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Wtaere Dollars are Made. No part of the New South offers greater opportunities than north Alabama, and the brightest jewel of that section is Florence. The skill of the engineer can well be challenged in the selection of a site more advantageous for healthfulness, beauty and utility. Four years ago it was a village of 1,250 inhabitants. Now it is over 7,000 and still growing. The proceeds of the land sale which occurs there Wednesday, November 19, will be devoted entirely to the building of manufactories and other developments at Florence. Thi rty factories are already located there. The Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Eailroad will sell excursión tickets to Florence at one-fare for the round-trip, on November 17 and 18, good for 15 days returning. For rates, descriptivo matter, etc., cali on or address any agent of the C. H. & D. or E. O. McCormick, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. Here is a chance to make dollars. 0' Mrs. Jones hasn't a gray hair in her head and is over fifty. She looks as young as her daughter. The secret of it is, that she uses only Hall's Hair Kenewer. IlYOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Co. No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK. DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THE ook Ilonae. Moudny, November 17. DR. FRÜTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Abïy asslstcd by a f all corp? of competent phyBicians and Burgeons, treats with unparallcled success all Chronic Discasca and Distases of the Eijt and Ear of every nature upoa tho latest scie:itific principé. 71e particulady invites all whose cases havo been neglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Faticnls who are doingwel] under tho caro of their own vhysicians nced not callón us, as our province u to troat those who cannot find reli f otherwlse. Believing that science is truth and "truth is mighty ana will prevail," -when known, and knowing tLat dlnue can bo cured with positivo certainty, he invitet íhe afilicted to cali aud receive advice free aud bc curod of their disensos. Thero is uo subject thnt requires 60 nnch study and experlenceas the treatment and ( u: of chronic disesses. Thea-tonishingsuceess 'Ui; remarkable cures performed by him is due to :. thorouea knowledge ol the etnieture and tions oí the humau syslam, and the cure oí t:.eaue by natural remedies . Let those given up by otherscall for examination. He hassuccessit'.ity treated tuo following diseasps sineehisarrivai iñ this State: Eye and Ear diñases, Chronic Dit: tyyea, Chronic Injtammatinnoj' the Wombt ChronInjtnmmation of the B'adu'er, Fainful or irrgguUt Memtruation, Fevcr Sores Ul'-ers, Ivconli'nrr of Urine, Tape Worm, Vrooked Limbsand Enlargt'. Joints, Spivai Curvihires, ( rib Foott Hip Joi Disease, White Swelling, Am borging Abscesses, ütirUüy or Barremwss, h'crvou - oew ana General Débilityf Impotency, Disease oj the Kidneys and B'addcr. Leucorrhea or Whites, Blntches, Pimples, Skin Zis cases, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Dropey, Cáncer, Epileptic Fits, Èrysipelas, Qravel, Goitre, (Sleet, üanorrhoea, Hydroct'VearCJHgeast.Headache, Pxlcs,Hysteria,Syphüis,St. Vitué Dance,Chronie Dysentery.Ënlarged Tonsüs, Fístula in Ano, Hernia or Supture, Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Protapsus Uteri, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Srrofuïa, Consumption, Chronic Cougn, Female Weahiess, Spermatorrlwa Lheumaiism,elc Allsurgical operations performed Free ExamlnatlDii of tlie IJrine. Each person applying for treatment should brin.' an ounce of their urine, which wülrecelveacareful Chemical and microscópica! ezamlnation. Remarkable Cures perfected in oM cases which have bn neglccted or unakillfuliy treated. No expe..rcents or failures. Parties treated by mail r express, but where possible personal cousultation preferred. Curable cases viteed. List of questi ons tree. Western Add ess, DR. 1RITH, Toledo, O. lqdsëtêxïrac! CloverIQissoi remale Weakiiess Sores, Ulcer, Tumors. iVbacesset, Blood Polsoning, snit Rheuni Catarrh, Eryslpelas, Rheumatiam and ai Illood and Skin Dlseases. Price i. per Pin Uottle. or 6 Boules for t. i Ib can Solid Extra J. M. LOOSE RED.CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. söld bv 11 druggftu. 1 - Cexpress stables') " Work horses !n the city are worth three times as much as country horses because we blanket thera in the stable." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the 5 a Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Sa Horso Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile ... 5A Boss Stable Ask for) 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at pricea to snit everybody. If y ou can't get them from your dealer, write ua. 