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With His Thumb, A b y is said to have saved the Netheriands froir. inumlation. Multitudes have been sa.l trom the invasión of disease by a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. This medicine Imparta tone to the system and Btrengtbena every organ and flbre of the body. "I have taken a great deal of medicine, but nothing has doue me so much gooi: as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I experienced lts beuefieial eftects before I had quite Bnlshed one bottle, and I can freely testify that it la Uie best blood medicine I know of." - L. W. Ward, sr., Woodland, Texas. "Conflned to an office, as I am, from one year's end to another, with little or no outdoor exercise, I flnd great help in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I have used for several years, and am at present using, with excellent results. It enables me to keep always at my post, enjoying the best of health." - H. C. Barnes, Malden, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BT DB. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. 8oldbyDruggiBt. $l,i$ó. Worth5 a bottle. tr.tT I'S CONSUMPTION SHlLf 8CROFULA tliW HM BRONCHITIS FlWUl UW couchs pm Q COLDS Vj Wasting Diseasei WondorMl Flesh Producer. Many h re gained one pound par d;i v 1) it use. 1 ScottV Ltaulsion is nota secret timedy 'c contains the Btimulafctng proy ties of the Hypophophites :i pure Norwegian Cod íáver O the potency of both beinir lnv ly increased. Itisused by 3 ' li i na all o rer the world. PAL' ABL.E A8 MILK. :■■' y all Druggists. ■OOTT4. OWN.Chmlst,N.Y. THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ mTRUTHSFORTHESICK. 111 Törthüsêtiëat!ïïy $1,000 wííTbTáúl II llBlliousSpell8depend foracasewhere Sul-IU lllonSULPnUIililTTEltS PHUR BITTER8 Willlll III i t -ff ill cure you. notass'st orcure. It] CT Tn„n,.g,;fr,.-ivul, nevfr 'alls. n ■nthattiredandallBonc cieanse the vitiatedljl Illfceling; If 60, usc blood when you secll I l;lÜLP!IlJR BlTTEKSi lts Impuritles bur8t- it will cure yoq. ineihrough the skinl I M OperaUveswhoare in?iSn''e119'B0(,tich!1B'j llclncplv rnnfincrl fn an; SorCS. Eely ODi Hthe inTlls ind work Sulphuk Bshopsjclerks.whodo ?n(1 health wiU iolJt Illnot procure sndlcient 22b Iflcxcrcisc, and all who c.. Htosufferfrom "■} blul(i '"u UP an( I Illatism, nse a bottle of make you etroiigandl II Hl SULPnuR Bitters; healthy. III III it ncver failstnnrre. .mrLrnuRBiTTERslll HJ)ou't lie without a wlllmakeyourbloodrS _. bottle. Try it; you pure, rlch and strong.&S will not repret it. md your flesh hard. Hl Eaales In delicate Try Sulfiiur BIT-IU III health, who are all teus to-night, andlll lllruiHiown. slioulil nsc you will Bleep welllll II''1' ■ - ■ ■ l l: I - 1 l II l: iii. f.-.-i i.i.h.t III Do you want the Meclical Work published? 8end 3 2-cent stampa to A. P OnnwAY & Coy Boston, Mass.. and receivo a copy, iree. SIL REGULATOR MENSTRUATION IF TWEN DURMG CHftNGt Oï Vït GrtM,5KHStR'(SÜÏFERHBWiaBEM01Di.Q í J3OOK TO"WOMAN' BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. ïatn nv.uL oaueasrs. SOLD BY C.'K. EBERBACH. itcMFs Etamaüc Piasters. JNSTAUT BEIHI" POB AIX BBITT1L1TJO FAIBS. f St'EK CUBB forRhciiniatisin.NeuralgiaantlSciatica. Su.d by dmggists everywbere, or by mail, 25 centa. ïioïoHj 1'la.tcr Works, Lowell, llau. L ÜHancel's Specific, " CURES Jíitvouh Debilily, Kluinlinii, Premature De. cay, Partiai or Tof n I Impotcucy, mid All WEAKness arising from over-taiation of misd or body. MEN Sufferlng from the Bfseaaes and weaïness that have ortijin ia youthful imprudenre can rel y on a speedy and permanent restoratlon to hcalth andnappiness. Prlce, 92.00 by mail securely sealed. 9 THE SPECTFTC Is preparod from the prescription of an oíd and experienced phyaician, and may be relied on aa a remedy uneqiialed iu'cfflcay, and we therefore rt'f oiomptid it to the notiee of the Medical Proetñon Otnerally, q Laboratory MaiuxVs Bpciflo, 13 E. aoth Mt.. New York Olt The only popular adviser is the one who gives counsel that fits our inclinations, Still Ahead!- Mrs. Belle Cole, the singer, has made a favorable impression as a concert singer in London. The celebrated Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup made a favorable impression in London several yeare ago. The oyster will remain at the sea shore all summer; but the clam will be most in society. Advlce To Motbers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothins: Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twentyfive cents a bottle. 0 Henry Schoenhals, foreman Henry Krug Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil with his men forsprains, cuts, bruises, chapped bands, etc. It is the best. Minister - "Are you in the church, miss?" Miss Highsee- "No, sir; I'm only a member of the choir, sir." " Away I Away ! There is danger here ! A terrible phantom is bending uoar ; With no human look, with no human breath, He stands beside thee- the hannter- Death I" If there is one disease more than another that comes like the unbidden guest at a banquet, it is catarrh. Insidiously it stealsuponyou, "with no human breath" it gradually, like the octopus, winds its coils about you and crushes you. But there is a medicine, called Dr. Sage's Catarrh Eemedy, that can tear you away from the monster, and turn the scythe's point of the reaper. The makers of this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for an incurable case of catarrh in the head. Wliat Sliall the Harvest Be? Why ! What can it be, but suffering and sorrow, disease and death, ifyou neglect the symptoms of a disordered liver? Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It outsells all other remedies. Sold undercondition that it must either benefit or cure the patiënt, or the money paid for it will be promptly returned. It cures all diseases arising from deranged liver, or from impure blood. as biliousness, "liver complaint," all skin and scalp diseases, ealt-rheum, tetter, scrofulous sores and swellings, fever sores, hipjoint disease, and kindred ailments. The whole world's produce of salt per annum is 7,300,000 tons. England produces the most. It is a Dlistake To try to cure catarrh by using local applications. Catarrh is not a local but a conslitutional disease. It is not a disease of the man's nose, but of the man. Therefore, to effect a cure, requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, acting Ihrough the blood, reaches eyery part of the system, expelling the taint which causes the diseases, and imparting health. Gold is found to be much more malleable than silver. Recent tests show that it can be beaten 1,200 times thinner than printing paper. One ounce of it can be made to cover 146 square feet, A. Lady's Perfect Companion. Painless Childbirth, our new book' tells how any woman may become a mother vdthout suffering any pain whatever. Also how to treat and overeóme morning sickness, swelled limbs and other evils attending pregnancy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians as the wife's true private companion. Send two-cent stamp for descriptivo circulara and confidential letter, sent in seal envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co., Publishers, Baltimore, 0 There may be "sermona in stones," but don't imagine, friend, that there are " rocks in religión." Catarrh of the Bladder, and the other urinary organs, are very common diseases, but unfortunately not usually recognized as such. Frequent voiding of small quantities of highcolorea urine, with thick, whitish sediment, smarting andchafing of theparts, pain across the kidneys, leucorrheea, gravel, gleet,enlargementof the prostate gland, spasmodic stricture of the urethra, are all symptoms of catarrh of the mucous lining of the urinary and sexual organs. Pe ru-na never fails to quickly relieve and permanently cure these troubler. There are no failures when this remedy is faithfully used. Pe ru-na cures catarrh, however chronic and wherever located. A lecture on catarrh of the urinary and sexual organs by Dr. S. B. Hartman sent free by the Peruna Medicine Company of Columbus, Ohio. In Florida sugar cane grows luxuriantly without fertilizing, and the average cost of preparing and planting a sugar erop there is $10 per acre, as compared with $18 in Cuba and $24 in Louïsiana. Carry the news to Mary, And, pray. be not too long, For she is fast declining. And, surely, 'twould be wrong- not to teil her of Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription. Wedo wantMary to know, in some way or other, that this worldfamed remedy will cure her beyond any doubt ! It's just the medicine for young womanhood, and many thousands has it bridged over that perilous sea. From every state, from every city, from nearly every neighborhood in this broad land, comes the grateful acknowledgement of what it has done and is doing for our daughters. The only medicine for the distressingand painful irregularitiesand weaknesses of women, sold with a positive guarantee to give satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. In other words, sold on trial. Ninety years ago Mr. Palmer, an actor, feil dead on the Liverpool stage. The moment before his death he had exclaimed, "O, God! O, God! there is another and a better world." Nared from Consnmptlon. Several physicians predicted that Mr. Asa B. Rowley, druggist, of Chicago, would soon have consumption caused by an aggravated case of Catarrh. Customers finally induced him to try Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure. He says : "The result was unprecedented. I commenced to get well after the first application and am now, after a few weeks, entirely cured." It will do the same for you. Price $1.00. Try Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin and you will use no other. 25 cents. All of Clarke's Flax remedies are for sale by Eberbach & Son. Chorus Coquettes - " Let us each be up and doing, with a fate for any heart." If it is true that philosophers are wise men, then Dr. Buil, of Cough Syrup fame, must have been one of the greatest of philosophers. If you want a clear "skin '' all that is necessary is to buy goods of a street peddler or sign a paper without reading it. Be Caref nl ! No matter what disease you may have. Be sure that the medicine you take is reliable. Such a medicine you will always find Sulphur Bitters. They are not a cheap rum drink, but are made of the choicest roots and herbs to be found in the vegetable kingdom.