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BUSINESS CARDO. p E. WILLIAMS, ' Allnrnry nt I.w, Milán, Micli. Money loaned for nutslde pañíes. AU legal Mineas giveii prompt aiteiuion. 4 LEX. W. HAMILTON AlInrnpT nt Law. WU1 practico in boüi State and ünlted 3tte Oonrta. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floorof the new briek block, corner of Hurón and Fourth Itreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. TRUCK AND ST0RAGE. Now we are ready wlth a New Briek 8uit.honse Ibr the torage of Househnlds. Piano. Books and Stovea Planos and Furnlture carefully moved All íindsof Heavy and Light draying. FREIGHT WORK. C. OOX)FIï.3ï3Tr, Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savinga Bank oppoaite Oourt House Square. Teeth extraeted without pain by use ofGa8or Vitalized Air. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, And al I hlixlaorwiirk In connectlou with iheabovf roiiiily exciit'l. i Shop Or. of Church-st aud S ünivereity ave. Telephoue 9 : P. O. Box VMS. MAKY F. MILEY'S ART.EMBHOIDERY AMD STAHPIXG KOOMS. All Materials for Fancy Work constantly on Hand. Zephyrs Yarn. Germantown Wools, Canvas. Felts, etc Agent for the P. D. Con-et. MAKY F. HIUET. Ho. 20 E. Wsliinsíln-St.. Ann Arbor. O. H. MILLBN'ö INSURANCE BUREAU No. 67 E. Hurón st., Aun Arbor. o Oldest agency in the city. Entabllshed nearly half a eentury, and presenting over flfty million of asests. Home In Co , of N. Y t8,931.1M Continenial - 5,21?.74 Niágara _ - 2,490.6ol Glrírd.of P 14W-2'S Oriental, ol Hartford 18O.6B3 Commercial üiiton Ins. f o., of Locdon.Ví 6S9.27 Liverpool. London S Ulobe Ins. Co 18,;b6 094 Loses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. O. H. MILLEN. FIRST CLASS Home:-:Laundry FOR STUDENTS. Wanhing.lronlng and mending done to order. SATISFACTION GÜARANTEED. Special attention (Iven to Washlng Woolens. l'ositively noihing used to tot the clouies. TRY TJS. 6. W. MORGAN, ■ 17 Geddes Ave. Henry Richards, Dealer in all kinds of BARD WOOD, LTJMBER, FENOE POSTS, MAPLE FLOORING, etc, also PlIÈapil$JlljiqLt; And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv. AGENT FOK THK GBAKFIDK BINDERS áND K0WEB5, Ho. 9 Detroit St.. - Ann Arbor, Mlcb. LUMBER ! LTJMBER! LUMBER ! yon oontemplate building oall at FBRDON LUMBER YARD Corner Fourtb and Depot Sta., ai d get our figures for all kinds oi LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbei and Tuarantoe VERY LOW PRICES. a-Uive nxrHlliiiiil p III niakul o your imereNt, a onr litrifc ml u. (frlI tocU fully amtalns our ser JAHKS TULBÜKT, PrST. J . H K V.C tl. Hupt. Jf you have anylhing to sell, or to rent; if you have lost any valuable thing; if you kavejound any valuable thing; if you want room, board, work, or anylhing under the , advertise it in th$ " Want" column of Tbc Register. L? Mitchell'sKidney Piasters T-SJ Absorb all disenso In the Kidncys and T ' "" restore Ulcm to a lica'.thy condltion. ffd O!d chronlo kiilney snCorcr = ; ; ttaey got no relief nnül t!:cy trie BXITCnEU8 FJDXLÏ PLASTEES. ,'".-wi- i--'- vnryvtv v.orK'Utl -ymaüforPOr ziS CAPITAL, $250,000. zO THE Offers for sale, at par anuaccrued nterest. lts own even per cent flrrt murtgaRe coupon bonds (In amount from $60 to 16,000) on lroproved (arm and city prnperty Kemi-mnual interest. Absolute Ruarauiee of interest and principal. InU-rest pyable in Ann Arbor For parlicuiar in regard o tiiese safe and dmlrable loans consult W. D. HARRIMAN, Att'y, Ann Aebob, Mich. B1NS1Y & SEABQLT, 1STO3. 