'r #ORSt BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE EA LABEL Manufd by Wm. Ayrks & Sons, Phtlada.. wlu make tlie famous Horse Brand Baker Blanketü OIIIMIIplpilH SJEjBH IHBNI Rubber Shoes nnless worn nncomfortably tlght, ■rueraliy slip off the feet. THE "COLCHESTER" KUBBEK CO. malte all thelr hoes with lnslde of heel lined wlth rubber. ThU clines to the shoe and prevents the rubber trom slipping off. Cali for the "Colchester" "AOHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALEjBY Wm. Allaby, John Uur, Doty Felner, I.. Grnner, W. Relntaardt Jk Co., A. P. Scylcr A Son. ANN ARBOB. THE FIGCRE "9." The figure 9 in our dates will m.ike a long stajl No man or woraaa now living will ever date a iocuraent without using the figure 9. It stande In the third place in 1890, where it will remain tet years and then move up to second placo in 1900 where It will rest for one bundred years. Thore is another "9" which has ulso crae to stay It is unllke the flgure 9 in our dates in the résped that it has already raoved up to flrst place, whert It will permanently remain. It is called the "No 9" High Arm Wneeler & Wilson Sewing Machine The 'No. 9" was endorsed for flrst place by tht experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of 188(1 where, after a severe contest with tho leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the onl Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, al others on exhibit having received lower awardt of gold medals, etc The French Government also rocognized its superiority by thedecoration o( Mr. Kathaniel Wlieeler, Presidentof tho oompany, with the Cross of tho Legión of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirely ncw machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grandestadvance in sewing machine iiiectianism of tho age. Those who buy it can rest assured, there fore, of having the vcry lutest and best. WHEELEK & WILSON 5TFO Ott, 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLER, 11 W. Washlngton-at. To cnre BUionsness, Sick Hcadache, Consttpation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the sale and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANSi lTe the KH4I.L Slze (401ittle Beana to the hottle). They are the most convement. Snibible All Aje. g'rlco of elther ie, 85c. per Hottle. ö SKIMRTl-l '-'U panel size J.F.SMITHJiCO.MikcriofBILEBEAKS.'ST.LOÜIS HO. Shoul cany some Life Insurance and AST OITION poucr, aa nowlssued bythe National Life Ins. Co.. OF VERXOHT. Provldes for any emergency that can arise. can be paid for in flve, ten, or twenty years and contains the followlng guarantees: , íiIRSTA pald UP POHcy aler three yeari which amount is wrltten on the face oí thi vfltfa"antee yu an Andal Case Y alie, or If the insured needs, or deslres to ral Sm ly' th,ehComf!any. will loan on thUpblicy,and itill keep the poflcy in force. This is a great ad time as the cash value will pay for il. tfcs'8avaluableoptionto many who maj tyotect? pfet dVefity feafnhfaredli' NatlonS U"8 Policy l3 ÓNLY witten by ?e vJrmSní Inuiance Company of MontpeUe MeCurdy E. LeBEAC, Special Agent, 1 Hamllton Kloek. ANN ARBOR. MICH. Insurance, hú Estáte and Loan geney OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIKST FI.OOK. aíí to uy or sell Real Estalt wl 1 flnd i tpthelr advantag e to cali on ns. vVe represem the followlng Srst-clas Fire InsuranS UOoSm " 8gregate pitaiof oer The eriiutu Fire Ina. Co., The People's Fire Ins. Co., The Cltlzens' Fire Ins. Co' ïLe Westchester Fire Ins. Co., The Hllwaakee IHechanlc's Fire In The New llnnipshlro Fire Ins. Co., The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. prometí Lael UberaU' asted and pala We aJso'ijroe Life and Investment Pollcles In 2LLonn, Mutual Life In.urance Company. As ets 156,000 000. Persons deslring Acclaent Inroianoe, pan have yearly Policies wrltten for them or Ciayeler's Coupon Insurance Tlcketi lssned at Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit. Mieh. Money to Loan at Lrrem Rate. Office hour. from 8 a m. to 12 2. Hamilton A Green. PATTiPTnU fa Donglas Bhoea are 1AUllUn wnrrnntpil, and everr pair ms hit oame mul prlce Btamped on Dottonu W. L. DOUCLAS p3 SHUC GENTLEMEN. ETine Calf and Tvaced Waterproof ïra: The excellence and wearing qualltlesof thls shco cannot be better shown tlian ny the strong endorsementa of ita tuousands of constant wearera. COO Genuino IlniHl-ncned, an eleffant an) O Btvlish dresa Simo whlch commends ltsetf. Syl.OO Hatul-Hewed Welt. A flne calí Shoe unequallcd for atylu and durabilíty. Q.5O Goodyear Wett la the standard dreso 3 Shoe, at a popular prlce. a SO, 50 FolUemiiurH hoo is especially adapted O for rallroad men, farmers, etc. All made In Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SHOESLAFDlgs, lave been most f avorably received alnce lntTOduced and the recent Improvements make Uiem superior o any ahoes soM at these prlces. Ak your Dealer, and lf ho cannot upplj yon send direct to factory encloting adrertlsod prlce, or a postal for order blanka. W. I-. DOUGLAS, DroiklOB, Mass. Examine W. I.. Donslas 8S.00 Shoe for Gentlemen and Ladies. WM. REINHARDT & CO., 43 S. MAIN STREET, Ann Artoor. FOR MEN ONLY! .fJUll-fnFor LOSTorFAIUNG MANH00D; V JjiniiMWlP ' Gd NEKVOOS LEBXLITT; nXiT3T ÜjlMWeakneas of Body end Kind, Effeet llimtl'llliwf Errorsor Lzossca in Old or Younf , obnat, ftohlr Tl (MIOOI fiilij He-:--ri'tl. Ho In onlarf aai (rnglbWKAK,UKnt:rZI.Oï[.l4nI'AKTHOFRDT. bsolottlr OBfalllnc 11 f.1 F. TüVTATííKNT- Unefltt In a day. nn iMtlfy trtn ÜO Sia(.--i am! '--; n ' ''ntr:. VTrit Umb. LVsrrlpll Book.iplunjllcn ju I pfoof '-..ii '.i ifltd) tr-, . úüre ERIK MEDiCAt. fio 'tPFALQ. N. Y WANTED. il LOCAL OR"" TRAVELING-. 11 to ell our Nnrsery Htock. Salary, Expense Meady Employmcnt guaranteed. CHASE BROTHERS COHFAKT. 1 HlO HAP tRtUle Newspaper Adre N. W. AYKR SOM. xu autliorlzed seut


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