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WHERE TO SPEXD THE SDMMER. If Cnderlded, PerhwpsThis WIII Help Toa. Wtiere to go, what to do, how o d ■ it, and the expense involved - question. ai;i tatiDg so many bouseholJs, contemp Ttty with the advent of glimmer, are all answered satisfactorily in the pnges ( 'he handsome volume entitled " Health ail Plea-ure," just issued bv the Paa-eriger Department of the New York Central & Hufaon River Railroad. Ti bok is profusely illustrated conains s-evernl valuable maps, ai d the nnfornm'iou is presentad in a cnncise, yet readable manner. It embraces an xtent,.ve list of summer hotel? and biwJiritf housps along the Hudson.among the 0wltills, in the Adirondack MouDta:r.s, t Sar&toga, Lake Oeorge, Niágara Falis, and ,,ther íaraous resolta. Copies ot the bouk may be obtnined tree upon aopücHtion to W. B. Jerome, General Western Agent, No. 97 Clark St., Chicago, orwill bt; mailed post paid upon r Ceipt ot' ten cents in stampa, by Geore H. Daniels, Ger.eral Passenger Agent, Gnini Central Statmn, New York. A pair of shoes is oneof most typical iToJuct8 of modern industry. To make thi-m the Animal Kingdom contributes froni the herds of the Western Plains ; the Vegetable, from groves of oak and heinloek ir from the great f )rests still left to us ; great factories supply cloth and threatl ; mines, furnaces and forges coinbine to furnish nails or wire. Throueh scores of processes, the two pieces of a pair of snoes reqmre to brin? them together, the co-operation of fifty men and women, whose división of labor is so thoroughly systemaüzed that everything goes with the same regularity attributed to the works of a clock, until asa result, you, well i-hod reader, who wear the W. L. Doajrlas Shoe, can buy a pair f rom three to five dollars that would have cost your forefatherá from six to twelve.- Ex 10 The Cincinnati, HamiUon & Daytoti Railroad is the short and direct line from Michigan and Canada to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louitville, Nashville, Biimingham, Meridian, New Orleans, Cnattanooga, Atlanta, Ma,jn, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonvil ■ , and all som hem cities. Day and ninut trains run tbroush polid between Detroit and Cincinniiti. Direct connections made at Cincinnati Tor all points south, southeast and southwest. The only line leaving Detroit morning and evening by which you can secure parlor and sleeping cars. No extra charge for quick time and superior service. ChII on or address nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan and Canada for through tickets to all points south, or address D. B. Tracy, Northern Passenger Agent, 155 Jefferson-Ave, Detroit, or E. V. MeCormick, General Passenger Agent, 200 W. Fourth St, Cir cinnati. TNook's Cotton Root ■ (?& COMPOUND ■ yfomnosed of Cotton Root, Tansy and % fJ-,3 Pe.nnyroyal- a recent discovery by an C_ 'old physician. Ie suceesafuUu used tnoritiii- Safe, Effectual. Prioe tl, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your drujtgist for Cook'B Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or inolose 3 stampa for sealed particulars. Address POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisber Blook, 131 Woodward aye., Detroit, Mlch. r i nu iitii iMiirii. cu, LAlUUAuLN PuRetSodiid. l'aeilicCoaa rttlnnl ■ lIi TerminuB of re" NorI nilllin 1 kil thern lly. vast resource in Coal, Iron and Tlmber. Unequalled taarboi nenreat the sea. Mammoth shippinK and manufacturing interest. Magical and 8ülid firowtb in one year. Frora impenetrable forests to assessed valuation of neiirly '.).! MXW. l'opulation 4,031, (U. S. Censub.) Avail yourself of prand opportutiitiee formoney-makiiiK now and net full benellt of rapid rowth in imraediate future. Special inducements to manufacturera. Address lAlltll K. I.A.MP CO., Fulrhaven, Huli. $t LsiticheSi's K.uïicy Piasters 7 "L-J Absorb all discuas in ÜU Kidacya and ;, '. r restore thcm to a hcalthy conditíon. l SJ Old chronic kiduey euflcrers eay ( they got no relief nntU thcy tried ! MITCIIEIX'S KIDNüï PL.ASTEUS. SoiabyDrngglBtBeverywhere,or8entbyinailfor50o Novelty Piaster Works, UweU, Slaao. GO WEST! VIA THE TO AL.L POINTS IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Itah, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week untü the close of the term, to give infonnation and furnish tickets to students returning home for the vacation. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., ■;8 Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. BURLINGTON R0UÍE Cheap Lands in_tlie West. AlonK the lines of Ihe BURLINGTON ROUTE n Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming aud uorthwesteru Kansas, particularly on its ncw extensi.m in that territory, there íb still some Governmeut I and awaiting settlement, as well as other cheap lands held by individuals. These lands aro amone the best to behtd anywherein thucountry for agrlcultural and grazing purposea In Ihe comparatively new districta are many improved farms whlch can be purchased at a vcry low rate of that class of restless pioneersettler who are readv at all times tomove "further wet. In the territory embraced by the BURUNGTON'S lines west of the Missouri Kivcr, there are in the vicinity of two hundred new tówns which offer to manufacturera and business men au exi eneni opportunlty to lócate wiih proflt. Bend 10 the undeniKued for desciiptive pamphlets and other matter giving location and full patticu.ars concerning these landB. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. I A large, handsome Map of the United States, showing nortta and south Dakota, nrunted and suitable lor office or home use and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, will bc futntehed responsible p irties free on application to me uudersigncd. Playing Cards. For ten cents either in postage or by applying at Room 12, C B. & Q. R. CJencral Office, corner of Adams and Franklin Mreets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of the best quality Playing Cards. Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt.. C, B & Q. R. R. d-20 88 Chicago, III.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register