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zë2?: CAPITAL, $25ö,ÖÖQ,7a THE Keytes Mortgage Cmnj Offers ftir ?■!■, at par ftnuAOcni mens, its own neven percent Örst mortKaire '■" i' bonds (in amotiiii from Sjü to ?-r,0o' tu improved (arm and elty property KemianiiUnl liitereK Absolute of Interes) and principal interest payable in Ann Arbor Kor parttculars in regard 0 tnesfl Rftfe and deeirable loaua consul i W. I). HAK1ÍIMAN, Att'.y, Axs Arbor, Muil, NKW ADVEKIISEMENTS. r msKUÜé HNever Fails t.o Èestore Gi-ay IMKraï IhES ,H"r t:' lta 'i=ul'''1'! Co!or. Üm Pftrker's Ginger Tonio. lt cïires tlie woi.t Ccti'li, Vciik Lungs, I(;]iUit.v, Indigcation, Fan,Tako ntiint HINDÈRCORNS. The onirnirociinibrOwiw. L:o])B allpajti. lác. at Druggisis, or HliSCOX & CO., X. V. ff%VH A K-MESS & HEAD RflISE" CDREDW riB S W leck'8 INVISIBLE TUBULAR EAtt mJ E Jfft H CUSHiOHS. Whispers heard. Com. R rlililr. Ñññsftll litmll UrnoíUnfall. HoldbjF. HISCOI, Ml., ö-Bii ■■-;, Aw lyik. WriUir buoJí 8Íf rvarLiU OFALLPLASTERS [J ror ma;iy years used and Pre"?J ■o)scribed by Physicians, but only) I ircccntly ïntroduced generally. KJ ACIR-GROSYENOR'S 5g ■Pellcftp-sitís R PLASTERS. T E'S The best Porous Piaster madöQt }for all aches,pa!ns and weak places.) L lUnlike other piasters, so be sure(D ■ Jand get the genuine with the P'cvp I iture of a bell on the back-cloth.)" FíGrosvenor & Richards, Boston.CS frompïnTryit bOiünü WATER OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COWrORTING. COGOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. DR 1 THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR 4iPILBS Salt Rhaum, Eczema, Wounds, Burns, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, Etc, PR1CE 5O CENTS. Send three two-cont stamps for free sample bos and book. A AU VAi 01ür j ABSOLUTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TOILET, BATH AND NURSERY PURt5ES. TAR-OID CO., Chicago, 111. aW AAGENCYiorL B A pamphlet of iníormation and " VN.stractuf the laws, flbowniK liow toflr HObtain Patenta, CaTeats. TradeMfeh. HBMarks, Copyrights, sent freedtËKF WS :Hi Ilrondway.áff M'iïE FIGURE "O.(t The figuro 9 in our dates will rauko a long stay, No man or woman now living will ever date í iocuraent witbout using the Ügure 0. It stand Ín the third place in 1890, wbere it will remaiu ter ycars and theii move up to beooud phicc in 1900 where it will rest for ono hundrod yeorft. Thorc is another "9" which has nlso come to stny It is unlike tho figure 9 iu otir dates in the respeO that it has alnüidv moved up to first place, when it will perraanonüy remata H is calcd the "No D' Htgt Arm Wiwelor Wlteon Sewitxg Machine The rJo. 9" v:is endorsa] ï:n frst. piuco by thexperts of Europe al tlic P.irs Exposition of 18S8 where, after a sevorocontest with tin loading ma chines of the world, lt vm awnrdod Uw onl; Grand Prlze glvcn to farally sewinir r.mohiueB, al otherscj exhibí i havlog rooeivud lower awardt 01 gold mi'd.:l . ole. The French Government ñlso rt'cogni.'.u] il ;:-:periority by thedecoration o( Mr. NathanlH Wam Ier, I'rcsidentof thecomp'iny witb the of '„be Legión of Honor. The "No. S" is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirt'ly new machino, anu the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand cstadvance in sewing machine mechanism cf tbc age. Thoso who buy it can rest assured, tbereíore, of having the very latest anti bost. WHEELER & "WILSON WF'Q CO., 185 and 187 Wabaeh Ave., Chicago t Sold by M. STABLEK, 11 W. WHHliliiKlon-nt. Toleflo, Ann Ariior Oorth Micliigaa Ry. limeTablegolng lnto effect October 12, 1890. (Jolng North. Going South. 5I í T i. i a. STATIOUS. 