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Supervisors' Meeting

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Monday, January 5, 1891. Pursuant to adjournraent, the Board of Supervisors met in the Supervisors' room in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, theötli day of January, A. D. 1891. Called to order, by the Ohairman. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Gilbert offered the following: Whkbbas, Wal ter H. Dancer has been appointed Supervisor for the town of Lima, in the place of Hon J. V. Ñ. Gregory, resigned, therefore Resolved, ïhat Mr. Daocer be recognized as a member of tlns Board. Adopted. Mr. Gilbert offered the following: Wiieheak, The tratupnuisanee isagain becoming exceedingly troublesome and, by a new dodge, seems to evade the n-ulatious eatablished by the Board of Supervisora, and is gain fllling our j&il, it. aecewary that gome furtheraction be taken by Iliis Board to prctect the tax payers from these leeches on society and the public treasury; therefore Resolved, That by virtue of theprovisions of Sec. 9G41! of Howell'w Annotated Statutes of the State of Michigan, the Sheriff or any of his deputiesin and for the Counly of Washtenaw, in said State, are hereby authorized and required to cause raen of the convicts under their charge as are capable of hard labor to be employed under the direction of said Sheriff; and the Committee on Pablic Buildings is hereby authorized to establish a stone yard in as close proximity to the connty jai) asshall be practicable, and cause said yard to be supplied with Held from the country about the City of Ann Arbor; and the said Sheriff hall employ such convicts in the work of preparing such stone as aforesaid as a proper in-iteriül to place upon the public streel md highways; and the said Committeu i furlher HUthorized to sell and dispose of said prepared material in its ditcretion to the city authorities of said City of Ann Arbor, or the proper officer.s of any lownship in said County of Washtenaw, to the best advantage Upon inotion of AmbroseKeurnHy.the said resol ution was laid upon the table until to-morrow afteroon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Young moved that the Cha:r appoint a special committee to examine the boiids of the county office. Carried. The Chair flppointed as such committee Mesara Young, Gilbert and Oesterlinc. Mr. Gilbert moved tb at Mr. Dancer take the place of Mr. Gregory on all committeee previonsly uppointed. Carried. On mot ion of Mr Young, the Board adjourned niitl to morrow morninp, at 10 A. M.;ii Davenpokt. Chairman. Artiiuh Bbowm, Clerk. Ti i:may, January 0, 1891 The Board ot Supervisors met pursuant to ailjourument. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Dancer moved that Mesare. Del'uv and Cune added to Criminal Claims Commlttee Sïo. l. Carried. Mi. Case moved that a committee of three be appointed to report to this Board tiienmr:intof bountyfor the year of 1890 that has been paid on English sparrows in the severnl Supervisor' distrkls. Carried. The Chair apiiointed as such committee, Messr.H Hughes, Duncan and Kearns. On motioo of Mr. DePuy, the 1'. ard look a recess until 2 r. m AFTERN(,OJJ SBsSION. The huur having arrived lor the eonsidemtion of the resolution of Mr. Gilbert, in reference to the tramps' stone yard, etc., Mr. Kearney moved that the eonsideration of sai il lesolution be made a special order for