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The state commipiioner of labor, A. H. Ueath, bas kiiullv provided TnE Register with an advance proof of the Statistici, relaüve to the employés of the agricultura! implemenl ;md iron working industries of thi city, which are toappear in the for!heomin: amn:a' report. They show tliat the Arm Arhor laborini; men are in very cornfortable circumstances. JSianj of thein own housis, som.' have money ir tile lianks uní all have steaciy work. If . he remainder of the labor report is :ts interesting as 'hat por'.ion devoted to this city, it will be rece) ved eathasiastlcalry. It will notbo ready for pulilic distributum until Jainiary 20. OfthuAnn Arhor employé?, the report sáys: Ninety-oneemployes were canvas,-!: F. Waftoer & Bros., 0; Ilunter & Tarnbuil (manufacttirers of Gorliss enginea vertical engines and boilers), 7: Walker & Co., manufacturera of carriages), ]! A. P. Ferguson, (mañufacturer of roati c.irt.--, wajtons and carriages), ](i; Aun Arbor Arícultural Co. (mann facturera of fiirm implernents), 5lt Nationality: Americana, 65; Gerraanp, 11; Canadiana. 0; Engüshmen, 4; Irislimpn, 2. 71 p r cent are Americana and 29foreieners. OftheroreignHrsi'.'percent are Germans, 21 per cent Canadians, 15 per cent Enlishmen and 8 per cent Irislimen. Parentage of those bom in the United States: American, 41; man, 19; lrish 4; Engliah, 1; C3 per cent llave Amencan and 37 per cent foreign parents. 52 are manieil,38sin;le an.l 1 a w dower. 07 per cent are marred,42 per cent single and 1 per cent widowers. :4 support self only;l supports others than self by boarding, and 56 support families: AmericanE; 30; Gertnaiis, 9; Canadians, G; Englisbmen, 4; Irishmeti, 1, ín 50 families there are 114 children, of whom 99 are supported. 9 married men have no children; 7 or 77 per cent are Americans; 1 Germán and 1 Enirlishnian. Of the children supported 22 are under 5 years of age; 74 are 5 year.-s of age and under 20, and 3 are over 20. 57 attend school, which is 77 per cent of school age. 52 or 91 per cent attend the public schools and 5 paroehia!. Nninber of persons supported in familie?, 100; by boarding, 1. 'J employés support 10 persons iiesides wïfe and children. Total number of weeks worked (inririn; the year, 3,913: averag, 13. G2 men, or 70 percent, lost 1,15G weeks,or22 years and 12 weeks. Cause of lost time: vacation, 1; laid off, 28; siok and no work,3; shutdown, 1; no work, 19; siik and laid ofl", 5; worked ibr eelf, 1; t-ickness, 3; accident, 1. Total animal earn 'm, 34,360; average, $377.57. Total income from otlier resources. $3,713, aa s: family MrninfR, 1,101; boarding, $20S; heirship, $1,000: pensions, $1GS; interest, $18ö; rent, $345; other sources, $730. Total annual earninzs of Americana, $24,249.40; average, Ï373.06; Germans, 3,804.50; avenige, $345 80; C'anadians, $4,006.60; average, $445 10; Englislimen, $1,039.00; average, $409,90; ïnsnmen, SOUU; average, SfS0. Average weekly ::ges of uiarried men, S10.45; single men, SG.öO; all employés, $871. Wages paid per week; five era"ploye, $3 eacli; one, $:!.G3; five, $4; oue $4 5(1; three, $5; eleven, $6; one, $li 90; two, $7; geven, $7.50; one, Í8.10; three, $8.40; sixteen, 3.00; three, $10; seven,$10 50; one, $10.80; three, $11.40; fourteen, $12; one, $l'2.50; one, 13.50; two, $14; two, $15; one, $18. Total fatnily expenses, $2o,974; per capita, $110.90. Americans, $15,9ü3; per capita, $121.85; Canadians, $2.373; per capita, $118.05: Germans, $4,Ü81J; per c.ipita, $87; Englishmen, $1,312; per capita, $1)3.71; IrRhmen,S237; per capita1 $öt).25; Number owning iiomes, '27; Americana, 15; Canadians, 4; Germans, 5; Englishmen, 2; Irishinen, 1. 20 married men and one single man own hornet'. 50 per cent of uiarried men own homes. 