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The Indian Strife

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Omaha, Neb., Jan. 5. - Specials trom Gordon, Neb., s:iy that two scouts just arrived there confinn the report of a battle Satnrday. The first rcports wcre to the effect that a battle was ragingf ubout ten miles northcast of Gordon. The booming of cannon could be heard distinctly. Everybody is undor arras and the wildest exoitement exiBts. The fight was between tlia Indiana anl a detachmont sent out by General Miles from Roeebud ag-ency to bury the dead Indiana killad at Wounded Knoe battle on December 29. The hoetile Sioux objected to the bui-ial of thoir dead by tbs pale-facad foe and opened flre. After desperate and sharp firing of the Iiotchkias gnn tliey vrere foroed to return to the protection of the friendly ravines. No deaths werc reported. Linxoi.n, Neb., Jan. 5. - Specials to the Journal fr n Pine Ridge confinn the report of an png'ag'emont between General ('arr's oommand and the Indi;ns oi) White rlver. It is believed no one was killed, though everal Indians were wounded. An Indian courier brings . a message from the hoStile camp, the subitance of whicb is a demand that all soldiere tv th draw from the locality, and further that they will treat with uo one for pea ■ btlt the Viee-Presidej I of the l'nitcd States or the Commis ioner of Indian Affairs. This message came direct from the hitherto - friendly Chief Red Cloud. Roviag bands continue to scour the country in tap viéinity of Pine Eidge. Miller, formerly a Government herder, was fouud five miles fr. i. ency, lii" bouy riddled .■ psrsoss coming in teil of narro-. . The Indian training school at Pine Ridge burned Friday night. no losn of üie resulting. The refugecs admit that the number of Indians killed in the TV'hite Clay battle of Tuesday was 1 n rgc. The cSect of the ghost-daii is seeii in the f act that the [ndians make no attempt to remove their dead from the battlefield or te care for the wounded. Their idea is that erery ons who is killad or diee from liis wound ík ia big' Inck anl will turn into bnlTalo, ets. Ouaha, Nelx. Jan. 0. - It was reportei thdt a üa?trou battle rafed Mobday ner Pine Ridf s.:;rnoy. but a, dispotch reeei red iroin Cisneral Mils in the cveeiny iadieat t&at there has been no battle willi t)m ladians. ÏTms was the latest üspatch received up to midniht. A rppcial from RushTÍlla, Neb., says: The Oomhii Guards, who rolunteered tlipir Berviees, have beea ordercd to hold themsslves in ireadiness to move to t'nr iront. They aro im fine form and haTe a Gatltag gn attached to the command. PlHB BlDSB, 3. D., via Tlnshville, Neb., .lan. B. - The troope p.r; closing' in on the I ndians and a big battle is looked for at any hour. Infantry is on Lts way here from Oelrichs aud is badiy needed, as this is the v, oakest point nttlie front. Sunday nighi the hali-brcedn took their turn at being frightened anrl stampeded in the nigiit for the railroad. A report starting frorn a dozen diñ'prent sources spread liko wildüre throngh fho camp that many of tha hostiles in the gTiiseoi friendlies weare seatteKd through the ae"ency and rni!l at a signal each select his man, kil] ' "■n oscape in the concisión ar.-l aeaist the balanoe of the hostiles in their r.ttack from tho outside. The foree here. hardly 500 men, could bo wipcd out by such a plan. Fort Torras, '. D., Jan. 0. - Humors are rife hera that thi S.533 Indians on the Turtle Mountaiu resorvation are liable at any moment to inaugúrate a massacro of settlers liTing along the North Dakota border. This band of red men, among whom there isa lar:;j number of half-breedc, have been ugly for a long time.


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