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The always interesting Magazine of American Hislory opens its twentyfourth volume wilh a fine portrait of Sir Villiani Blaoktone. lts pertinente is apparent to whosoever reads the leading article, " The Golden Age of Colonial New York " Mrp. Lamb has given a wonderfiillv vivid picture of the lit tle metropolis of the province, ander kingly rule, in 1703. Other articies are: " Burgoyne's'Defrat and Surrender, au Inquiry from au Eaglieb. Standpoiut," by Percy Cross S'.andii-h, is vastly interestinj;. "President Lincoln's Humor," by David R. Locke. One of the mos-t stirring and important papers in the iminber, however, is by the celebrated Boston divine, lïev. Samuel E. Herrick, D. D., entit'led, " Relaiion to the Pasl a Debt to the Future." 743 Broadway, New Yoi k. Two new seriáis will begin in the next number of Harper's Bazar : "Her Love and His Lft" by F. W. Robinson, and "At au Old Cnateau," by Catharine 8, Macqnoid. Among other atlractions to be otfered in the same number, are a sketch by Miss Bislund, entitled "Au American Wuman't First Inipressions of the London Siason," aml a profe poem, "Heidelberg Casile," by Beatri e Cameron, the actress. SCROFULA Is tliat impnrity of the Muod wliich produces unslglitly lumpa or swellings Ut tlio neck; whlch causes running sores on tho arms, legs, or teet;. whlch develops ulcers in tlio eyes, ears, or noso, oftcn oausing blindnest or dc.'ifness; whlch is tlio origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or "bnmors;" whlch, fastenIng upon tlie langs, causee consumption aml death. It Is the most anclent of all dlseascs, andvery few persons are entirely iree froni it. TbTCURED By taking Ilood's Sarsaparllla, whlch, by the remarkable cures it has accomiilished, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for tliis disease. If you suffer from scrofula, try Mood's Sarsaparilla. "Every spring my wifo and cliildren have been troubled with scrofula, niy linie boy, three years old, belng a terrible sufferer. Last spring he was ono niass of sores from headtofeet. AVeall took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all havo been cured of the scrofula. My little boy is enlirely free from sores, and all tour of my cbtldren look brlght and he'althy." W. B. Athertox, Passaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoldbyaUdznggUtt. fl;8ixfor95. Preparedoalj by O. I. BOOD & (')., Afothecarlet, Lowell, Kin, IOO Doses One Dollar


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