- Daily Argus. 2 There is more real heartache in a square yard of suspense than in an acre of realization. The Pnrest and Best Articles known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingrediënt is carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. The medicine is prepared under the supervisión of thoroughly competent pharmacists, and every step in the process of manufacture is carefully watched with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible resul t. 0 She - "What a strong face he has." He- "Yes; that comes frotn exercise. He has been traveling on it for many years." To Nervons Debllltated Men. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celobrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on trial. 0 Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. " Is your husband in, madam ?" " No; he was just here a minute ago arguing with me. You'll find him, probably, down at the doctor's.'1 That I.lttle Tlckllng In your throat, which makes you cough once in a while and keeps you constantly clearing your throat, arises f rom catarrh , and as catarrh is a constitutional disease, the ordinary cough medicines all fail to hit the spot. What you need is a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Many people who have taken this medicine for scrofula, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and other troubles, have been surprised that it should cure that trou blesome cough. But to know the actual cause of the cough is to solve the mystery. Many cases of consumption can be traced back to the neglect of some such slight affection as this. Consumption can be controlled in its early stages, and the effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla in purifying the blood, building up the general health, and expelling the scrofulous taint that is the cause of catarrh and consumption, has restored to perfect health many persons on whom this dreadful disease seemed to have a firm hold. I.iuIIch Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the mensus (from whatever cause) and all periodical troubles peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839 ; England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the ills to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggiste, Ann Arbor, Mich; 0 Interviewer- "You began life as a clerk, did you not?" Merchant - "No, sir; I began life as a king. I was the first baby. A DOCTOK'S COSÍFFSSIO.Y. He Doesn't Take Mach Medicine and Advino tbe Reporter Not To. "Humbug? Of course it is. Thesocalled science of medicine is a humbug and has been from the time of Hippocrates to the present. Why the biggest crank in the Indian tribes is the medicine men." "Very frank was the admission. especially so when it came from one of the biggest young physicians of the city, one whose practice is among the thousands, though he has been graduatod but a few years," says the Buffalo Courier. "Very cozy was his office too, with its cheerful grate fire, its Queen Anne furniture, and its many lounges and easy-chairs. He stirred the fire lazily, lighted a fresh cigar,and went on." "Take the prescriptions laid down in the books and what do you find? Poisons mainly , and nauseating atufis that would make a healthy man an invalid. Why in the world science should go to poisons for its remedies I cannot teil, nor can I find any one who can." " How does a doctor know the effect of his medicine? " he asked. '' He calis, prescribes, and goes away. The only way to judge would be to stand over the bed and watch the patiënt. This cannot be done. So, really, I don't know how he is to teil what good or hurt he does. Sometime ago, you remember, the Boston Globe sent out a reporter with a stated set of symptoms. He went toeleven prominent physicians and brought back eleven different prescriptions. Thi just shows how much science there is in medicine." There are local diseases of various charactera for which nature provides positivo remedies. They may not be included in the regular physician's list, perhaps, because of their simplicity, but the evidence of their curative power is bevond dispute. Kidney diseases is cured by Warner's Safe Cure, a strictly herbal remedy. Thousands of persons, every year, write as does H. J. Gardiner, of Pontiac, B. I., August 7, 1890 : " A few years ago tsuffered more than probably ever will be known outside of myself, with kidney and liver complaint. It is the old story - I visited doctor after doctor, but to no avail. I was at Newport, and Dr. Blackman recommeuded Warner's Safe Cure. I commenced the use of it, and found relief immediately. Altogether I took three bottles. and I truthfully state that it cured me."


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