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Michigan (Tentrai; " The Niágara Falls Route." OENTÜAL. STANDARD TIME. lí iTTT Mili! I JSS8S ; i I a í9 ! a II M Ü8S88 SSSji IrTá i ü" si ii S8SS88 ?■■ SlSSSKS - ti I fla -i I 5 1I-I sssass g sssss z - ral i ï sb a . nr i íi i I 828332 I igSSSS i í iiiyi tDaily. Sunday cxcepted. O. W. RUGQLES, H. V. HAYES. G. P. áí T. A. ChicaKO. Ae"t. Ann Arb .r. ISrall Cheap Lands in the West. Along the lines of the BURLINGTON RO'.'TE n Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and northwestern Kansas, particularly on its new extensión ín that tenitory, thnre la Btill some Government Land awalting seitlement, ae well as other eheap lauds held by Individuáis. These lands are among the best to beh&d anywherein thecountry for agrlcultural and grazing purposes. In the comparatively new distrlcts are many improved (arms whlcn can be purchased at a very low rate of that class of restlesü pioneersettlers who are ready at all times to move "further west." In the territory embraced by the BURLINGTON'S Unes west of the Missouri River, there are in the vicinlty of two hundred new towns which offer to manufacturers and business men an excellent opportunity to lócate with profit. Send to the undersigned for descilptive pamphlets and other matter giving location and fuíl particulars conceming these lands. A MAP OF THE.UNITED STATES. A large, handsome Man of the United States, showing north and souih Dakota, mounted and suitable for office or home use and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, will be furnlshed responslble pirties free on application to the undem'gned. Playing Cards. For ten cents elther in postagc or by appljing at Room 12, C B. & Q. R. R. General Offlue, corner of Adams and Franklin ttreets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of the best qualityPlaj-iug Cards. P S. EUSTIS. Gen'l I'a&s. & Ticket Agt.. C, B. & Q. R. R. n-20 8S Chicago, Ii.i.. Toledo, Ann Amor 4 Hortli Michigan Ry lime Table going lnto effect Sunday, Kov. 25, '89 Going North. Going South. 4. a. STATIONS. 1. 3. Mail Mail Ex. &Ex Pass. 4 Ex P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv...Toledo.. .Ar 1 10 11 15 8 30' 6 05 ..Manhattan J'n.. 1 05 11 10 4 07 6 40 Monroe Junct'n 12 27 10 28 4 17 6 47 Dundee 12 20 10 18 "l8 ' 4 35 7 05 Milán 12 04 9 58 17 A.M. 4 53 7 2 Pittsfleld 1142 9 34 A. M 6 00 5 07 7 33 ..Aun Arbor... 11 30 9 22 8 15 6 30 5 30 7 50 Leland's 11 16 9 07 7 45 6 40 Worden' - 7 35 7 00 South Lyons 7 15 5 53 8 10 Hamburg 10 57 8 60 .„... 6 OÍ1 8 15 ...Hamburg J'u... 10 52 8 45 " 6 25 8 42 ....Howell J'n....!19 28! 8 20 6 28 8 45 Howell '10 25 8 17 " 7 35 9 85 Durand 9 35 7 30 8 65 10 55 ...East Saginaw.. 7 45i 5 55 8 00 10 16 Owobso 9 101 6 40 8 05 10 30 Owosso J'n.... 9 001 6 80 ....... '.'..'.... 9 0711 45 Ithaca. 7 50 5 32 9 22112 03 St. Louis 7 32! 5 18 6' 9 3212 08 Alma. 7 28! 5 18 5 A.H 10 15 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasaut... 6 45 4 85 P. M. 5 30 10 45 1 80 Clare 6 15 4 00 8 40 7 30 i 3 10 Cadillac 1 50 6 SO 8 10 ! 8 60 Harrietta 9 59 5 20 8 55 .... 4 40 Copemish A. M. 9 05 4 40 4 47 9 86 .... Weldon J'n ... 8 43 4 14 10 40 5 52 ...Onekama J'n 7 50 8 20 11 15 6 15 ...F & P M C'(r, 7 25 2 40 1125 6 26 Manistee 7 15 2 80 11 00 6 40 Frankfort 7 50 2 50 All passenger trains run dally except Smiday Connections at Toledo wlth rallroadsdiverglng AtManhattanJunctionwithWheeltngALakeKríe E R At Alexis Junctlon with M. C R. R., L. 8. K'y and F. & P. M. R. B. Al Monroe Jnnction with L S. ft. M. B R'y. At Dundee wlth L. 8. A M. S.. and M. & O. Ry . At Milán with W., St L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittafield with L. 8. & M. S. B"y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., ana at South Lyon wlth Detroit. Insing and Nortb. ern R. R., and (4. T. Ry. At Ashley with the Toledo, Saginaw & Mutkeeon railway. H. W. A8H1.EÍ, A. J. PAI3LEY, Supenntendent, Gen. Passender Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOn. Ayenl. Ann Arbor. h llflc ÍABLE TRAINS VÍ GARRYIHQ PASSENGERS LEAVE TOLEDO Ornaba Express 12:t0a. ni. Iiniisns Cíiy Express 10:20 a. ni. Nt. Louis Express :20 p. 111. Deflance Accommodailon.. 4:45 p. 111. Trains marked thus run daily; other Tbains Run Daily Except Sunday. All Teaixs Make Direct Cosxkction for Ixdianapol1s Palace Reclining ChairCarsfree on all Trains SOLID VESTIBULE TRAIN SERVICE DAILY WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ELEGANT WAGKER SLEEPING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS AND THE BEST EQU1PPED DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WORLD. Slx hours quicker time than by any other route fiom Toledo to Kansas City. and a similar saving to every point beyond the Missouri river. For lowest rates, maps, f;.lders, and descriptlve prlnted matter, write to ot cali on, C. S. CRANE, F CHANDLER, Asst,G.P. A.. G. P. A., St. Louis, Mi. St.Lovb.Mo. P. E. D 3MBAUGIJ, Pass. & Tkt. Ai;t., ets Madison St., Toledo, O ,


Old News
Ann Arbor Register