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"Boss wouldn't blanket him in the stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE- Get from your dealer free, the 54 Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a sa Horse Blanket will make your horse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to Buit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE WA LABEL Manurd by Wm. Atres & SoN9, Phllafla., who make the Iamou3 Horse Bratd Baker Blanketa. M 1m .reWÖÖitoi r Rubber Shoes nnless worn uncomfortably Ught. generally slip olí the feet. THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER C6. make all thelr hoes with lnsldo of heel llned wlth rubber. Thts clines to the shoe and prevents tan rubber from Blipplng off. Cali for the "Colchester1 "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SALE Bï Wm. Alliiliy, .luim Iliirji, lol) .V Fi'liit, I.. J ru nor, v. Rplnbarrit &■ Co., A. II. Soj'lor .V Non. ANX AKBOR. fo care Bilionsness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tako the saio and certain rcmciiy, SMITH'S BILJË 6EANS Use the SftfALL SUe (40 littlc Beans to tlie bottle). They are the most convenient. Sultable ior All Ageff. Prico of eitlier sizc, 2So. per Bottlo. K lSIWIÏT'-i'-'U PANEL 8IZK t% I W W 1 1 ■ U Mai led for i et, (oppert or itamps). J.F.SMITmbCO.SlikersofBILEBEA.NS, "ST. LOUIS MD. lUE FIGURE "O." The figure 9 in our dates will raakfl n long etsjl N'o man or woraan now living will over date c ocuraont without ustng the figure 9. It standf In the third place in 1S90, where it will remain tet years and then movo up to socoud place in 1900 where it will rest for one hundrod year?. Thero is another "9" which luis -ilso iximc tostay It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the résped that it has already moved up to first place, when it will permancnUy remain. It is callt'd the "No 9" High Arra Whcek-r Je Wilson Sewing Machine The "Ilo. 9" was endorsed for flrst place by thf experts of Europe at tin; P:ir:s Expositinn of 1880 where, after a scvere contest with the leading ma chines of the world, it was awarded the onl; Grand Prizc given to family MWlng machinos, al others on exhibit having recoived lower awardi of gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized itssuperiority by thedecomtionof Mr. NathanklWhocler, I'residiutof thn company, with tho Cross of the Legión of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an oíd machino lmproved upon, but is an entinly nnv machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grandestadvance in sewing machine mecnanism of the age. Thosc who buyit c:in test assured, there. fore, of having the very latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON M'F'Ö 00., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicg Sild by M. STABLEK, II W. Wnihlnïloii-t. MAgarWOMAg Shoul carry some Life Insurance and ASÍ OPTIOJÍ POUCY, as now issued by the National Life Ins. Co.. OF VERMOMT. Provides forjany emergency that can arlse. can b pald for inj flve, ten, or twenty yeari and contains the followlng guarantee: FIRST- A pald np policy afler three vean whlch amount ia wrltten on the face of the policy. SECOND- Itguarantees youan Annual Cash Vauie, or if the insured needs, or desires to ral money, the Company will loan on this policy, and Btill keep the policy in force. This is a great ad vantage to a person who may need money in buBiness or to protect credit. THIRI- It guarantees extended Insurance lor the full amount of Insurance, for so long time as the cash value will pay for it. This is a valuable 'option to many who maj through physical, or fiuanclal misfortune desire thelr policy carried. _In fact this PoUct i rfotect? Apijijt dverity In Business, and also makes an absoluta provU. ion In case of death, for wife, children or creditors Remember this Policy is ONLY wrltten by the National Life Insuiance Company of Montpellec Vennont. Mc nrily C. loBEAl, Special Agent, 1 Hamllton Block. JANN ARBOR.MICH. Insurance, Seil Estáte and Loan goncj HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES; No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST H.OOK. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte will flnd it to their advantage to cali on ns. We reDresent the following flrstclass Fire Insuranoe &OnmSïïJeSlhavln8 an prégate espita! of oyer The rand Rápida ire ina. có., Tbe Oblo Fitrmor's nis. Co., Unsnraa only .1 vu Minies i. The fierman Fire lus. Co., The People's Fre Ins. Co., The Citizen' Fire lus. Co., The WestcheNtcr Fire In. Co., The Miliiaiikcc Hechanic's Fire Ia The STew llnmpwhlre Fire Ins. Co., The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. Rates Low. Losses llberally adjusted and paifl promptly. We also issne Life and Investment Pollcie In the Conn, Mutual Life Insurance Company. Assets 555,000,000. Persons desiring Accident lnsuranee, can have yearly Policies written for them oi Traveler's Coupon Insurance Ticketa Issued at Low Rates In the Standard Accident Insuranoe Compan? of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loaa at Currem Raten. Office hours frons 8 a. u. to 12 u and 2 te ñ p. m. Hamilton Green. PAII1'Tiy ■' loula 8hoe ara haM uu if ii ff itt-icf funiped on botm. JftfflA , $2oo W. L DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEh l'iiir t'nlt and I.nccd Waterproof tirai. The ezceUcnco and wearlng qualitlesof thte rtr( caunot ba botter sbowa than by the strong enaor ments of lts thousaods of constant wearcra. Sf-.OO (enulnO Ilami-sewed, an elegant anj O stvlish dresa Shoe whJch eommends itwlf $Vf.OO Itmul-sewed Welt. A flne calf Sboe ■fr Uïiequalled for Btylo aod durabillty. SQ.5O Goodyear Welt Is the standard drese O &hoe, at a popular price. EO. SO Polireman hoe lseBpecIally adapted O for railroad men, farmer, etc All made la Congress, Button ana Lace. $3&$2SHOESt.AFDo.ës havfl been most favorably rtcelved slnce Introdnci1 anJ the recent Improvements rnako them superior to any shoes sold at these prlces. Ask your Dealer, and If ne camu. mpply Ton e'' direct to factory encloslng advertised price. or postal for order blanka. W. Ii. ÜOUGLAS, Brocktant Mbj Examlfo XV. I,. Ion(l-N 82.00 Mum for UntttHn ml I.atllpM. WM. REIÏÏHARDT & CO., 42 . MAIN STKERT. All An.ilr. FOR MEN ONLY! If JaJi-ffinFcir LOSTcrFAILING MANH00D; IJJKULJ# General and NERV0Ü8 DLBILITT; fíl"i 4 ' I M I ■ Weaknesaof Body andMind, Effectt f'lilHal'IIIInf'FrrnrfiT-'pTff.BCoin OM nr Vmmff H'il.uil, NoMc lAMI(XlIruIlr Iiestni-il. How lonlaree nd BlrrnfcthfDWKAK,l'iKVKI,oVKIMMthAXRrAllTSO'n01r. ATsoIiitclT anrallinff KOI1K TRBATVKüT- HfnpBtt la dy. Ben teitllj rram 50 SutM nd Krf Ik ('ountHrs. WrHc ttieim. lli-ieriptl Kook, ripl.nntiun and maílrd (■paletl) Int, !dro ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BL'FFALO. N. V. WANTSD. il L LOCAL OR" TRAVEL ING. 11 o feil our Nnrsery Htock. Salary, Eipensei Sttady Employment guarantced. CHASE BROTHERS (((PAST. I L1222 rLSlü?tlJnBAency of Mio N. W. AVER SOK. our auttaorUed xreate


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