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Michigan State News

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The monthly erop report for November issued by the State Department shows that the area eeedod to wheat this fall was larsely In exoei rt one year ago, amounttnj; to l,50),OJO acres, an increase of 04,0 IJ acres. The average cond i tion was muoh better tlian for the correspomling date for a number of years. )t was liifl in the Southern, 100 in the Central, 102 in the Xorthern and averages lué in the State. The total number of buslii'ls of wheat rpported marketecl in Oetober wa 4,971.152 and in August, September and October 5,548,604, an exeess of 1,418,944 bushels over the same period last year. Corn was estimaie 1 to yiold n average in the State of 52.90 bushels of oars per acre, which varied but littlo from the usual yield. The yield oí potatoes as compared with an average erop was 59 per cent. in the Southern, 08 in the Central and 97 in the Northern counties, and in the Sute the yield would be about two-thirds of an average erop. The condition of live stock was: llorses, 97 per cent; uattle, 98; sheep, 99, and Bwine, 9(5, and varied but little in tho different sections. Tho number of improved farms in the State was 138,190; the acres of improved land, 7,979,608; unimproved, 4,583,139, and the average size of the farms was 1)0. 83 acres. The area of improved land had been increased 114,440 the past THANKSGIV NG. Gorernor N'.inil Novrmlier 27 the li.iy t.i uit Governor Luce has issuod the following Thanks„'iving proclamation: Fromourhin; Im1 Mid gia?ious futhers has come dowu to u thankful people tho venerated unwrltten law of aunually obscrviiiR a dajr of thankgiving umi praise. The President of the Uniteü States has appointed Thursduy. the üïth day of November, A. D. )8yO, for suc.i service, and it is with cheerful oonformity to the same tliat I inv.ike the good people of Michigan to observe the occasion in a manner worthy of 1he blcssings vouchsafed to them during the year. And, while remembering that nowhere has God's hand better preservad and cared for Hls own than wlthin this, our commonwhealth, let us not forget Ihat we have among us many who are more unfortunate than ourselves and whose homes are darkened by clouds of adversity and sorrow. Upon this day let it be the mission of all, and the active lesson for our children, that to lighten some other's burden and to carry sunFhine to somo unexpected place is the best of thankfulness. "It is only the hand which helps another that God talies into His own and fllls with eternal blessings and honor." Qlven under m; hand and the great seal of Ihe State of Michigan this 1 lth day of October, A. D. 18Í0. By the Governor, Cvkus G. LOOK. O. R. Osmdn. Secretary of State. Healtli In Michlgnn. Reporta to the State Board of Health by sixty-one observers in different parts of the State for the week ended November 8 indicated that cholera infantum, puerperal fever, inflammation of the kidneys, membranous croup and pleuritis increased, and cerebro-spinal meningitis, measles, whooping cough, typhoid fever, typho-malarial fever, cholera inorbus and diarrhea decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at twenty-nine places, scarlet fever at thirty-one, ty phoid fever at thirty and measles at ten places. A Devtl n lila Throat. Bay City has astrange case of insanity. John Uushey, of Dolsonvüle, was locked up in the 15;iy City jail. He imagined he bad adevil tu his throat He choked and cougned and looked as if he was about to strangle. Two doctora and a priest attempted to ease him, but could not until one o( them pricked him with a morphine needle. The minute the needle struck his arm he forgot all about the devil and was at once easy. He had been sent to an asylum. A Verdict lur (rimes. The jury at Lansing in the somewhat notoriousdamage suitof .fohnUrimes va Miohael Howerman rendered a verdict of L4, SOOdarnaos in favor of Grimes. Both are prominent men in Williamston, Grimes as a f ai Uier and Itowerman as a capitalist and merchant. The suit grew out of the failure of the Kloming mili at Williamston. Earlj BatBFDA llcuirns are oom Ing ia early this year. Already two men have been mistaken for dcir and shot by careless hunters, and now John Sanbourne, of Montmorency, was mistaken for a bear by a compinion and has a bullet hole throrh both oheuks and is minus a partof his tongue. Hi would recover. short tottt N-.vv llftnt. Kandall Drake, oni' of Michigan's pioneers, died at Kalainnzoo. aged 91 years. They liave a foot of snow at Marquette and Bletghing parties were all tbo go. Cyrustiall, of Ba; City, was handling a revolver in nis resldenoe when a cartridge was discharged accldentally and the bullet Btruck his d mg iter (jertrude, aged 18 years. in the lcft bip, cansing a fatal wound. Reports from tin1 Northern country are to the effect tliat deer luinters are flocking there by th ■ hand red. Diphttioria lias appearcd at Holland ajfain. Jobo Voiichure lias lost two ehildren. Bert Case, a [U-vflur-old son of a wealthy farmer at Loukwood, blew out his lirains. Cause unknowii. John Uyestrom. aard 17 years, of Islipemin;?. was drownud by breaking througli the thin ic:o on Lake Kancroft Tlip Michigan Traveling Men's Association mot and resolved to build a 8100,000 hotel at Petosky. Kast Tawaa voted to issue $10,000 in bonds to light the rillage with electricity. A novel feature of the National Encampment G'. A. K, at Detroit noxt year will be a raf t ride. The excursión is the conception of the ex-Commander-inChief, General K. A. Alger. The raft will contain 100,000 los, one for each visitinp veteran.


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