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Clover seeds average about one busliel per acre. TheLadiesLibrary in Dextercontains 860 voir.mns. The Ann Arbor road will put in a $20,000 ice plant at Hamburg. Rev. Kirkpatrick, of Grass Lake, lias iccepted a cali to Carson City. A Pittslield farmer has lo t three icry steeds during the past rear. A newsaw mili will be built on the farm of Fred Braun, near Emery. Elabórate Christmas services will be held in St. Mary's chnrcb, Clielsea. The Methodist young people of Saline held a fair recently. The receipts were aearly $100. John Shaffer, a Saline saloonkeeper, has seen the errors of his ways and will turn farmer. The first annual meeting of Chelsea Union P. of I. will be held next Saturday evening. The Chelsea Standard's temperance "lessons" are attracting considerable attention. They breathe the right spirif. The Saline ladies will follow the exarnple of some of their neighbors and give the "Temple of Fame" in the near future. The Baptist people of Mooreville have been building a new fireplace and chimaey in their church. Santa Claus will lejoice. A young daughter of W. G. Martin, Corunna, took an overdose of aconite for a headache, last week, and rame near perishing. tkJM Mooreville bas the best ventilated ïchool building in Washtenaw county; so said Secretary M. J. Cavanaugh during his recent visit there. John Ross, almost a rentenarian, died recently at Wayne. He was an Snglishman and had íived in Ihis country only twonty-flve years. T. C. Owen, of Ypsilanti, lias received from West Virginia a pair of opossums. They are said to be the first specimens ever brought to Ypsilanti. Howell must be a naradise. Says the Republican: "Onr schools rank high, our churches live in harmony and our I eople are for tlie most part contented and happy." A notice has been postea on the door of aSharon chnrch, warning ill persons from tlia'urbinz or removing any portion oftlie properfy. The world is gctting degpnerate. Sot man y dajrs ago a race-war oe( arred at Belleville. Chas. Seiler, white, and ;Wm. Bibbins, black, eot hito a quarrel at the hotel, the resiilt of which vas that the black man recelved two painfal bullet wounds. John Baumgardner, of Ann Arbor, while retnrning last fall from South 1 yon, where he had erected a monument, lost a pocket book containinaSöO. A few dava aso the property was found tra restored to its owner. The fls on the Stookbridee school fionse was raised last week in commemoration of the battle of Nashville and the Boston tea party. The authorities are evidntly of the belief' that the people of that villagekeep posted on liistoncal dates. The fast train on the D. L. & N., goiofr wesl Tuesday, ran over and killed n youne man known as "Dutch Charley." Licensed liquor got him to lie d' wn on tl" e track near Island Lake. Voter?, ar any of yon responsible?- Oakland Excelsior. A Mooreville farmer attempted to 'onvey sonie of his hogs to Milán. When he arrived at his destination, lo and bebold ! two had passed over to the happy hunting grounds. They were more used to wallowing than to riding, nd the exertior. killed them. When the Alpha Sigma society of the Manchester high school held an elect ion reeently, there were three ticketR in the field: "The Perry ticket," '-the Servís Party," and "the Regular HopueKopus Ticket." The American schools areevidently good training places for politicians. "Very dangerous $20 counterfeit bilis are in circulation," says the Manchester Enterprise. This is tossed off with that ase of manner that comes from long handling of bigh denomination bilis. People generally have but an obscure notion of the wealth of the editorial profeseion.- Adrián Press. The R. P. Carpenter Po-t of Chelsea üas i'lected the followinü officers: öommander, John Waltrous; Sen. Vice Com., George Crowell; Jun. Vice Com., J. D. Schnaitinan; Sergant, Klijah Hammond; Chaplain, Richard Whalen; Quartermaster, A. Neuberger; Officer of Day, Luke Iteilley; Representativa State Eacampnvent, J. D. Sjlinaitman; altérnate, R. S. Whalen. Hamillon Collins, of Superior, is over ixtL jearspld, but he is as young in sti iiis feelinus as many a man under thirty. Afef days ago he astonished he "natives by putting on a pair of steel skates and performing most diffioult feat. Ile excited the greatestadmiration and was becoming greatly, Duffed up - wheti lo! down went Mr. Collins on the cold, cold ice. It may be added that he feil gracefully. Certificates of eharaclergiven to serTHntsare sometimesmisused. Not long since a lady was speaking of having taken a girl who was highly recommended bv a well-known lady. Toher surprise, her friend inforined her that a girl with the same name recommended by the same lady was living with her. Upon investig-ition itwaf found thatthe written character had been used by oth parties. - Chelsea Herald. There are a few Damons and Pytliiases ieft, even in these degenerate dayv. A Sharcn correspondent tolla the following story in the Ypsilantian: "Charliö Hall ind Brayton L. Dowd have been lifetong friends. Hall had lived in the lownship of Sylvan for a number of year. and not being possessed of much of ibis world's oods, and having no near relatives, his heallh having failed hiin, his friend Dowd took him to his hume and heart and kept him for three or fonr yeare, or until death occurred, which took place last Thursday. He was buried in the Vermont Cemetery in Sylvan with all due honor last Sabbath. Hall was a bachelor."


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