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Fwr.AY, Oct. 10, 7 p. m.- Temple Builders at Miss Doty's, 67 E. Ann-st. Sunday, Oct. 12, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching service. Subject: "The Soul's Challenge to God." 12:00 m- Sunday school. Students' classes in Sunday school as follows: A Young Men's Class- Prof. Beman. A Young Ladies' Class. A Class in the Greek New Testamen' (Mark.) - Prof. J. G. Pattengill. A Class in the Inductive Study of Luke - Mrs. Dr. A. B. Stevens. A High School Class- Prof. Montgomery. Senior Bible Class- Prof. Spalding. 6:30 p. m. - Young Peoples' Prayer meeting. Special inyitation to students. 7:30 p. m. - Preaching service. Subject: " A Stifled Conviction." Monday Oct. 13- Pastor's Band for Bible Study and Inquiry." Wednesday, Oct. 15, 7:30 p. m.- Prayer meeting State convention of Baptist churches will be held at Detroit, Oct. 14-19. Coneregatlonnl liiirili. SusDAY.Oct. 12, 10:30 p. m.- Preaching service. 12:00 m. - Sunday School. 6:30 p. m. - Young Peoples Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p. m. - Preaching service. Wednesday, Oct. 15,7:30 p. m.- Prayer meeting. The ladies of the Congregational church are prepared to fill orders for mittens as well as comfortables. Apply to Mrs. Dean, Liberty-st. Dlsciples' Chnreb. Meetings will be held in the parlors of the Congregational church at 4:30 p. II. every Sunday until the new church is completed. Germán Evangellcal Iiethlclieni Church. Sunday, Oct. 12, 10:30 a. m- The celebration of the 50th annivt-ary of the Germán Evangelical Synod of North America will take place at the church. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 7:30 p. m. - E venina service. Sunday, Oct. 12, 3:00 p. m.- Service in Germán will be held at the county house by Rev. J. Iseumann. Wednesday, Oer. 15, 7:30 p. i.- Prayer meeting. Geriuan Lutnerau Zion's Cburcb. Sunday, Oct. 12,10:30 a. m.- Preaching service. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 7:30 p. si. - Eveninj services. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 7:30 p. m.- Prayer meeting. Germán Slethodlst Episcopal Cnarch. Sunday, Oct. 12, 9:30 a. ji.- Sunday School. 10:30 a. m.- Preaching service. 7:30 p. ji. - Evening service. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 7:30 p. si.- Prayer meeting. Methodist KpNnipnl 'liurcll. Sunday, Oct. 12, 10:00 a. m.- Preaching ing service. 12:00 m.- Sunday school. ü.lSO p. m. - Young Peoples' Meeting. 7:30 P. M. - Preaching service. Wbdnbsdat, Oct. 15, 7:30 p. m.- Prayer meeting. Presbyterlau Chiiroh. Sunday, Oct. 12, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 6:30 p. ..i. - Young Peoples' meeting. 7:80 P.M. - Evening service. . 4:00 p. ji., Crst Sunday each month, "Helper's Hand." . 7' 4:00 p. m., last Sunday each nionth, " Willing HeArts." Weu.nesday, Oct. 15,7:30 p. m.- Prayer meeting. Ladies' F.M. Society, every second Friday each month. Ladies' H. M. Society, every fourth Friday each month. Commuxiox: - First Sabbath n Jan., March, May, July, September and November. SI. Andrew'4 Church. Rev. Henry Tatlock, rector; Rev. W. O. Waters, assistant. Friday, Oct. 10, 4 p. m.- Litany. Scnday, Oct. 12; 8:00 A. m - Holy Communion. 10:30 a. m. - Moriiing Service and Sermon. 12:00 m.- Sunday School. 3:15 p. m. - Mission Sunday school at Geddes, Fosters,and Delhi, and County House. 7:30 P. M. - Evening service and sermon. Wedxesday, Oct. 1 5, 7:30 p. m. -Evening prayer, followed by meeting of Sunday school worker8. Tiiursday, Oct 16, 7:30 r. m.- Meeting of Hobart Guild, in Harris Hall. Friday, Oct. 17, 4:00 i m.- Litany. Saturday, Oct. 18- st. Luke Evangelist. 9:00 A. m. - Holy Communion. I nltnrian liurcll. Suxday, Oct. 12, 10:30 a. m.- Preaching service. Sermón by Rev. J. T. Sunderland. 12:00 ii.- Sunday School. 7:30 p. M. - Evening service. Mr. Sunderland will repeat by request his sermón on "Cardinal Newman." The Students' Bible Class of the Unitarian church will have for its work the flrst half of this year a study of "The Origina of the World, Society, Moráis, and Religión." Mrs. Sunderland is the teacher. The clasa meets at noon in the main audience room. Students' Christinn Assoclation. Friday, Oct. 10- First social, in University Chapel and Room A.' Suxday, Oct. 12, 9:15 a. m.- Cli'ipel meeting, led by Prof. Kelsey. Sulji-ct: "Some Certainties of Religión." All departmentand class prayer meetings resumed. AH meetings put down for Adelphi hall will be held in Alpha Nu hall. Wedxesday, Oit. 15, 7 P. M. - Association prayer meetiüg,


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