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POWOER Absolute!- Pure. A cream of tanar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength.- U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, '89, O17R 35 ÍESÍT Vo'LvHS. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale. f-?!?1' not eïl-'''ing three unes, can be Inserted three weeks for ai eenta. WA MED. WA5fTf?-St of unfurnish.d rooms ground floor preferred. or partof a in terina, v. M. T.. Recistrr Office. 15 W'ASíT.J,ft girl for 8eDiral housework. Cali at No 17. vvümot-M. Ann Arhor. 15 W'ABTTK- Homes for three boys ages respectively 7, a and 13. for adoption. Cali or addressJaa.P. Bear. Ko. 19 N. Main-M. 15 F"Il M.4I.E. TpoN.VI,f:-Fine Plymoulh Rock and Leg. íf:nhor5 ;hitkons-spnnK chickens aud laying hena. S w . Merry. ! s Oli"rvatnrv-t. h ÍV5, if'.í KOU0 buarlluK house, touettHT J with all the neressnry appurtenanees. Besides the dining room and kitchen, there are pantms cellar ami thrce ülcepiug apartnients. The present occupam has worltcd up an established patroMPge „f shout lorly boarders. The ouly consideration alcd is board lor pereons This Is a rare opporlunity for auyone without 'papüal tt) step uno a gooa paylng business. Address V R-, P O. Bos, 1TM, Ami Arbor, Mich. 17 ' F 'OH JAI,E- If sold b? September 1 1890 a restaurant and conttctiouery store 48 S State-st. Will take due bill for part of it in' "O-'" 16_ lOK SAI.E-Household furniture coueisting I of stoves, tables, chai rs, rockers, bedsteads etc. cheap for cat,h, at S7y E. Washington-st, 16 ' FOK xAl.K- Mee marble-tou wamut bedroom tuit, lu good order. a3 'Vjlliams-st 15 FOR 8.4I.:-Firet class ticket from Ann Arbor to Taeoma, Washington and return, J68 00 Regular rate 97.00. A l Rkgister Office FOK MLK OK KKVI-Several good houses in central pa I of the city. One w.lj adapted for suden Is' society house. Knqulre of J Q. A. Seesions, Atty . No. 5 N. Main-st. tf t7OR 8AI.K-No.S7 Monroe-8i and No. 41 E University-ave. Apply next door ou the oorF'OR NAI.K- Oood tecond hand upright pianos at great bargains. A. Wllsey. FK SAI, E Cheap- One 5-horee power upnght staiionary englne and boiler, in good con-luion. Price only $100. Buyers , here ín a bargain. Cali at No. 3 W. Washingtou-st. 6wks FOK RENT. Í?MI !IK5T-Rooms suitable lor houseke.ninit. E:iquire47 E. Ann st. 17 irR, KET-Tbree suft8 of room9 and twQ Í. single rooms in Unity block. Apply to B Brown, a. St-ile-st. 17 L"1" HK'Vr-Homie wilh "ine fooms. 57 U y. 1 Wahmgton-8I; house with iwelve rooms, with furnarv E l'nivcrsity ave; seven large rooms wub fumace, SpriUK st. Apply Jas. D. Duncsn 76 Miller ave. 17 LK RKVI'- Rooms saitable for house keeDr Ing jn ihe thirii ward. 16 Spring-et. 16 TH REN I- Twn houst'8 on Summit st. Inquire at Keecli' lllniber yard ]6 FOK KKJYT-House, No. 12 S. Observatory-st. ■41o blocks trom the campus. Suitable lor 8mall family. Comfortable anaconveuient Inquire at houe. 15 FOR RK.v - Brick houe, No. 91 South Statest. Steam leat. Apply to W. W. Wheedon No. 6 Kfiiron at. 17 1""O i'KNT- Twodwelling houses on the bank of Portage Lake. for the seasou or by the year One has beta reoently used by Pinckney parties as a Club House. For particular, address Thomas Birkett, Birkett, Mic.h, MIS III MIII s. T.1OI7NH- A set of false toeth, in frout ol Wm X' Whed m's houw. Cali at this nfflfe. FOUXI- l'airgold rimrned spei'tacles. uwuer can have Uie saine bycalllng al 13 Dttroit-.t, proTing pruperty and paying for ihls notice. 17 BOY WAJfTED-Towork in store. A good position to right boy. Addreta H.,eare o) this office. i7 IOSr- Thursday morning between Gedc'es j and auu 'Vrbor.on theGeddesatd Klverroad, a lady's pocket-book containiiiK moi:ey. Ihe limier will te rewarded by leavii g the same at Bach, Abel & C".'s store J. MANN, hasleased the store, No. 32 F. Huron-st, ntxt to Randall's, whcre he will open up about August 1 with a !arge stock of new and second hand goods oí all kinds. Everything in the line of house keeping can be found for about half the price of new. Don't fail to take advautagö of the first and best. J. S. Mann No 32 E. Huron-st. Ann Arbnr Mlph. 16 Ml l.l.t K ATK. greenhouse propertyat present, has not beensold The business of the gieenhouse will be contiuued ae beforethe property benig 'iy. acres and 721 ft streel frontage. One miuute's walk west of the eourt houte and postoffice. J. Toms. is HEKE is yuur chanw to make mcney, "ïhe Cyclone Dlt,h-washer." .State and eounty rights for sale, tiend for citculars and priees HowariKtBurdick,233 Bank-st, Kooni 13, Cleveland, Ohio. is REMOVE- From Wurster & Kern's on Detroit st. to Kourthst, over Allmendlnger & Seybold's blacksmnh shop, where I am prepared to do all kinds oí earriage painting. I. C. 'v 21


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