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G. H. WILD, MERCHANT TAILOR is showing the largest Btock of F ALL GOODS. He has the flnest TROCSERISGS in Ann Arfoor. Examine G. H. Wild's stock of Englisli Dress Suitings AU the latest Novelties can be seen at No, S Washington St., Jíear Main. AI CMTIMPC Teacnes its students VALcNlINtOa tradeandthen mrt QOTJrvAT rTT them in railroad service. OuxlUUlj UJ? send fer circulare. TELEGRAPHY gXg WHEN IN SALINE, TEADE WITH M. HUMPHREY, Ttic Cash roccr and CrocUery Denier, No. 3 UNION BLOOK. FIRST CLASS HomexLaundry FOR STUDENTS. Washing, ironiug and mending done to order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Special attention given to Washing Wooleus. Positively nothing used to rot the clotfies. Tr6"X" TJS. G. W. MORGAN, - 17 Geddes Ave. BI8SIY & SEABQLT, 0STO3. 6 .A-ETID 8 ■Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Have alyays on hand a complete Stock of even th'ngintïa 6R0CERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Cash and can Bell at low figures. Our frequent largo involces of Teas is a sure eign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week. always fresh and good. Our bakery turnsout thevery best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see us. Reuken H. Kempf, (From the StinlRarl Conservatory, Germany) TEACHEE OF PIANO, OEGAN, ASD Musical Composition, ALSO The Art of Teaching. T5SKSS! 22 S. División St., ANN ABBOR, 111(11. Leave Orders for Piano Tuning. WHO BUYS THE Boardman & Gray PIANO P Manv Good Musicians: WHO SELLS THE Boardman & Gray iPINO P The Allmondisger Fia&o 8s Organ Co. Factory: Oor. Ist and WashingtonBts.; Salesroom, 38 S. Main-st. Agent for Steinway, Haines Bros., Boardman & Gray, Ivers & Por?, Newby & Evans and Opera Pianos. LEW E. CLEMENT, Manager Retail Departm't we are now open ready for busiNESS IN OUR NEW QUARTERS S No. 32 E. Huron Street, with a large Stock of NEW AND SECOND-HAND 600DS of all Kinds of Household Goods, Furniture, Carpets,ötoves, Harneas, Farm Inplements, &c. Also a fvül line of Tinware.: Goods Bought Sold and Exchanged. Many goodsjust as good as ncw for half pricc. Come and see j. s. iMTisrisrNO. 32 E. HURON ST. - - Ann Arbor.


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