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Boils and Pimples Are nature"s efforts to elimínate poison from the blood. This result may be acconipllshed much more effectually, as well as agreeably, through the proper excretory chanuels, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " For several years I was troubled with boils and carbuncles. In casting about for a remedy, it occurred to me that Ayer's Sarsaparilla had been used in my father's family, with excellent success, and I thought that what was good for the father would also be good for the son. Three or four bottles of this medicine entirely cured me, and I have not since - in more than two years - had a boil, pimple, or any other eruptive trouble. I can conscientiously speak in the highest terms of Ayefs Sarsaparilla, and many years' experience in the drug business euables me to speak intelligently."- C. M. Hatfleld, Farmland, Ind. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Price $1 ; elx bottles, $5. Worth íó a botüe. If You Have CONSUMPTION COUGüorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Afcctlcn 8CROFULA WastingofFlesh Or any Ilsen$t xrhrr ÍK Throat and Lunow mr Inflamtd, Lach of Btrength or Aerw Power, you can bt rell-oi and Curtd by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ath for Scott'ê EmuttUm, and let no exflanation or tolicltation ind act you aeerpt a tubttttutt. Sold by all Drugglsta. COTT A BOWNE.Chvmlsts, N.Y. ■ m ra I aftj THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ truthsforthesick. III For thitst! (ïcattilyl $1,000 will be paifil II lllRiIimisSp(']lsrïcpenl for ;t case where . Ill lllonSuLI'nilKlïITÏEKS TUUR BlTlEKS Wíl' III iit will euro you. notnssist or cure. It [ q T)nv.,nBi',n-prwill, l"lv1"' TO Uaattiredandallgonc Cleiuis.' the vitiatcdin llfeelinpr; if so, use hIood when you 8Cel I IH:1lJL-Ií!UTR BlTTEKS to impurities buret-Hl l'twill cure you. inff through the skinll II OperaUvee -lu, are '" Ple BlotchesJ I Hshops;clerks,whodo iln(1 healtü U íolS III not procure sufficient üü__ III Ilexercise, andallwho o.. llareconflnedindoors, ft ','' "Lt'.ÍccoS II llshould useSüLPHUR Snfnt oJ.Tn.p Sul I III Bitters. They will oírLd itwillciirelll Ilf vou do not wish SPHSP l!lTTEBsI toeuírerfvomKheum. will bmlci yon upanril atism, use a bottle of inllke 'ou strongand II Sdlphdb Bitters ; 'icnlthy. III Itnever falla to euro, sulpiiur Bitters III M Dou't be withuut ■ ill makcyour blood SS SÍ bottle. Try it; you pure, richandstrong,Ea II will not rejrret It. and your flesh hard. J II Ladies ii deliaitc 'l'r m iTTiTmTTTI I I Ihealth, wbo are all ters tn-night, anill I 1 run down, phould use you will sleep well JU -I 1,1 III l: II I I I I ■-. ■; I . I I i I i .1 III Do you want the bost Medical Work published? 8end 3 2-cent stamps to A. P Ordvvat & Co Boston, Maas., and reroivo a rnpv. trfa. ,22, BfADHELDS 3Í REGULATOR VVENSTRUATION I OR MONTHLV SICKNCSS 6RU1T . ï KHotRí SUFT ERmG WILL BE WOlDia BRADFIElDREBUUffORCO. ATLANTA GA. SOLD BY C. E. 1 l!l Uit II l1 CURED BT4M MiícIelFs RñBnmatlc Piasters. INSTANT EELIIP FOB ALL HWKUVATIO PAIXS. EuR3 cttiïe írRhenmatism,Iíenrftlgiaaii-Scictica. Lo.d by drni?t9 evcrywhero, or by maU, 86 cents. KovIï7 X'loMter Works JLowcil, iUh:,ö. F.E.CÍ3EMEDY $1.00 A BOTTLE, S1X FOR $5, TRYITTO-DAY There is everywhere a well defined dread of that extreme form of Kidney trouble known as Bright's Disease - a malady incurable in its last stages. There are milltons of cases of ordinary Kidney Disease to thousands of Bright's Disease, and the fatalities froni the common Kidney trouble are the more numerous. It is dangerousto postpone treatment even for a single hour. Do as thousands have done and be cured by using the Guaranteed F.E.C.3IEMEDY $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5 TRYITTO-DAY


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