6 A.JKTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo , Michigan. flave alTav or hand a complete Stoc of htpi elcffi Lii Teas, CofFess and Sugars All prime Aitic:es boiiRht fnr Cash and can sell ai loiv ligures. Our mqneiit large invoice ol Teas is. a .ure tign ihat we give bargaius in QUALITY AND PRICE. We ast our own coffees every week, always freshand nood Onr bahery t irns out the very best ol Baad. Cakes aud Craciera. Coll and see us. LEGALS. Notlce to CreditorB. STATE OP1 MICHIOAN. ) . ('OUNTY OF AASHTKNAW, J Notiue is hertly viven ihnt by an order of the Probate Court tr iheCoumy of Washtenaw.maie on the 17h day of Ocfber. A 1) 18S0. six months from itiHt dte were allowed lor credilois to pw sent their claims auainM ih esUle of Keuiatl Kiltredue Ute of faid i ounly. deceaaed. and ihat all credito'8 nf fatil deceben are r qiired to pre seui thiir claims to saM Probaie bale Office in the city of Ann Arbor. lorexatnlnation and aliuwanee. on or before the 17th dy of April next, and tbat such caims wül be hearrt before iaid i ourt, on Saturday. the l'th dy of January.andon Friday.ihe 1 th'dayof April i.ext, ai ten o'clock in the lorenoon of cach ol Mild days. Kated, Aun Arbor, Ott'ber 17. A. D. 1890. J. WILLAKD BABB1TT, Judgeot Probate. Probiite Orirr. STATE OF MICHIGAN 1 COUNT Y OP W ASH I ENAW. ( At a i-essiou of the Probate Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office In the City of aiiii Arbor, on M. nday, the twentletn day ol Octnber, in tbe ear one ihousand eigbt hundred and ninety. Present, J. Willar.I Babbitt, Judgc of Probate. In the Matter of the Estaie of Lorknzo SaWYER, Ou rtadinc and fiïlnit the petition. duly verlfled of Andrew J sawe-, praylnit that administratlon of said estile may be ranied to himself or someother snitabe person. .... ,... Thereupmiitu Urdered. That Monday. the 17th day of Nnvimber next, at ten ■ 'cluck In ilie (nrenoon, be asigneii for the hearing of fald petiiion, and ihat the heirs-atlaw of said deceai-ed, and all other pereciiis interested in said estáte, are requlred to appear at a sesion of OOO'I, ihcn to be holden at the Probate Offlre In the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if anvthe ebe. why the prayerol ihep'titlcnier shonlrt not be Rranted. And it is further ordered ihat said peiitloner give notloe to ihe persons ihtere.Med in aid eMat', of the pendency of sM pelillon, and the hearing thercof, by cauvinjt acopyof thls orier to be publi-hed in the ASN Akb r Registeb. a newspaper printcd and circulated in said cfiunty, ihree successire weeks previou to .ld of Inj. [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. Q. Doty. Probate Register. NotlCP f i'roiülor. STATE OF MICHIGAN.) CountyofWashtesaw, I"' , Notice is hereby glven, that by an order of the ProbateCourt fur theCounty oi Washtenaw.made on thesixth dayolOctober. A.D.l-90 ►Ixmonths from ibat date were allowed for creditor to pr■ïntheinlaimsaiialust the es ate of William P. Browri, late of taid county, decessed and tht all creditnrs of satd deceased are requlred lo present thflr claims to salo Probate ourt. at the Probate Office in ihe city of Ann Arbor, for exnralnation and allownnce, on or before ihesixih dny of April ncxt a-'d tbat snch claims wiH be heard befnre said ('ourt. on Tuesday. the sixth day of January, aml on Monday. the fcixih day nf April next, at ten o'clock in the lörenuonof each of said days, Dated.AnaArb.ra.. 829 Jndge of Probate. Ntlcp