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WI1KKK TO SPEND THE JU'SIJIKI If D ndeclded, Pernaps Tnls Wlll Help Ton. Where to go, what to do, bow to do it and the expense mvjlved - questions agi tatirg so many households, contemporar with the advent of summer, are a answered satisfactorily in tbe pages of th handsome volume entitled " Health anc Pleasure," just issued by the Passenge Department of the New York Central i! Hudson River Railroad. Tn book is profusely illustrated, con tains several valuable mapa, and the im formation is presented in a concise, y e readable manner. It embraces an exten sive list of summer hotels and boardinp houses along the Hudson, among the Cats kills, in the Adirondack Mountams, a Saratoga, Lake George, Niágara Falls, anc other fumous resorts. Copies of the bo k tnay be obtained free upen application to W. B. Jerome, Genera Western Agent, No. 97 Clark St., Chicago or will be mailed pos' paid upon rtceip' of ten cents in stamps, by George H Daniels, General Passenger Agent, Gran: Central Station, New York. Hoineser kers' anti Harvest Ecnr. slons West at One-Half Kal es, vla., Illinois Central H. K. On April '22d, May 20ih, September 9th and 23d, and October Hth, 1890, the Illinois Cenlral Railroad will sell excursión tickets at One Fare for the round trip to all stations west of tnd including Iowa Falls, Ia , which embraces the lollowing prominent points: Webster City, Ia. Ft. Dodge, Ia. Storm Lake, Ta. Le Mars, Ia. Sioux City, Ia. Cherokee, Ia. Oniwb, Ia. Sheldon, la. and Sioux Falls, So. Dak. Tickets are limited to return within 30 days and are good for stop-over privileges west of Iowa Falle, both going and returning. Solid trains, consisting of elegant free reclining chair caro, and Pullman palace sleepers, leave Chicago at 1.00 p. m., and 11.35 p. m., and run through to Sioux City without change. For throúgh tickets, ratee, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent, and for a copy ol pamphlet descriptive of towns in Northwestern Iowa, entitled "Homes forEverybody" apply to F. B. Bowes, lien'l Northern Pass. Agt., 194 Clark St., Chicago. A Chance to Hake JHoney. Mr. Editor: - I bought one of Griffith'g m;i 'nines for plating with gold, silver or nickel and it works to perfection. No soouer did the peoplehear of it than 1 had more spoons, knives, forks and jewelry than I could plate in a month. The firet week I cleared $31 30, the first ïnonth $167.85, and I think by July lat I will have $1,000 cash and give my farmconsiderable attention, too. My daughter made $27.40 in four days. Any person can get one of these machines by sending $3 to W. H. Griffith & Co., Zanesviüe, O., or can oblain circulars by addressicg thein. You can learn to u?e the machine in one hour. As this is my first lucky streak, I Ejive my experience, hoping otbers may be benefited as much as I have been. Yours truly, M. O. Morehead. To-day and to-morrow and every day in the year you can take the picturesque Erie for Philadelphia, New Yoik, and all Sea Board cities, and be assured luxurious travel. Elegant Pullman SleepÍDg and Buffet carg, finest in the world; Dy loaches and Baggage cars over the Etie Railway to New Yoik. Attached to Grand Trunk train leaving Detroit 6.35 }. m. (dtily except Sunday) is a mogDifcent Pu Imán eleeper to Hornellsville eonnecting at that point with luxurious Drawing Room cars, arrivii g in New York at 4.22 p. m. central lime, to run remainder of year. No extra charge for quick time and superior seiviee. New York íaseengers landed up-town or down-town convenient to 'onding hotels, wholesale and retail business houses, s'eamship pierg and Htations of connecting lines. Cali on nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan, Ohio or Indiana for through tickets ;o all points in the East, or addrees Frank M. Cadwell, T veling Pass. Agt., 155 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich.; W. 0. Elinearson, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt., Clevend, Ohio; Geo. DHaven, Ass't Gen'l Psbs. Agt., New York; L. P. Farmer, Geo'l Pass. Agt, 21 Cortland St., New York. The Cmcinnati, Hamüton & Dayton Railroad is the ehort and direct line from Michigan and Canada to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louihville, Nashvillp, Birminglam, Meridian, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ma. jn, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonvil , and all southern cities. Day and nifeat trains run through solid between Detroit and Cincinnati. Direct connections made at Cincinnati for bll points soutb, southeast and southwest. The only line leaving Detroit morning and evening by which you can secure parlor and sleeping cars. No extra charge for quick time and superior service. Cali on or address neaiet ticket agent of any ine in Michigan and Canada for through ickets to all points soutli, or address D. 3. Tracy, Northern Passenger Agent, 155 fefiferson-Ave, Detroit, or E. V. McCormick, General Passenger Agent, 200 W. fourth St, Cincinnati. fö Mitchell'sKidney Piasters f -- J Abaorb all disease in the.Kidneys ancl f I i f restore them to a healthy condition. I AM. - chronic kidney euffercrs eay I ( they got no relief until they trieu "( ' MITCHELIS KIUM;Y PLASTEKS. Sold by IrngglBtfl everywhere, or sent by malí for 50c Novelty Piaster Works, I-owtll, M-ms zH CAPITAL, {250,000. - THE Eeystone Mortgage Ccmpany Offers for sale, at par and accrued interest, it own leven per cent flrst mortgage coupon bonds Ín amount from 8250 to $5,000) on improved f&nn md city property. Semi-annual Interest. Absoute euarantee of Interest and principal. Interest payaole In Ann Arbor. For partlculars in regard o these safe and desirable loans, consult W. D. HARRIMAN, Att'y, Ann Arbor, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register