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Supervisor's Meeting

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1 GOSTIXUED FROM LAST WEEK. 1 TheTreasurer then submitied tlie fol ov i ng: To the Non. Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Washienaw County : Gentlemen:- I herewith transmit a statement of tlie dailv bulanees of iny cafh account at the Farmers' and Me■lianios' Bank, from October], 1889, to September 30, 1890 : nr vmm-w Average Average Int. duel Interest Monthly. Overdraft Balauce. Bank. DueCo. )ctober 18-9. $14,137 (0 t 63 74 ov, " 21,034 00 9 fO Decemb. " 20.275 00 91 80 January, 90. 8,209 27 38 33 Feurnary, " $38,36 1? $ 78 44 March, " 43 832 00 114 07 April, " 42,057 52 107 14 Mhv, " : 49,235 42 129 62 Juñe, '■ 60,136 16 104 66 July. " 11.329 2 52 92 Ausvist, " 13,532 8 63 07 Sept., " 15,941 19 72 06 $180 42 $583 93 Balance interest in favor of County $53 51. Respectfully &ubmitted, GUSTAVE BREHM, County Tieasurer. Mr. ('ase moved that the Clerk be inBtracted to notify the street sprinkler hat no more bilis for sprinkling will be allnwed. Carrifd. Oei motion, the Board took a recess DDlil 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. Forsyth, from Committee on I'er Diem, made the following report: Ann Arboe, October 24, 1890. To the Hon. Board ofSupercisors of Washtenaw County: Your Committee on PerDiem respectfully make tbe following report: I i ÑAMES. S 3 g l ï S e J B. Mlner '.. 12 36 0 1$ 12 $36 12 Kigene Oesterllne 12 36 00 1 12 36 12 lamesKearns 12 36 011 19 36 12 Ambrose Kearney 12 36 00 1 12 86 12 AmosCorey U 36 00 1 12 36 12 John W. Bennett 12 36 00 1 12 86 12 Thof. Burllngame U 36 00 5 60 86 60 Walter L. Rogera 12 36 00 15 1 80 87 80 George WalteB U 36 00 80 3 60 39 60 Jacob Jcdtle 12 36 00 11 1 32 37 32 Jacob Breinlng 15 36 00:16 1 92 37 92 J. V. N. Gregory 11 36 00Í14 1 6h 37 6S LesterH. Swietland U 36(0 7 81 36 81 Thos. Yrung, Jr IS 86 01 27 3 24 89 24 William Burtless U 36 Wi 4 20 40 20 Frank Duncan l'J 36 00 10 1 20 37 20 Mortan F. Case IS 36 Ofi 7 84 36 84 Ar hur C. VanSickle 12 36 15 1 80 87 80 Fdward Depny 12 36 00 11 13.' 37 82 A'ndrew T. Hughes r. 80 00 8 96 36 96 Albert H. Perry IS 36 00 SS 4 20 40 20 MichaelHoward 12 36 0(' 10 1 2Ci 87 2o James L. Gllbert IS 36 ■ 18 2 16 3S 16 Edwin Ball 12 36 00 10 1 20 37 20 Alfred Davenport VJ 36 00 16 1 92 37 9 John M Hunter 12 36 00 8 96 36 96 David Fdwards 12 86 00 '0 1 20 37 2o James M. Forsyth 1 36 00 10 1 20 37 2p All of whicn is respectfully submitted. (8igned.) JAMES M. FORSYTH. AKTHÜK C. VAN SICKLE. AMOS COKEY. Mr. Hughes, from Criminal Claims Committe No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sama stated, to-wti: Claimed. AUoweé. D. Cramer, for asslstlng Prosecatlng Att'y in caie of The People V. Tessmer $ 75 00 f 75 00 M. Clark, Coroner 25 20 25 20 Ed, Bycraft, Joror 75 75 W.J. Clark, " 75 75 E. B. Gldley, " ....__ 75 '5 M. M. Green, " 75 75 Roswell Waterman, Juror 75 75 G. W. Cropsey, " 75 75 Angis McFarland, Wltness 48 48 F. E Fisher, " _.. 48 48 James O'Coiinell, " 48 48 George Wright, " 48 48 Alfred BartTett, " 48 48 Eugene Oesterline, Juror 1 50 1 50 E. B. Gidley, ■' 1 50 1 50 ei Isbell. " 1 50 1 50 MosesSeabolt, " 150 150 Wm. Burke, " 1 50 1 50 John C. Wilson, ' 1 50 1 50 Gottlieb Knapp, Witness 48 48 Wm. Krellow, " 48 48 Jawb Frev, " 48 48 F. Muehlig. " 48 48 G. E. Hazelwood, " 48 48 Michael Gauss. " 48 ÍS JuliusTruyauowske, Witness 48 41 John Pfisierer, Witness 48 48 Wm. Eukman. " 48 48 J. T. Jacobs. Juror 75 00 75 00 F.J. Huhn, " 75 75 Wra. Binder, " 75 75 Gustave Herman, Juror_ 7ó 75 K. Waterman, " 75 75 T. Porter, " 75 75 J.J. Norton, Witness tó 48 John Mlnni8, ' .i 48 48 Chas. Schott, ' 48 48 Geo. Scoville, " 48 48 C. G. Darllng, " 4S 4H G. W. Huber, " 48 48 J. A. Marshall, Juror 75 75 M. D. Mlller, " 75 7 j J. Wall. " „.. 75 75 A. Teufel, " 75 75 Harvey Bannlsher, Juror 75 75 L. Snyder, Juror 75 75 Chas. Gruner. Witness _. 