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Supervisors' Meeting

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[OFFICIAL. I [ C0NT1KUÏD FKOM LAST WEEK. ] Tuesday, October 14, 1890. The several reporta of inspector of iails weie Bubmitted to the Board, an. on motion of Mr. Miner were rece.ved and placed on file. Mr Bremini? offered the following: ReUlted, That this Board do readopt and continue in force the resolution passed October 22, 1886, relative to the depobit of the county moneys a.;d niake the same apply to the year 1891; and that the Clerfc olicit bid from the sev: eral banks of Ann Arbor city in pursuance thereof, and preBent the saaie to thiB Board on Tuesday next, at 10 a. m. Adwpted. Mr Jedele offered the following. Raolved, That the Co inmittee on Printina be instructed tosolicit bids from the geveral printing houses for 1,500 copies of the proceedings of this Board, in pamphlet form, and have the same ready lor distribution on or before December lst, next, and for the publicationof eaid procetdings in some paper printed in the Euglwh langunge, beginning next week and coniuiuing from week to week until complete; and to BOÜcit bids lor the pubücation of said proceedings in one of iheUerman pa pers of tliis city. Adopted. Mr Kearns offered the following: Resolved, That tlieCierk ne instiücted toadverii:-e for ealed pro posals tor medical attendancts on ilie pusouers m the county jait for the eusumg year, uaid attemiame to nclude lurdu-nie and surery, and that said buis be handed in on or belore October Üöth, next. VVhu-h reMOlation was adopted. Mr Del'ny moved tliat liie Supenntemlents of the Poor be invited to make their annual report to this Board on Friday next, at 2 p. m. Carried. Mr. Miner offered the following resoaRegolted, That the Clerk be allowed thirty-five dollars for lurnisbing a copy of the procetdmgs to tlie printer. Orried. Th Chairman appointed the following standing committees : On Eaualization - DePuy, Miner, Jedele, Case, Perry. Criminal Claims, No. 1- Gregory, Gilliert, Burlingame. CrirAinaC Vlaimi, No. 2- Hiighes, Burtless, Kearney. Civil Llaimt- Young, BenneU, Walter. To Stltk with County Officers- Breining, Dum-an, Hughes. On Stlaries of County Officers- Howard, Ball, Kogers. On Apporttonment of State and Co. Taxes- Kearnw, Vanöickle, Oesterline. On Publib Buildings- Keurney. Gilbtrt, Sweetland. Onliejected Taxes- Corey, Hunter, Forsyth. To Examine Acc'ts ofSupts. of the Foor- Walter, Ball, Young. On FinancrS - Rogerf, Burtless, Greeory. On Fraclional School Districts- KnariiH, BenneU, Howard. O Drains- Perry, Hunter, Breining. On Piinting - Oesteriine, Edwards, Burlingame. On Ver Diem Allowance - Foreyth, VanSickle, Corey. Mr. Minor moved that the Board visit the county house in a body, on Thuraday next. Carried. Mr. Miner moved that a committee of two be appointed to obtain conveyances. Carried. The Chair appointed as snch committee Mei-ars. Miner and Kearney. Mr. Miner moved that the Clerk be inBtructed to notify the keeper of said vieit. Carried. Mr. BenneU offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Committee on Claims be, and are hereby ordered not to allow any bilis unlesscertified toby theperson or persons performing the services or ordering the anieles named in the bill. Adopied. On motion, the Board took a recess until 2 f. m. AFTKRNOON SESSION. The Board was called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The Clerk read the following communi catión to tb e Board : "Howbll, Mich., Oct. 13, 1890. County Clerk, Washtenaw Co , Mich., DrarSir:- The Board of Supervisors of Livingston county today passed the following resoHition : Rtsolved, That the Clerk of this Board be inttiructed to extend an invitation to the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw connty to make this Bcard a social visit some day this week, prior to Saturday next. Hoping for a favorable response from yonr Honorable Board, I remain yours truly, Isaac Stowb, Deputy Clerk." Mr. Gilbert offered the following : Resolved, That the invitation of the Board of Supervisors of Livingston county be received and spread upon the journal, and that the Clerk be instructed to inform the Clerk of Livingston county tbat the thanks of this Board be extended to the Board of Supervisors of Livingston county for their courteous nvitation, which we would be glad to accept, but that in consequence of the inability of a largenumber of the memben of this Board to make the proposed visit, it ia deemed advisable not to make the visit at this time, with so few as would be able to go. Adopted. Mr. Gilbert moved that the meetings of this Board be held at 2 p. m. each day until otherwise ordered, and that the Board retnuin in session until the regular order of business is completed. Carried. Mr. Young moved that the election ol janitor be made a special order forTuesday next., at 2 f. m. Carried. Mr. Gregory offered the following : Resolved, That the roll of members ol this Board be called at each t-ession,and the abgentees be noted on the journal, ard that any member absent withoul leave Bhall forfeit his per diem for that day. Mr. Kearney moved to lay the resolution on the table. Which motion prevailed, by the folfol oinu vote- the yeas and naya havrg ticen oalled for : Ykai- Mesen. Ball, BurUngame, Corfy DePnv, Dunran, Foreyíh, Hunter, KeKrney.Kearun.Oesterliiie.Perry.Rogers, SweetlMnd, nd Younu. Nays- MestBrs Bennelt, Davenport, Edwardo, Gilbert, Gr-Boiy, Jedele, Miner. VanSii kle, aüd Walter. Yea, 14; nay.9. ün motion, the Board adionmed.


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Ann Arbor Register