55 per cent of home cwners are Americana and 45 per cent foreigners. Total value of homes, $29,775; average, 1,102.77; Americana, $18,350; average, $1,223.33; üermans, ;$5,200; average, $1,040; Canadian, $4,175; average, $1,0-13.75; Englishmen, $1,250; average, $í25; lrisbmen,$800; average $800. Tlie hornea of 16 employés are mortgageii, which is 59 per cent. Valué of muitgaged homes, $15,975; niortgaged for $7,400, which is 46 per cent of valuation. The homes of 8 Americana are rnortgaged for $4,450; 4 Germana for $1,250; üanadians, $700; 1 Englishman, $700; 1 Irishmaii, $300. During the year 15 employés niadepayments aud improvements upon homes amountiag to $1,304, and eighteen men aaved Slí,7j in money. Total number of employés who saved, 32, which is 35 per tent. Total savings, including payinents and iiuproveinents upon homes, $4,089, which is 12 per cent of total earniugs. Total present worth of 73 employés (18 not reporting), $59,390; average $613.56; Americans, 49; total $41,584; average, f848 67; Germans, 9; total, $7,580; average, $842.22; Canadians, 9; loial, $6,975; average, $775; Englishmen, 4; total, $2,250; average, $562.50; Irishmen, 2; total, $1,000; average, ?5Uü. Oae employé is worth $10,000. Four Canadians had $181 upon arrival in this country; 1 Germán, $40; 1 Englisumau $20. Total present worth of foreigners, $17,805. Number renting homes, 26; Americiiis, 19; Canadians, 2; Germans, 3; men, -. Une single man rents mi one has reut free. 48 per cent of married men and 29 per cent of total employés rent. Total monthly rent, $149.58; average, $5.75. Total annual rent, $1,794 96; average, $69.03. Per cent of rent to earnings, .15; per cent of rent to expenses .15. Total monthly rent of Americana, $110.08; average $5.79; Canadians, $14.50; average, $7.20; (iermans, $14.50. average, $4.83; English men, $10.50; average, $5.25. Number of employés boarding, 20. which i. 22 per cent of total. 12 live at homes and give wages to parents; 2 live at home and support famUy, and 3 live at home and pay no stated amnunt for board. TotaJ weekjy board, 161; average, $3.05; Araefrieans, 1(; total $48; aver -'; C'aiiadians, .'!; total, $9.5(1; average, S3 17;. Irish men, 1; lotal, S3.Ö0 5 keep an tini:zd account of their expenses, which i 5 p.-r cent nut of total. 44 own Bewing machine?, wliich is 7!) per cent of those sipporting fam SS own musical instruinenls, which ík 42 per cent. Number of musical i nst rumen. s: Pianos, 8; órgano, 11; guitats, 4; vinlins, 7; a-cordo , 1; banjos.-l; piec 'Io3, 2; flotes, 3; organette, 1; nu lodïons, 2; cornel. ); trombone, ]; hoñ, 2; harp, 1; basg viul, 2; zither, 1. Number of employés w-ho take tiewspapers avul magazine.11, 72. Araericans, 53; Canidians, S; Germans.S; Englishmen, ö. 7!) jier cent take uewgpapers and maga zines of which 74 are Aniericans. Numl)er taking dailiee, 4S; story, 15; sportiDjr, 1; religiou, 4; labor, 1; scientihV, 2; local and.other eekly newspapers, CG; magaziDe.", 8. Sfventy work at hand and 21 at machine worK. 5 men, or 5 per cent have been in ju red inceeneagedas employés. i reponed tbat their labor organization had been of financia) benefit lo tlietn, and 2 no flnancïal benefir. Other than financiaily, 2 reported that i heir labor organization had been of benefit soand ednctitionally; 1 educatiooally and 2 no benefit. IS carry lile insuranee amounting to $21,115; avenige, $1,173.05; Americans, 11; total, $13,590; Canadianp, 3; total $3,600; Germán?, 'S; total ?:i ": Engliabmen, 1; total, f 1,000. 20perceiii ui' employés ar insured. 14 belon to benefit aocietieft; Americana, 9; t t.ii weckly baneflf, $36; average $4; ilians, i; total $5; Germans, 3; total, SU; averxge, S367; Euttlish, 1; total S4; Ti .tal week ly benefit, $"(; average, $1. 15 per cent belong to benelit eociel : William H. English, of Indiana, excandidate fe r Vice President, is writing a history of Hoosierdom.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register