48 48 John Weber, '■ 48 48 F. Ennis, " 48 48 J. J. Robison, Juror 75 75 E. B. Gidlev. " 55 75 O. W. Cropsey, " 75 75 P. Ryan. " 75 7! H.C. Wilmot, " 75 75 P. Stofflet, " 7ó 75 Peter Herteher, Witness 48 48 Otto Low, ■' 48 48 Henry FraiiV, " 48 48 James Murry, " 48 48 F. ti. ' orbett. " 48 48 Ellza Johuson, " 48 48 Report adopted. Mr. Gilbert, frora Criminal Claims Comtnittee, reportad the following bilis and recomtnended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit : Clalmed. Allowed. Fred Gakle, Deputy Sheriff. t 47 20 8 37 20 Chas. Dwyer; Sheriff. 265 98 265 98 M. C. Peterson, Deputy Sheriff... 43 00 41 50 Report adopted. Mr. DePuy, from Comtnittee of Equaliz.itiim, submitted a report, which, on motion of Mr. Gilbert, was laid upon the table. Mr. DePuy offered the following resolution : Retolved, That Supervisor Jas. Kearns be and he is hereby employed to make record of the transfers of real estáte by warranteedeeds for the use of the Board, arranged by townships, showing the names of the grantor and grantee, and brief description of the property, the date sold, tbe consideration, names in the deed, the Liber and page of record, and that sucli record commence April i, 1887, and that he be allowed ten cents for each transfer. Mr. Young moved to lay said resolution on the table. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved to take the report of the Equalization Comtnittee from the table. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved to adopt the report. Carried. The following is the report : To the Ilon. Board of Supcrvitort of Wathtenaw County: Your Committee on Equalization report that tl Lev have made a careful examïnation of the assesament rolla of the several Supervisors Districta and ttave eq'ialized the same, as follows, lor the year 1890: Superv. Rnol T bl EqualDUttlCto. sonal. TotaK IK1. A A City.. $4.082.060 11,961,930 16,044.000 M, 7? 1,000 A. 156,22.') 1SJ.95 1.292,176 1.IM2.000 Augusta.... 606.050 670,200 602.000 Bri'nevm'r 918.620 106,700 1, 024,320 7111.000 Dexter f4i,OI0 91.000 739.040 fifti.OUO Krecdom... Si4.20 118,65C 952.800 747.0W) lima 818.740 162,221 980.960 823,000 Loiii 98ó,B7.i J32,12ñ 1,118,000 9"i3,000 Lyndon 45.S.0 0 65.85I' 510,50 414.000 M'nnchest'r 1,088.740 233.200 1.321,94": 1.164,000 Norllifleld 8:,4;'x 104,6 0 940,1(0 750,000 Piltslield.... 1,178.82 179.521' 8.310 1,133.000 Salem 888,750 111,420 1,000,170 9:!8.00i) Sliperiur.... 1,062,700 92.38(1 1,154 080 980,000 Sháron 941,651 97.171 1,038,860 777.000 Saline 1,18,70íi 154.600 1,337,300 1,165,000 8CÍO 1.184,910 228,0(0 1.412 910 1,340,000 Sylvan 928,550 273,20(i 1,201.750 980.005 Webster 881.550 114,600 996,15i 880.000 York 1,121,900 243,65( 1.S65..V0 972,000 Ypsi.Town 1,113,640 142.420 1,255,960 1.000.000 " lBt dist 1,374.300 719,450 2,093.750 1,790,010 " 2ddist. 498,450 102,500 604,150 528.00J 24.682.850 5.627,55! 30,310,40.') 25,000,000 A 11 of which isrespectfullysubmitted : Ann Arbor, October 24, 1890. Edward DePuy, Jíío. R. Niner, Jacob Jedklb, Morton F. Case, A. H. Pbrry. Mr. Duncan offered the followinf:: Resolved, That when this Board a'oums it be to meet in adjourned aessiun on Monday next, at 2 r. m. Adopted. Mr. Gilbert moved to reconsider the vote by which the report of Committee on Equalization was adopted. Lost. On motion of Mr. Kearney, the 15 ard adjourned. A. Davexport, Chairman. Fred A. Howlett, Clerk MoNDAT, October 27, 1890. The Board met in adjourned session, as previously agreed to by resolution. Called to order by the Chairman Roll oalled and all Supervisors present except Mr. Burtless. Mr. Duncan, from Committee of the Whole on visit to the County House, made the following report : To the Hon. Board of Superritore of Washtenaw County : Your Committee of the Whole to viait the County House beg leave to report, That after a careful examination of the County House and farm, they found the house and farm in a very neat and comfortable condition ; the inmates well clothed and fed, and the many improvements during the last year were readily marked by the members of the Committee. The