt week. The l'atroiiB of Industry hfld forlh ia Merrill'H district, last week, where Ba!l and Winans edified tliü thir.-ty knowledge seekers. Farmers don't seem to make much headway at hay ing. They ted it so as to exposé more surface, not to the hot sun, but to the abundant showers. Saturday, quite a severe storm occurrfd, in which lightning lavished eomewhat furiously. People were shocked and somö trees were ptruck, while others measured their length upon the ground. [LAST WEBK.] Miss Mattie McColl has returned from a year's teaching in Oregon, 111. Miss Jessie Williams has returned from Mt. Pleasant, where she has been teaching. Webster furnishes on e gradúate in the Dexter high Bchool, Miss Rosa Van Riper, and one in the U. of M., I. G. McColl. The raising of Ira Backus's barn occurred last Thursday. It is 100 feet by 38 feet, with a basement under' it for stock, etc. Not even a slight accident oceurred. The children's day exercises last Sunday were quite successfully carried out and notwithstanding the sultry weather the church was well filled. A part of the program was building the " Arch of Character," and enthroningthe "Floral Queen." At the close an offeriug was made amounting to $13 02. eddes. [LAST WEEK.] Mr. Robert Barnes is about building a fine stone house on his farm at this place. Miss Mary J. Forsyth closed her third term of school at this place on last Friday, the 20th, with a picnic in Mr. Barnes' grove. The program included speaking, recitations and music. The children, both young and old. enjoyed it very much, especialy the good things on the tables.


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