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Michigan State News

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A doed has been recoived at Sault Ste. Mario by.the registor of deeds from Central City, Col., for a section 3, town 48, north, range 4, west, 'consideration 85,000, conveyed by James Hatch, of Philadelphia, Pa., to Joseph P. Ward, ofGilpln C'ounty, Col. The land: referred to lies ten miles off shore in Lake Superior under 600 feet of wator. This is the seconii deed of the same nature reoeived during the past month, the writing being of saine hand. The deed v;is ;u'.kmwledged in Detroit before llariy .1. Dewey, notury public, undor his official seal of office under date of July 15, 18!1. Tho man with the aliay of James Hatch is apparently one of a gang of swindlers and has issued Ward a deed for the property not in existence. Ho has a partner ln'the West and one ín Detroit It is ono of the most extensivo swindling schemes ever carried out in this section of the country. The amount realized from the swindle must now roach 510,000. STOCK STATISTICS. The NuiiihiT of Hore, Coivs mul Sheep in tiie i ir Laat Mny. The. number of horses in the State last May. as shown by the farm statistics just issued, was 396,883; milch cows, 405,615; cattle, other than milch cows, 863,519; hogs, 450,748; shoep, 1,908,254. Comparod with tho statistics of a year earlier, there is an increaso of 11,893 in the number of horses, and of 2,842 in tha numbor of milch cow.s, and a decrease of 36,586 in cattle other than milch cows, of 5,258 hogs, and of 26,725 sheep. The number of sheep roported sheared in 18o9 is 1,944,297; pounds of wool, 11.983,491, an average per head of 6 1-6 pounds. At the same average per head as in 18S9 the wool clip of the present year amounts to 11,754,844 pounds. Health In Michigan. Reports tothe State Board of Health by sixty-eight obsorvers in different parts of the State for the week ended September 27 indicated that whooping cough and tonsilitis increased, and typhomalarial fever, inflammation of the brain, inflammation of the bowels, cholera infantum, erysipelas and cholera morbus decreased in area of prevalenoe. Diphtheria was reported at twenty-six places, Bcarlct fever at twonty-two, typhoid fever at thirty-four and measles at seven places. Lost Hm Ticket. Bon Dovos, a drummer employed by Edward Flatow, jeweler, of New York, held a lottery ticket which drow 8500. Instead of Ketting the ticket cashed Deves carried it about to convlnce customers of his astuteness. He showed the ticket in a Lansing saloon, when a bystander snatched it and passed it alón quickly to a confedérate in tho crowd. Deves was nearly crazy over his loss. To Kiifurci. the Antl-Lnttery I.iw. Governor Luce has sent letters to all the prosecuting attorneys in Michigan ordering them to see to it that the new United States law against lotteries is strictly enforced. This move was made at tho request of the anti-lottery people of Louisiana, and as far as Michigan is concerned the Govornor says the law shall be enforced to the letter. A Straiige Accident. William Uren and a companion carne to the surfaco the other night from a shaft of the Winthrop mine near Ishpemin. For some reason tho bucket in which they wore riding was rapidly lowered several hundrod feet, falling in twenty feet of water at the bottom of tho shaft. Uren was drowned hut his companion cscaped. O ir, il of Mullican Towns. The Census Bureau announces the population of Michigan citiesand towns as follows: Coldwator,5,i62; Increase, 781. Iiattle Creek, 13,000; lacrease, 0,027. Juckson City, 20,779; increase, 4.674. Adrián, 9,239; inereaso, J.393. Monroe, 5,240; increase, 318. Ann Arbor, 9,500; increase, 1.44a Ypsilanti, 6,128; increase, 1,144. Detroit, 205,660; increase, 80,323. Short bat Nemf IteuM. It is claimed that the upper península is flooded with bogus dollars. Mrs. Elijah Pope, of Aingor, Eaton County, was instantly killed by the cars while attempting to cross the track ahead of the Grand Trunk express. Josephine Johnson, agod 13 years, was struck and instantly killed at Ironwood by an engine on tho Milwaukeo, Lake Shore & Western road. Ishpeming and Negaunee are to be connected with an electric raihvay. C. D. Spalding & Co., dealers in sporting goods at Grand Rapids, have made an assignment with assets and liabilities of about SlO.oeo. William Joslyn, of Mount Clemens, was murdered by a gang of roughs at Mount Morris, N. Y. Thero never before was as much wheat sown at this time of the year in Michigan as at present. Jesse Weikei, proprietorof the Jordán River Hotel, feil from a window and died soon a-f ter at Boyne Falls. Reports from fourteen countie3 In Michigan show potatoes to yield seventy-eight bushels to the acre. West Branch was so infested by wolves that the borry erop was left almost untouchod. Henry Fantoine and Charles Kleiber, of West Bay City, went to jail for twenty days for stealing a ham. Mrs. E. Shoecraft, of Coldwater, died from the effects of a doso of paris green taken while in a state of temporary inanity. Miss Ella Andorson, daughter of ;i wealthy citizen of Ironwood,, feil under tho wheels of a freight train whilo returning from school and her head was cut off. Rev. Dr. Charles O'Roilly, treasurer of the Irish National League, has resigned his pastorate of St. Patrick's Church in Detroit. He still remains attached to tho Catholic diocese of Dotroit, hut will devote tho coming three years to study on special lines in European centers of thoueht.


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