5 Cadl Ciar. Man. Clar.'cadl' Man. Mail Ex. Exp. Exp. Mail Exp. A. M. P. M. A. M. p. M. P. M. " 6 00 3 30 Lv...Toledo.. .Ar 1 ïolll 15 6 05 3 35 _ ..MaDhattan J'n.. i 05ll 10 6 40 4 02 Monroe Junctfn 12 26:10 30 .. 6 47 4 10 _ Dundee 12 1610 22 7 08 4 SI „ Milan il 57,10 V 7 27 4 55 Plttsfleld 11 371 9 40 7 40 5 07 Aun Arbor... 11 25 9 26 7 55 5 25 Leland's 11 12; 9 10 Worden's. ' Sonth Lyons... I 8 15 5 50 „.Hamburg 10 55 8 50 .!..!.. 8 22 6 01 Hamburg Ja... 10 48: 8 40 8 50 6 28 Howell J'n.... 10 25 8 20 8 55 6 32 Howell 10 21 8 17 9 40 7 35 Durand 9 40 7 20 11 05 8 45 East Saginaw.. 8 10; 5 L0 10 20 8 10 Owosso 8 55 6 30 10 25 8 15 Owosso J'n.... 8 46 6 22 11 30 9 12 Ithaca 7 45 5 18 12 00 9 27 St. Louis 7 28! 5 00 12 45 9 35 Alma 7 23 4 55 . . r. M. A.M. p.Hi. 1 25 10 13 7 CO ...Mt. Pleasaat... 6 45 4 15 8 45 1 57 10 45' 7 38 Clare 6 15 8 40 8 18 3 35 ! 9 20 Cadillac 10 86 6 00 4 2o ........ 10 00 Harrietta 10 00 5 10 5 20 11 00 Copemish 8 55 4 20 6 22 11 40 ...Onekama J'n 7 40 2 55 7 00 12 25 Manistee 7 10 2 15 P. M. 6 85 100 Frankfort 6 55 2 30 All passenger tralns run daily except Sunday OonnecUons at Toledo with rallroadsdiverglnir At Manhattan Junction with WheelingA LakeErfe E. S. At Alexis Juuction with M. C. R. R„ L. 8. tt'y acd F. & P. M. R. K Ai Monroe Junction witu L. 8. &. M. 8. R'y. At Dundec with L. 8. & M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry . At Milan with W., 8t. h. & P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 3. & M. 8. R'y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R. and at South Lyon with Detroit, Ijansinit and North. ernR. R.,andU. T. Ry. At Ashley with the Toledo, daginaw & Muskefron railway. T.. A. A. & N. M. R'y run through coach from Toledo to East Saginaw and return on each train. No change of care between Ann Arbor and East Saginaw. S, W. A8HLK. A. J. PAI8LEY, Supenntendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. Michigan (Tbntrai; " The Niágara Falte Route." CENTRAL bTA.NDAKD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going East. Going West. Mail' 4.42 p. m. 9.43 a. m. Day txpress 5.29 p. m. 8.57 a. m, North Shore Limitedf 6S0p. m. 10.19 a. m. Chicago Expressf 2.19 p. m. N. Y. & Lina. Exf 9.45 p. m. Night Express 6.05 a. m. Evenli;g Express' 8.58 p. m. Atlantic Expressf 7.50 a. m. Pacific Expressf 10.30 p. m Grand Ropids Ex 11.00 a. m. 5.55 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. ♦ Daily. O. W. RUGGLES U. V. HAYES. G. P. & T. A. Chicaiío. Ag't. Ann Arbor. WheeungandLakeErie THE NEW THROUGH LINE BETWEEN TOLEDO AND B0WERST0N, stettbenville', MARIETTA. THROUGH COACHES EETWEEK Toledo c Marietta. THROUGH SLEEPERS BETWEES PITTSBÜRGH and CHICAGO, AND DA Y COACHES BETWEEN TOLEDOand PITTSBÜRGH, Via Akron. Cuyahoga Falle, Kent, Ravenna, Leavittsburg, Warren, Nlles, Girard, Youagstbwn, Xew Castle and Allegheny. The ON'LY LIN'E running through "BEAUTIFULZOAR." A. G. BLAIR, JAS. M. HALL, Trafile Manager. Grn. Pass. Agent. If You Have CONSUMPTiON, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCHorCOLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTINCof FLESH, Or tnnj Disease tvhere the Throat and iAtHts are Inflamed, Lack of Sfrength or Kerve Power, you can be relleeed and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURECODLIVEROIL With Hypophosphltes. Palatable as Milk. Aah for' Scott's Emulsión, anti tit no earptanation or aolicitation indure you to accept a substitute. Sold by all Drugyists. SCOTT & BOÏÏNE, Chemists, . ï. fi Mitchell'sKidney Piasters J - - -SJ Absorb all diseise in the Kidiicya and fv r" restore them P a hoaïthy cond!t:on. ' 0 Old chroni; kiJncy snj ; r they gnt nc rcl'.ef nntil thcy BiiTcviFT.Ts i:iu:: J'I.ASTÏ-U.'S. ■■"'■ ■'r-vlcre, ntl y ::-' ;' fr-r ''c


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