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G. A. R. Encampment at Boston. The Michigan Central railway, "The Niágara Falls route," will eell round trip tickets to Boston, August 8, Í and 10, good to return August 20, at $18.60. Arrangements have been made that these tickets may be made good to return until September 30, 1890, by depositing them with the joint agent at Boston, until the purchaser is ready to undertake the return journey. This is the only direct and first class route (rom Ann Arbor. H. W. Hates, Agt. CITT M OTICES. Dissolntion r Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between B. V. Hangsterfer and Benjamin Atkinson, of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, unJer the firm name of Hangsterfer & Co., was dissolved on the 29th day of July, 1890, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the eaid partnership are to be received by sid E. V. Hargsterfer, and all demands on the taid partnership are to be presented to him for payment, as he is authorized to settle all debts due to and by the firm. E. V. Hangstkreer, Benjamin Atkinson. Dated July 30, 1890. ii ven Ay. One huodred pictures to those who buy a frame. I make this offer in order to clean up stock and dispose of a large lo. of odds and er;ds ot mouldings. Come early and secure your first choice. Two hundred odd frames will be sold regardless of oost. These are bargains for bargainhun'ers. This sale of lemnants will continue through August. F.nestcabinet photos, artiflic posing, lighting and highest grade ot finish. H. Randall, Art Rooms, 30 E. Hurou-st, city. Walcb tbe 11 Powts, and remember tht Wil ey's Music Store is one blo k east of the famous dry goods house of Mack & Schmid. See our splendid stock of the beuuiiful Guild pianos, the most desirable piano in the market to-day. Story & Clark organs. Guitars, banjos, mandolins, violins, &c, &c. See the Stendard sewing machine. Find the place. Alvin Wilsey. '25 S. Fonrth Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Ice riiis. Vanilla, chocolate, coffee, pistachio, strawberry, macaroon, tutifruitti, bisque, nonquat. All Sunday orders should be given the day previous. tf E. V. Hangsterfer & Co. lees. Orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, pine apple, Roman punch. tf E. V. Hangsterfer & Co. We notice. in passing throngb our city cemetery that a fine eranite monument has recently been erected tor the estáte 01 Lucy S. W. Morgan and ordered by th executor F. L. Parker. It ig a beautifu1 piece of work, designed and executed at Hill's granite works, Jackson, Mich., and reflecte credit on ite builders ag whII as thoee who made the selection. The struo ture Í8 of the modern sarcophagus style, finished in rock face, with fine hammered margin, haviag two shapely panels on the sides of the die, to receive the fatnily inscriptions, and a beautifutly carved scroll, in fine r6lief restiiig on the top. The 8tructure is massive and impoging in it? general appearaace, the base having 'i frontage of over sevt n feet, and wil! give an aggregate weight. of several tons. Dr. W. W. Nichols will be out of his office for two or three weeki after Angas 25, during which time he will be hsrvest ing his peache. New Fruming at BUike'n. SUMMER TERM OF PIANO FORTE INSTRUCTION, BEGINNING JULY 15, 22, 28, FOR 8 WEEKS. For terms, address, Reuben H. Kempf, Teacher of Music, 22 South Division-at. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Remanant Sale at Blake's. Go to Hangsterier & Co tor pure fresh candiee, Buttercups, Opera and Chocolate Créanos 30c per Ib. Carnmels, cocoanut, peanut bars and fine cream mixed 25c per pound. tf' Mr. Charles S. Crossmau, formerly ot Ann Arbor, invites any of his old friendn and acquaintanci-8 who may be in New York City durii.g the summer to cali and see hiin at 23 Maiden Latie. He is still in the jewelry trade at the above address. C. F. Stabler fe Co. are sellins; wall paper cheaper than any other place in Ann Arbor. Notice the change in Koch & Henne's advertisement It will pay every lady to visit Mnck & Schmid's next week. Kalsominiig, painting and han giog at lowest rates at 0. F. Stabler & Co's. Leave an order for a brick of Bipque or Frenen Nongat Ice-cream. Hangsterfer & Co. tf Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Ice Creams and loes served to families n 1, 2, 3 or 4 qt bricks. Hangeterfer & Co. tf UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Tenders Wanted. fcm_ Proposals will be receivedby the Board of Rcgents of the Univereity of Michigan, up to and ncludlng the 12th day of August, for the erectlon and completion of two hospital buildings on the ünivereity grounds at Ann Arbor. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Secretary at the Cnivereity. Proposals must be sealed, endorsed "Proposals or Hospital Buildings,'1 and addressed to James I. Wade. Secretary oí the Board of Regente, Ann Arbor. MIch. Each tender must be accompanied by an approved bond or certifled check of $1,000 surety hat the parties will enter into a contract should iheir proposals be accepted. Blank echedules will be supplied by the Secretarv upon application. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 33IOCarpet Sale! 2,000 YARDS MUST GO WITHIN 30DAYS We are oflering a good all-wool Ingrain Carpet for 59c. Best 75c Extra Super-Ingrain now 65c. Extra weight Ingrain in Fine Art Styles, such as we sold before for 85c, now 70c. A big stock of Straw Kattings, Art Squares and Rugs,Tapestry and Body Brussels, must go in this Sale. Remember, this is for 30 day only. If you need Carpets this feil, for students' rooms or for private use, it will pay you to BUY THLM NOW. Come early and yon will get the best selection. During the slimmer months we will offer everything in our FURNITURE and CURTAIN Departments at bargains that will induce you to buy now. KOCH&HENNE 56 iiikI 58 s. Hal il SI reet. jnsrnsr arbor. Keep Cool! E. V. HAHGSTERFER VI LL FURNISH ICE FROM APRIL lst AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: Per month. i'ó lbs. daily, except Sundays $4 00 25 " 4 times per week 3 50 25 " 3 " " " 3 00 25 " 2 " 'I " 2 00 Hotels, Restaurants, etc, 500 lb. lots, 40 cents per hundred. It will be to yonr advantage to contract at once, as prices will undoubtedly advance June lst. CUCUMBBR PÍCELES! DON'T WAIT This fall uutil pickles have frozen to order your pickles. I will guarantee pickles put up properly now to keep as well as those put up in September. Pickles furnisheil any size and in any quuntity. H. C. CLAUK, l.ock Box !.", %X. 1RBOR. Telephone 107, three rings. WHEN IN SALINE, Trade With Mart King, The 'asli Urocrr mul Crockery Heuler. No. 3 UNION BLOOK. Michigan. Houghtou Michigan Mining School A Slnte Mchool of Surveying, Mining. Eleo(rical and Machanical Engineering, Physios, Chemls'ry, Assaying, Ore Dressing, Mineralogy, Petrosraphy, Geology, Dmfting, Machine Desigij' etc. Tuition tree. Kor catalogues and inforniatiun address M. E. Wídsworth, A. M„ Ph. D., Director. ALWAYS CHEAPEST! Schairer & Killen. Everytltlng Goes Dnrlnfc lur Julj Clearing Sale. We mean it. Bvery dollar's worth of Summer Dry Qcods to be Closed OutThis Month. Big lot Handsome Challies at 3c. 50 pieces 6c Lawns to run at 3c. 3,000 yards 5c Prints going at 3JC One case Sc Indigo Blue Prints now 5c. 50 pieces ioc Seersuckers to go at 6c a yard. Big lot Ginghams and Seersuckers now 5c a yard. 2,000 yds. Check and Plaid White Muslins, worth 10c, to go at 5c a yard. White India Linons now 6c, 8c and ioc. Black India Linons at i2c, 15c and 18c. Plain Black, Check and Plaid Organdies at I2c and 15c. 20 pieces Stripe Outing Flannels, worth ioc, during this sale only 5c a yard. 25 pieces 45-inch White Embroidered Flouncings, worth $1.00 to $1.50, now 50c and 75c a yard. 18 pieces good 10c Shirtings now 7c a yard. Three bales Lawrence L. L. and BaJger L. L. 7c Sheeting, only 5c a yard. 45-inch Bleached Pillow Cotton at I2C. Window Shades, complete with Fixtures, all ready to hang, at 40c and 50c. 10 pieces Curtain Scrirn only 5c a yard. 30 pairs Ladies' Black Silk Mitts at 15c a pair. 100 more Gloria Fast Black Umbrellas, with Gold and Silver Handles, at 65c and 75c each. Dress Goods and Silks. Black and Colored Silk Warp Henriettas, $1.25 quality, for 85c a yard. 40-inch Black and Colored Mohairs now 37c and 42c. 10 pieces Black Brilliantine cut to 25c, 35C 4OC and 5OCClosing out best yard wide Challies at 12 Je. Black Surah Silks at 50c, 65c, 75c and 85c a yard. Elegant Black Dress Silks at 75c and 85c a yard. Closing out all I2c Organdíes, Lawns and Batiste Cloths at 8c a yard. During this Sale Everything is MARKED-DOWN! To Close Out, and it will Save You Dollars. SCHAIREE & MILT.EIST. Always the Cheapest.


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