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I'oliticlans never shoukl (;all othcr fellows names. Their lutle tongues were uever made To teil encli other's shames. C. Heeald. E. B. Winans speaks at Manchester to-night. The Willis Timea is a new newspaper printed at Belleville. Pawpaws are growine near PHtsfield Junction. They are rarely seen in the Nortli. The building of a new bridge over the Huron river, atCobb's ford, is benig agitated. F. E. Ortenburger, of Bridgewater, has gathered up 150 bushels of hickory nuts thisyear. The Sunday school teachers of Dexter meet te (ether every Friday, for friendly consultation. Tbe Chelsea fire department will giye their second annual ball some time in November. A. H. Herrón is writing some very solid tari ff articles f t his paper, the TriCounty Picket. Thieves broke into Algers slaughter house in Dexter, last week, and stole $60 worth of hides. Col. H. S. Dean and Wm. M. Osbrnd, ofYpsilanti, will talk protection at Salem next Monday evening. Henry Snowball, of Whittaker, will receive four dollars more pension every month than he formerly did. Lafayette grange will meet at W. E. Stocking'p, in Lima, to-morrow, and discubs the following question : "Whatis the Cause of the Decline in the Eural Population?" The Patrons of Industry at Scio Center haveelpctedthefollowingofflcers: President, D. L)-on ; vice president, Mrs. C. J. Snyder; secret ary, Burt Foster; treasurer, A. Balden. Henry Neeb, of Dexter townsbip, has a very precocious hen. She first saw the light of day last spring, and this fall she has not only laid a nest of eggs but bas hatched out seven chickens. Allen Abbott.alight-fingered gent from Grand Rapids, feit chilly recently, and took an overcoat whioh belonged to a Chelsea fellow. The former is now staying at the Hotel Correction in Detroit. Ypsilanti is undergoing a spasm of morality. A resoluiion was recently adopted by the council forbidding the spostingofvulgarandsensationalpictures upon the bulletin boards of that city. "Orange blossoms budding. We are "waitiDg patiently. When news is scarce, a wedding now and then helps us out. Tnus saith the faithful Mooreville correspondent of the Saline Observer. The North Lake correspondent of the Dexter Leader naively asks: "Who would like to eat for me this winter for what chores he can do tiaytimes? Small maters have the prefereace." We venture to say that the best eaters are also the best workers. Twe large elk horns were plowed up a. few days ago on Abram Maxon's farm ia Leoni. They were found in a re■claimedmarsh, where perhaps they had laid buried fora hundred years. Their slender tips had crumbled away, stilt they are over three feet in length.- Chelsea Standard. The electriolightsgot another cursing from allquartersof the city last Saturday night. Just as the crowd left the opera liouse they flashed out, leaving the home seekers in pitch darkness, aggravated by a sprinkle which threatened rain and promntedeveryonetohurry. - Ypsilanti I Üentinel. Such is Ufe in Ypsilanti ! A large granite boulder bas just been unearthed near Ypsilanti. It is from Mr. Russell's farm, a mile north of the Lowell mili, and weighed in its bed not less than eighteen tons. It was soon broken into five or six pieces, two of which weighed over fourtonseach. The color is a very dark gray, quite uniform, and polishes almost black. The Dexter Leader repines because railroad travelers act just as they used io whenrailroad travel wasnew. Things iiaven't changed much, it is true. The drummer with his satchels still occupies three seate, and is entirely willing that the Leader editor should stand up, or siton the aisle floor as best pleaaes him. "Personal liberty" is the same as of vore. - Adrián Press. The wheat yield of Washtenaw county isestimated at 905,299 bushele. The average yield per acre of wheat is 15.78; that of oats, 21.77 ; barley, 24 77; corn, 54; potatoes, 51. The probable yield of winter apples, as compared with an average erop, is 19 per cent; that of late peache?, 97. Not less than 118,197 bushels of wheat have been tnarketed in this county since Auuet 1. Milton Reynolds has on exhibition in he post office window a curiosity in the shape of a potato-vine which seems to be a departure from theold way of growing the tubere in the ground, and instead has them attacbed to the vines above ground. If Mr. R. can succeed in perfecting this new breed weshall soon see potato growers " picking " their potatoes instead of digging them.- Saline Observer. The Chelsea Herald wisely remarks: 'A properly conducted agricultural fair a the best possible educator to the observant farmer. The object lessons Uierein exhibited appeal at once to the eyand tothe brain. To see what some neighboring farmer can do is an incentive to renewed zeal on the part of the visitor. The opportunity to examine the best farm products of any section, the interchange of ideas, the discussion of methods, all tend to increase the farmer's capacity for managing his own iarm." The last meeting of the Saline Farmers' club was unusually well attended, the Websterclub beiig well represented and a number of other visitors present. C R. Cobb read a report of the viewing ■committee, and Mrs. E. C. Warner read an essay; the balance of the time being iargely occupied in discussing the sub;ect of a county organization. The next meeting of the club will be held at Fred C Wood's November 14th, when Theo. Josenhans will read an essay on "Fundamental Principies of Successful Farming and Stock BreedÍDg; " a declamation by Miss Anna Cobb, and an $3Bay by Mre. W. A. TownsendJ


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