t Crédito. BTATE OF MICHIGAN. M CoUKTY OF WiSHTtNAW S""Noiice 1 hereby Riven. ihat by an order of the Probite Couit lor theCountyoi Wasbtenaw made on the nfleenlh day of öeplember. A. D. H-9D. alx montbs ir. m that date ere allowed for credltora to present their claims agaliiRtJheestateof Hanson Sesslons, late of ald county, deceed, and that all creditors of sald eoeasf d aie reqnired to present their claims 10 ald Probate Court. at the f robate Office In the Cliy of Ann A.bor. or examina tlon and allowance.onorbeforethesix'eeuth day of Mrch next. nd that surh clsim will be heard before ald ■ omt on Monday, the 15th davot December, aud on Monday, the 16th day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of ald d4ated: A.K Jodge of Probate. MrlKK Bale. Whereas- Default oulieeii made in the condltiou of & morlgage execmed by Alpnto A . Gregory and Albina A. Ore gory hl wife, 10 Jame Morwick, bearjng dale Aprifo, A. D.. 1879, and recorded la tho office of the Kegirterof Deed for Wubteuw County, Michigan, on tho nintb. day of April, A. V ,i8T9inLiber66ofMongageonpntte59i.which mórtcage wa awigned bsr aid James Morwick to Charle E. Lattmer by auigument rlated April 16 A D 1879 and lecorded In sald Reiter s office in' Ltber 55 of Mortgagcs on page 674, u collateral securlty ai therein ipcclfied; and said mortgage wa al awlgned by said James Morwick toïaid Charles K. Latlmer by airignment dated Auust29. A. r. 181. and recotded In aid Register! office in Llber 7 of Assignments of Mongagea on page 224. a collateral security ai therein peclfledTand aald mortgage wa aUo atyigned bj tald Charlea E. Lallmer to aid Jame Morwick by as.lgnment dated December 29, A D., 182,aná recorded In aid Register" office in Liber 7 of AsUnmeut of Mortges on page 54t; and aid mortgage wa alo awigoed byaid ame Morwick to Jame D. Doñean by assignment dated Jnly 5 A D , 188Í. and recorded in tald Regluter's office in Liber 8 of Aealgnm nt c f Mortmcea on page 303 and whereas aald mortgage contaln the utual lnurdnce nd tax claue, and aald James D uuncan ha been obllued to pay and ha pald, for Insurance and taxes upon the mortgageu premixe desi'.ribed lu sald mortgge the eum of seveniT-four dollar, and whereas by sald default the power of ule comalned In sald moitgage ha become operaiive. and un sull or proceedlng in law or equlty havlng ben instituled to r. cover the debt tecurrd by said mortgage or any part thereof. and the sum of eighteeu hundred ami tweniy-three dollars lncludliig the said uui pald fi.r msuiaiice and taxes as ator. 8oid, belng uow clalmed to be rtue upun sal t mcirthage: Nolice Is therefore hereby Riveu that sald uiorignge wlll be foreflo8fd i.y a sale ol the morinaxed preuilses therein deseribed ot Mme part tliereol, t.-it All of the loilowlng decrüwl land Mtuated in the City or Ann Arbor in tne Cuunty of Washteïiaw and State ol Michigan, viz: Uts No. one il). Unee 3). five(f), t-iklit k and nine (üj In Work No twelve(l) 1" Hisotk's Aildiiion lo the haid City or Ann Arbur, accordlnif to the recordeil plat thereof at .uüllc vendue ou the four eenth day of November next, at ten o'clock in the ftirennon at the Huron sireet entrance to the ('oii't Houè in the Ciiy of Ann Arb.r In sald County or Wat-htenaw, that bein tha place of holdiug the ClnnitCirart in stld (ïiuuty. Dated,!, 1890. jAMKgDDüNCAN Ajteignee of kald Mortgagee H. W. CHEBVER, Attorney for Ansignee.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register