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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, aiid Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WAiTED. Uood boy to run errands and do VV light work. Address '.. thin ollico. Jtitf WA. IKI- .-.mail furnibhed house. Apply LZ, this office. 2'J W. 1 KI- A furnace to tend, by a student wlio is trying to work hls way through college. Address F b' J, or leave word at this office. a I600 Newspaper property, in city of 7,000 inhabitanis, to exhange lorsmall farm. The very thing for farmer vtio wishes to retire, and has college bred son wilh journalistic tendeucles. Address C, this iBce. 31 WA Si r KI- A girl. at Mra. S. Blitz's, corner of Fuurih-aveand Liberty-st. 27 WA. t'KI- Boy for work in store. Addres Box 111, City. 26 WAN'l'ttU- A liratclass Cook, and second girl, at the Fhi Delta Theta Huuse, No. 20 S. Forest ave. 26 A9ÍTKU- Immediately, two or three solioitors. A good opportunity to make gome mocey. Work suitable to eilher lady or gentleman. Cali at this office. 2ötf WASTE I- Uopylng, compiling, addressing circulare, etc. to do. Drawings made. Can glve re erences, Cali or address u, 17 S. State st. " 26 lU MALE. Í7OR SAI.K- Pony for sale, cheap. Inquire at ' Saviugí Bank, or 64 8. Divisiou-st. lmik .saIjK- Sume iinu Japanese Napkiiis tor Jr sale at The Register office. A special lot at a lgreduction 1 pricts. (louil qualuy. 2'.l LoK SAI.K- A guod tiorsi aud buggy. üuF quire at 21 Ueddes-ave., ciiy. 26 o K S I.E- An excellent Driving Horee, genV lie and not afraid of street cars. Chas, ilurd, 74 Washtenaw-ave. 26 Ï1OM MALK- Mew, six-room Coltage, on Summit-st. IncjuireatCity Mills. lOK ÑaXB- Two uew milch cows, lour and F five years oíd. V. W. Tubbs, one-fourth mile north of Delhi MUÍ. 2Ó_ IOH NAI.K UK EXC'HAXUK- Fine subF urbau residence with about five acres of land withlQ a mile of the L'nlveisity. M. A. Smith, i2 N. PontlRL-st., clly. _ ij'OH SAI.K- A hall lot in t'orest llill CemeX? tery. Euquire at No. 8 S. Malu-st. iok S K- First class ticket bom Aun ArC bor to Tacoma, Washington aud reiura,J68.üO. Regular rate S97.1X). A 2 BnBIB Okhck. ipUlt S1.K UK aeveral good F houses iu central pat of the city. One well adapted for sudeuts' sociely house. Knquire of J. Q.A. tíessions, Atty.,No. 5 N. Maiu-st. tf FOR KKM. I?OR RENT- A pleasant house on W. Libertyst. Iuquire at th Kber Whlte larm. 29 UB BENT-Houn on Wahhtenaw-ave, on street car Une. Has all modern improvemenia. Inquire at 18 Siate-st! 27 FOK KÏM I- roladies,averydisirable,nioeiy furnishedrooni, with large closet, and heated Liy furnace. Inquire at M E. Lawrence st. _26_ iOK nKNT- Foui largo unlurnished rooms I1 and cellar, wiih furnace, atiic aud stable, N. E. cor. Spring and Hiseock-sts. Apply to Jas. D. Duncau, 7ü Miller-av. ü r'Olt Three sults ot rooms and two T single rooms in Unity block. Apply to B. Brown, S. StiHe-st. tf 'I'O i KMT- TWO dwelliug houses on the bank 1 of Portage Lake, for the season or by the year. One has been recently used by Pinckney parties as a Club House. Kor partlculars, address Thomas Birkett, Birkett, Mich, SflSCiXLANEOIIt. LOS I1- A pair of gold Eye lasses, on West Liberty st, between Mack & Schmid's store and Kiílh-st. Finder will pleaselcave Uiem at 17South Divisionst, and reccive reward. 29 BCY YtH'it WOOD at tbe Baw Mili, comer Hill aud Packard-sts. All kinds of Stove and Cord Wood. 29 F. M. Hai.uick. Lis r- A ROld bill lor ladies walch chain- lost somewhere between S. Univ-are and T. & A. A. station, by way of Campus. Reward will be given to ñnder. Leave same at Register office. 27 HOK K tí SI'UVKS- Kepared at your residence if withln two miles of college campus. Ciocks lso, of all descnptions cleaned aud repared. Charges low. Workmarühip guaranteed. Address X and Y, this office. 21 ONT- A Peralan shawl, going from cemetery to Hamilton Park. Finder will be rewarded by returnina same to Stimson & Hurlbert s Palacegrocery, No.9 Main st. ■ 7IVRMINBEU KOOMS A.V BOABI.V A limitednumberwill beaceoinmodatedwith first-clasa furnished rooms and board, at irom $3 to 4 per week, at No. 7ti Kuiler st '26 Los f- Two coíts, one two years old, roan One yearling, black with wh.te star in forehead. Finder will please notify MrB. Wm. Dona gan, Welsh's Corners, Nortblield. 'pg MEW HK3í!ISI I-A W- All honor I ably discharged soldiere who served at leas ninety days in the U. S. army during the late war and are now sick or disabled from any cause no the result of thelr own viclous habits, are en titled to pension. Widows of soldieis, dependen parcnts and chtldren uuder sixteen years of age alsoentltled, all pensions datlng from flliugof application. I shall be ple&ssd to act as your at torney in preteutlng your claim, baving had a uumber of years experieuce in the business. Em ploy some one near at hand who eau gei up jou evidence cheaper than any agent living eise ■where. Cali and consult me or write for lurthe Information. E. H. Vail, 53 Washington-st. 21 YOUR ATTENTION ! - - ♦_ DRAPERY PAINTING ♦ LL KINDS OF ARTI9TIC PAINTING done by Mrs. M, SMITH, '28 Hurón Street. Please cali and leave your order. 838


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