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About two dozen spectators attendec the regular meeiiog of the city councii last Monday mght, which indicated that a somewhat interestingsession waa expected. Despite this fact, however, only seven aldermen responded to the roll cali and Aid. Miller was callt d to the chair on account of President Howlett'a absente. Atïer the minutes had been approved, the c'erk read the usual communication from the board oí public work", in which the folio wing recommendalions were made : that sidewalks be ordered luilt on the south sideof Catherine-st, frorn Mainst to Fourth-ave, and on the south i-ide of Washington-st, from Pirst-st west to the city limite ; that the gutters be ordered paved on Fourth-av.-, from Huron to Washington -st, on the north side of Washington-st from the lacd of N. Sutherland west to the west line i f M. M. Green's property, on Main-st in front of the Masonic block, on the torih eide of Annst in front of property belooging to the Morgan estáte, and ou the north side of HuroD-st from Maia lo Ashley-et. The report was refdrred to the street committe'S Gteo. F. Stein asked permission to cocstruct a cesspool in front of nis building on Foutth-av, and Pnilip Bach et al. requested that ihe widih of sidewalks on Washington and Lberty-sts be fixed at ten D8tead of eleven feet. Both petitione were referred. STRKET RAILWAY ORDINANCE. The amended street ralway ordinance was read by the clerk It exends the time for the completiou of the road from September 1 to Ootober 1 and permits the following change of route. Inste .d of running west on H ll-s', frum Washtenawave and back on Eust Univerity-ave lo North Universky-sve, the road will continue on Washtenaw-ave till F_rest-ave ia reached, and it. will extend on the Utter street toward the fiir grounds From the corner of WilliamB and State-sts, a line is to be built south on State-st to Monroeave, east on Mouroe-ave to East University-ave, thence south on that aven; e to Hill st and east on Hill st to est-ave, where tlie line previously described will be met. It will be seen that a much larger loop ( ine'.uding as it does the whole oampus) is made thaa in the route prescribed by a previous ordinance. Air. Corliss, secreary of the Street railway cc mpauy, explained why they wished to rjake the ch&ase. ïhe peopie of the ci:y,be said.were larg ly in favor of havii g the road run further to thesouth of the University, aud although $12,000 more wouU be required to make tne change, the company was desirom of doicg so. They were hIso vei-y auxious that the council should take action that 8ameevening; otherwise it would i e im possible to cmplete the road a soon as they wished. In order to pass tbe ordinaDce on Monday night, a suspeLsion of the rule9 was required and Aid. Chris". Martin didn't like that way of doing business at all. He accordingly moved tnat the ordinance be referred to the proper committee, but his motion was laid oa the table. Several aldermen were in f.vor of postponing action till Tueöday or Wednesday eveninc. Fiuallv Aid. Kearns solved the difficulty by proposing a special committee of three, who were tomeec during a five-mi: uta recesa. The co:nmhtee which was acoordingly appointed reponed ia favor of the ordinance, which was passed by the council un der a suspension tf the rulef, REPORT OE CITT OFKIOERS, ETC. The ivpott ot the hnance committe-, which was adopted, showed the followir g bilis allowed during the month of July : contingent fund, $782.81; pólice, $llb.5O; poor, $89.47; ceme'ery, $12 13; fire 6epnrtment, $360.61; fire department building, $120 98; streets, $855 07; total, $2, 343.57. A supplement ary report, showing a bilí oí $1(12 00 fiaid to Mr. Carson for building crofswalks, wss al-o ailowtd The superintendent of the poor reported the following relief given : to persons living in the first ward, $7 09; second, $4.75; third, $35.41; fourth, $28 49; fifth, $1123; MXth, $4.00; iota], $90.97. The marshal reported uine arres s during July, five f r drunkenneas, iwo tbr vagrancy. one for lewd eonduct aud one for vioUüon of the city orünances. The t eisurer received during the past momh, $8,590 04, disbursed, $5,213 62 and now us on hand, $3,352 92. The city clerk gave the f !- lowing account : balance on hand at the beginning of momh, $7,217 72; money received, $689 03; dishursed, $5,2G7 69 ; balance on hanrl, $2.fi39.66 ; balance ou'stonding, $713.20; total balar ce, $3 - 352 92. All these repoi ts were accepteH. During the course of the evening, the ordinanc" relating to doga passed to a third r'-ading ad was adipted.


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