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WjlsnTNOTOS. Nov. 1.- The fuñera of Mr. Houghwaut Howe, the bridegroora of a day, whosemarriage to Miss Eotterworth, of Ohio, oocurred on Wednesday and whose death occurred ïhursday a the Metropolitan Club charabers, took place at 10 o'clock a. m. from the head quarters of the International American Conference on Vermant avenue, whera his remainshad been removed Thursda] night The funeral services were shor and very impressive, and wero conductec by Eev. Dr. Bartlett, of the Presbyter ian church, the olergyman who on Wednesday made Mr. Howe and Miss Butterworth man and tvife. Many distinguished persons attended, and nu merous handsome and costly floral of ferinas were sent The rctnains were taken to the depot, and left for New York at 11 a. m. AI.ASKA EXPORT8. Washington, Nov. 1.- Reporta from Alaska say that during the last year the exporta were: Whalebone, 81,159,905; whale oil, 8172,500; codfish, $555,000; salmón, $3,355,000; gold (estimated), $2,000,000; all other exports suffloient to make the total 89,840,730. AMONO TUK MINTS. : Washington, Nov. 1.- Edward O. Leech, the Director of the Mint, In his annual report of the operations of the mints for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1890, says the value of the gold received was 849,228,823; silver, 843,565,185. The coinage was the largest in the history of the mints. aggregating 112,698,071 pieces. The number of silver dollars in circulation June 80, 1890, was 56,278,749, against 54,457,299 at the commencement of the year. The total earnings were SiO,8C9,857, and total expenditures 81,576,928, leaving a net proflt during the year of 89,232,929, The product of gold from the mines of the United States was $33,80U,000; silver, 60,000,000 fine ounoo3, commercial value 848,750,000, coining value 63,646,464. The total amount of silver purchased during the fiscal year for the coinage of silver dollars was 80.912,111 standard ounces, costing 820,899,826. The value of the precious metáis used during the last year in the United States was approximated: Gold, 816,697,000; silver, $8,867,000. STKEI, PRODUCT. Washington, Nov. 1.- The Census Bureau report shows that the total production of steel in the United States during the year ended June 30, 1889, was 4,466.926 tons, as compared with 1,145,711 tons during the year ended May 81, 1880, an increase of 3,321,315 tons, or 299 per cent. MINISTER TO PORTUGAI,. Washington, Nov. 3.- George 8. Batcheller was sworn in Saturday aa United States Minister to Portugal, having resigned nis post as Assistant Seoretary of the Treasury. REDUCING TUE DEIiT. Washington. Nov. 3.- The Troasury Department cfobt statement issued Saturday shows a reduction in the debt during the month of October aroounting to 88,608,012. The bonded indebtedness, excluding the Pacific roads, ia $632,283,890, and of this amonnt 863,979,850 is in i% per cents and 8508,203,850 in i per cent. bonds. WILL BE PUT IN FOI5CE. Washington1, Nov. 4. - Notico is gi ven that the provisions of tbe act of Congress, approved August 30, for the inspoction of salted pork and bacon and cattle for export will be put in force November 10. THE LOTTERY LAW. Washington, Nov. 4.- In order to guard against uninteutional violation by publishors of the recent act of Conffress excluding lottery matter from tha mails the announcement is made that the act in question prohibits and punishos not only the mailing of lottery tickets, circulars, etc., but also ol newspapers or other publications containing any advertisemont of any lottery or gift enterpriso of any kind offering prizes dopendent upon lot ot chance. TO FIM, A VACANCY. Washington, Nov. 4. - Chief Justice Fuller announced in the Supremo Court of the United Btates that the vacancy in tho Eighth Judicial Circuit caused by the death of Justice Millor, would be fllled by Justice Brewer untü a now Jusiice is appoin'ed. GONE HOMB TO VOTE. Washington, Nov. 4.- President Harrison bas left this city for Indianapolis, where he will cast his vote and return at once to Washington. INCUBASE IN CII!COI,ATION. Washington, Nov. 4. - A statement preparod in the Treasiuy Department shows that during the month of October there was a net inorease of $924,908 in clroulation, principally in gold coin, and a not decrease of 510,756,727 in money and bullion in the Troasury. The amount of tho new Treasury notes in oirculation is 311,467,351. FAVOHS A UNIVKBSITY. Washington, Nov. 4. - A big Methodist mass-meeting to further th3 establishment of the proposed new Methodist university in this city was held in the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church Monday night. Noarly all the members of the Upard of Hishops wero present liishop liowman, tho senior Bishop of the board, prosided. Speeches enthusiastically commending the object werti made by Hishops Ninde of Topeka, Vincent of Buffalo, and Farren of Denver, A letter from President Harrison, hearttly indoraing tho movement, was road.


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