farm is worked in a good business manner, crops looking floely and farm stock in excellent condilion, for which we recommend a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. McCormick for their careful and able management. We would also recommend that the Committee on Public Buildings be instructed to make the necessary alterations in the connection between the boilers, which we believe will be more than repaid in one year in s iving of fuel. All of which is respectfully submitted. Frank Duncan, Chairmcn of the Committee. Report adopted. Mr. Brining moved that the Chair appointan additional member on Committee on Finance. Carried. The Chairman appointed Mr. Sweetland as such member. Mr. Gregory, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reported the following billa and recommend their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. Paul Shall. Depuly Sheriff. Ï154 46 Ï134 96 H. D Curtís, " ' 12 00 12 00 Report adopted. Mr. Bennett, from Committee on Public Buildings, made the following report. Whioh, on motion of Mr. Miner, was adopted and ordered printed with the proceedings. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC BUILD INO8. To the Hon. Boird of Supervisors of Washtenaw County, Mich.: YourCommitteeon Public B lildings beg leave to submit the following report : Acting in actordance with the resolution of Mr. Gilbert, adopted by the Board of Supervisors during the last Annual Session, your Committee palled for bids for the laying of stone walks leading to theseveral ent ranees to the Court House. Ai a result of thiscall, bids were received from beveral marble ilealera here and in Ypsilanti, and averaged from twenty-two to twenty-four cents per equare foot for three-inch flagging, and from thirty-two to thirty-five cents per square foot. 'for four-inch flagging. An estímate of the costofsuch walka, of the width ofeight feet, and filling in the area3 between the two flights of steps, was a siim of over $900.00. Your Committee, after consulting with the mover of the above resolution, and other meiobers of this Boaid, determined to investígate the merits of Portland cement walbs, and for the purpose of examining these walks vlsited the cities of Jackson and Ypsilanti. In Jackson we fouiid these walks laid about the M.C. Il R.'s grounds, and along several miles of streets, both in the business and the residence pjjrtions of the city, where they had laiá for feix and eight years. Your Committee at length dete'mined to have these cement walks laid, and an opportunity was offered to all to bid for th? work. It was given to W.E.Caligan, of Jackson, whose bid was the lowest, and the walks were laid for the price of fifteen cents per square foot. Moreover, your Committee feit that an eigbt-foot walk would be merely a temporary one and hardly in keeping with our fine Court House, and the contract was made for walks twelve feet wide. The entire cost of these walks was the sum of $348.20. Your Committee are gratified with the quality of the walks, and are confident that they wül meet our full expectations. Following the instructions contained in the resoluticm of Mr. Kearney, your Committee have made needed repairs and changes in the rooms assigned to the janitor and his family. It became necessary to fit up two additional rooms as sleeping apartments for them. The work was done under the supervisión of your Committee, as appeared to them necessary, and cost in all $71.44. Your Committee were notified by the city authorities that the walks had been ordered hid about the jail property.and accordingly a plank walk has been laid on the west side of the lot and a cement walk in front and extending alon the east side of the jail to the jail entrance proper. These walks have cost the county $159.77. Needed repairs have been made in the residence portion of the jail building, by hanging paper, painting and oiling, and I repairs have been made in the barn also.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register