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A snakecucumber, seven feet long and resembli n i a hideous green snake coiled, s one of the curiosities of Los Angeles, Calí Bad drainage causes much sickness, and bad blood and improper action of :he li ver and kidneys is bad drainage to ;he human system, which Burdock Blood Bitters remedy. ín 1889, Eussians peasants killed or captured 318 boars, 8J wolves, 502 foxes, 14,834 hares, 71,690 squirrels, 539 mar;ens, etc. Atlvlce To Mol hors. Mrs. Winslow'sSoothingSyrupshould always be used for children teething. It soothes the cbild, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrboea. Twentyfi ve cents a bottle. At the National library of Paris, a MS. of the Bible has been discovered. It was written in 1259 in a suburb of Perpignan and isrichly illuminated. A Very I.argc Percentage Of the American people are troubled with a most annoying, troublesome and disagreeablecomplaintcalled "Catarrh." It is not necessary to be so troubled. It is demonstrated beyond question that Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure immediately relieves and permanently cures Catarrh. A thorough and fair trial will convince you. Use Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin. Catarrh Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At Eberbach & Son's drue store. AKentucky widcwer bas justmarricd bis seventh wife. He is eighty-thr e and bis new wife over fifty yeara of agí-. The Pureut and Best Articles known to medical science afe used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingrediënt is carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. The medicine is prepared under the supervisión of thoroughly competent pharniacists, and every step in the process of manufacture is carefully watched with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible result. A young woman who has a dressmaking establishment in New York makes her rent by storing furs, wraps and winter dresses'for her customers during the warm weather. To XcrmiiH DebllltBted Hen. If you will send ns your address, we will mail youour illustraled pamphlet explaining" all about Dr. Dye's Celobrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charniing effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how tbey will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich It is illegal to sell cigarettes to boya in Cincinnati, and all boys found smoking are to be arrested and held until tbey teil where they got the prohibited articles. Blntr Says It's All Blgbt. Mr. S. O. Blair, Chicago, says: "We could not keep house without your Clarke's Extract of Flax Skin Cure and Cough Cure. We have used both for numerous troubles, especially for our child. We recommend the Cough Cure to every family having chüdren. We used it for Whooping Cough with remarkably quick and satisfactory results, and use it for any and every cough the family may have." Onlv one size, large bottle. Price$1.00. If you want the best toilet soap get Clarke's Flax Soap, 23 cents. Ask Eberbach & Son, druggists, for these preparations. The military anthorities at St. Petersburg have decreed that in future foreigners shall not be allowed to serve in the army unlesa they are willing to become Russian citizens. I.1M(II,'S JIELAXCHOLT. Hls Sympatlietlc Nature and lila Early Mlsfortiine. Tho3e who saw much of Abraham Lincoln during the latter part of his life, were greatly impressed with the expression of profound melancholy his face always wore in repose. Mr. Lincoln was of a peculiarly sympathetic and kindly nature. These strong cbaracteristics influenced, very happily, as it proved, his entire political career. They would not seem, at first glance, to be' eflicient aids to political success; but in the peculiar emergency which Lincoln, in the providence of God, was called to meet, no vessel of common clay could possibly have become the "chosen of the Lord." Those acquainted with him from boyhood knew that early griefs tinged his whole life with sadness. His partner in the grocery business at Salem, was "Uncle" Billy Green, of Tallula, 111., who used at night, when the customers were few, to hold the grammar while Lincoln recited his lessons. It was to his sympatlietic ear Lincoln told the story of his love for sweet Ann Rutlidge; and h, in return, offered what comfort he coiild when poor Ann died, and Lincohi's great heart nearly brok e. "After Ann died," says "Uncle" Billy. "on stormy nights, when the wind blew the rain against the roof, Abe would set thar in the grocery, his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands, and the tears runnin' through his fingere. I hated to see him feel bad, an' l'd say. 'Abe don't cry' ; an' he'd look up an' say, 'I can't help it, Bill, the rain's a fallin' on her.'" There are many who can sympathize with this overpowering grief, as they think of a lost loved one. when "the raia's a fallin' oa her." What adds poignancy to the grief some times is the thought that the lost one might have been saved. Fortúnate indeed, is William Johnson, of Corona, L. I., a builder, who writes June 28,1890: "Last February, on retur.ning from church one night, my daughter complained of having a pain in the ankle. The pain gradually extended until her entire limb ws swollen and very painful to the touch. We called a physician, who after careful examination, pronounced it disease of the kidneys of long standing. All we could do, did not seem to benefit her until we tried Warner's Safe Cure ; from the flrst she commenced to irnprove. When she commenced taking ft she could not turn over "in bed, and could just move her hand a little, but to-day she is as well as she ever was. I believe I owe the recovery of my daughter to its use."


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