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Supervisors' Meeting

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[OFFICIAL.} Monday, October 13, 1890. Pursuant to law, the Board of Supervisors met in Annual Seesion in the Supervisors' room in the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county ol Washtenaw, on Monday, the 13th day of October, A. D. 1890. The Board was called to order by the Clerk, and the following named persons answered to roll cali : Ann Arbor City- Ut Ward, J. R. Miner ; 2d Ward, Eugene Oesterline ; 3d Ward, Jas. Kearns; 4th Ward, Ambrose Kearney ; 5th Ward, Amos Corey ; 6th Ward, John W. Bennett. Ann Arbor Town - Thos. Burlingame. Auguita - Walter L. Eogers. Bndgewater- George Walter. Dexter - Jacob Jedele. Freedom- Jacob Breining. Lima - J. V. N. Gregory. Lodi- Lester H. Sweetland. Lyndon - Thomas Young, Jr. Manchester - William Burtless. Northfield - Frank Duucau. Pittsfield- M. F. Case. Salem - Arthur VanSickle. Saline - Edward DePuy. B&no - Andrew T. Hughes. Sharon- Al bert H. Perry. Superior - Michael J. Howard. Sylvan - James L. Gilbert. Webster- Edwin Bal). York - Al f red Davenport. Ypsüanli Town- John M. Hunter. Ypnlanti City- Ut District, David Edwards; 2d District, James M. Forsyth. On motion of John V. N. Gregory, of Lima, Mr. Alfred Davenport was unanimously elected permanent Chairman, by acclamation. On motion, the Board took a recess until 2 p.m. AFTKBNOON SESSION. Mr. Gregory moved that the Chairman appoint the usual standing committees. Which motion was carried. Mr. Young moved that the basis of equalization for the year 1890 be fixed at 825,000,000. Which motion was carried. Mr. Gilbert moved that the rules by which the last Board proceeded be adopted for the government of this Board. Which was carried. Oq motion of Mr. Duncan, of Northfield, the Board adjourned until to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. A. Davenport, Cliairman. F. A. Howlett, Clerk. Tüesday, October 14, 1890. Board met pnrsuant to adjournment. Roll calleil. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. On motion of Mr. Breining, Mr. Case was excused for the day. An ilemized statement of the state taxes apportioned to Washtenaw county was read by the Clerk, which, on motion of Mr. Gregory, was refered to the Committee on Apportionment. The following is the report : AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, I, Mich, September 25, 1890. ( To the Clerk ni ihe, Board of Supervisor of the Courúy of H aehtenaw, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Sir,- You are hereby netified tliat a State Tai has been apportioned to the several counties of the State, according to the last returns of theaggregate valuation of taxable property therein made to tilla office, and as equahzed and determined by the State Board of Equalizatlon at tlieir sessiou in August, 1886. The amount of State Tax apportioned to your county, under various Acts of the Legislatura, Is as follows, to wit : University- Aid, Act No. 32, 1873 $1,500 00 " General and other Expenses, Act No. 115, 1889 . 2.877 99 Normal School- Current Expenses, Act No. 89, 1889 1,327 91 Agrlcultural College- General and olher Kjcpenses. Act No. '6, 1889... 729 72 i - State Weather Service, Act No. 48. 1889 132 48 .Mining senooi, u. r. - support, Act no. 187. 1889 698 08 State Public School- Act No. 118. 1889.... 1,017 12 Michigan School for the Bliod- General Expenses, etc.. Act No. 68, 1889 774 63 School for the Deaf- General and other Expenses, Act No. 154. 1889 1,808 66 Reform School- Current Expenses and Buildings, Act No. 138, 18ï9 1,681 71 State Industrial Home for Girls- General and other Expenses, Act No. 127, '89. 1,131 41 Michigan Soldiprs' Home- General and other Expenses, Act No. 66, 1889 1,119 94 Board of Fish Comm're- Act No. 157. '89 715 61 State Board of Health- Act No. 241, 1881. 63 46 Military Purposes- Act No. 171, 18;9 2,061 35 Publicatlon of Proceedlngs of Superintendents of Poor- Act No. 82, 1889... . 3 97 General Purposes- Act No. 24ö, 1889 22.422 66 Total State Tax to be Apportloned...10,099 76 There is also to be levied, as a portion ot the County Taxes, as required by Sec. 22, Act 195, Laws of 1889 (unless paiU prior to October first), the Indebtcdness of your County to the State on the lst day of July. 1890, then amountiug to $66.54. The indebtedne of the Couuty must not be added to the State tax. Yuu will cause the above to be laid before the Board of Supervisors of your County at their seision in October. 1890. Please acknowledge Immediately the receipt of thisuotice. Very respecifully, H. R. PRATT, Dep. Auditor General. The following report of the Judge of Probate, relative to insane cases, was Bubmitted, which.on motion of Mr. Jas. Kearns, was ordt-red placed on file and lirinted with the proceedings : To the Honorable Board of Supervisor of Washlfnaw Coanty, Mich.: jSüFW""1 have the hoaor to submil my Oflicial Report or Commitment to the Euueru Michigan Abylum for the Ineane, for the jiar ending Octobvr 18 l-jo. asfollows: í f L .! , 1 1 hnL !&.„{.. .1,9,., i, MíMWíílJiTRÑ ifxiiiuiui,,,,, 5 - 2 s - g = s g of .- 3 cf gf o sí ! I lili i jh : : ülj SIÍI III d% lili a j 1 ! I í í I í í I ! ! U j j!Í i : i iiJUil ihylH M i iiliill alliljilgjiiliillliililll I bare induded private patients In the above liBt for the conveaience of the Board in auditiug Dated: October 13, 1890. Kespectfully submitted. . WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate.


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