to-morrow, at 2 P. m. Carried. Mr. Dancer, from Criminal CiaitnsCommittee No. 1, reported the bill of Thomas K. Leonard, Deputy Sheriff, and recommended its allowance as claimed. Adopted. C'latmul. AlUmai. Tho. P. Ieonard, Dept. Slier 8j 3-5 J5 86 Mr. Young, from Civil Claims Commlttee, reported the following bilis and recinmended their allowance at sumo Mal tril, to-wit : ( 'In mul AÜOUKd. Ut. C. Liarllng, Wituess In P. C... a 00 85 00 o'ilareaABoyle.supplIes for j&il e w 6 00 Dr.W. F. Breaky, Wituessin P.C. S 00 5 00 Report adopted, Mr. Bennett, from Criminal Claims ( lommittee No. l', reported the following bilis and recommended ttn-ir ullowance it sums Btated, tO-wit: ' mud. Allowed. i 0, 'i liumpson, wiinees befoic A. 1). Crauc, J.l' „ 1148 S 1 4h 1'. 1' Hognnius 15 46 18 4.r Ctias. Koul. Constable i 3 i ; W. I'. litacn, jurcr 1 50 1 60 James Koot, " 1 60 1 60 A.W.llatuilton, ■ 150 150 A. A. Bedel), " 160 150 M. B. ScbaOer, " 150 150 Aug. HOiStl, Witncss 88 J 88 V. M. Koberts, Juror 1 M i 50 Wm. Kenden, Wimeas '1 t 2 88 Geo. SchalTer, W i mess 3 38 8 88 E. B. Pond.J. P 4 50 4 60 The report of the Counly Treasurer waa presentad to the Board. Whicb, on motion of Mr. Hunter, was considered, read and reterred to ihe Committee to Settle With the County Oflicers. The lbllowing is the report: To he Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisor of Washtenaic County: Gentlemen:- 1 herewith transmit myjreport ot moneys received and paid OUI Ijy me trom the ürst day of üctober, A. D. 181J0, ui' to mi inchulnig the 31st day oT December, A. D. 1890. Álao, a btatement of the resources and liabilities, as shown by ilic luniks m tlus office, January 1, A. D. 1891. All ut inch is res)ectfully t.ubmilted lor yor.r inapection and examination. Gustave Brehm, Counly Treasurer. Bgcxuro. Kcdeinii.iuii Tax ï 1 85 Salem Towiishlp- l'rimary Montj 452 Tfi NorUiliekl ïowuthiji- l'rimary Money S 274 k'J 'laxes.' 1750 00 2,023 t AiiguKtaToKiithip- l'rimary Money 458 92 Manchester ïownship- " " MS 01 Sylvun Tiisvnship- " " 5S0 53 BriilKewattirTiiwubhip - l'rimary Money ".'54 10 Male of Michigan- Chg. Back Ttutes 11 52 Freedum ToWQlfalp - l'rimary Money :'.S7 ::i l'iuslield ToWDlhip- Prlmary Mouey 82 55 25 Taxes 1200 0J 1,15') 2.1 Salem Townslup - Primary Money 234 f". Taxes 1440 75 1,675 60 Ypsilantt Townshlp- l'rimary 218 68 Teachers' Instituto Fund- Instituto Kees 62 00 Lodl Towtuhip- l'rimary Money t 231 77 Taxes 2197 00 2,42(1 77 Sharon Township- Primary Money 257 93 Superior Townanlp - Primary Money S 253 33 Taxes 1928 00 2,178 33 Webster Townshlp- Primary Money 151 69 Taxes 1800 00 2,051 69 Scio Township- Primary Money 610 51 Taxes 1536 00 2,096 51 Dexter Township- Primary Money 174 49 I.lma Township- Primary Money _.. 222 53 Ypsilantl City- Primary Money $1354 43 LiquorTax 123 75 1,478 18 York Township- Primary Money 613 59 Aiin Arlior City- Liquor'lax 8 189 22 Primary Money 2314 62 2,503 84 County Fund- D. KingsleyGuard 52 87 J. W. Iiábbitt 10 00 62 87 POOT Fund- Supt'sof Poor 152 30 Delinquent Tax- Del. Tax Collectlons... 185 01 General Fund- Llquor Tax 8 312 98 W. K. Chiids. office rent BI OU 365 98 Fine Money Fund- Fines pald In 3 00 Aun Arbor Township - Primary Money $ 190 96 Taxes 217 00 2 Lyndon Townshln - Primary Money 127 82 Amount Overdrawn at F. and M. Bank, January 1. '91 20,724 23 Total $15,970 87 DISBIltSEMENTS. Chg. Back Taxes- Taxes Chg. B'k..$ 11 52 Michigan Asyl jm- Paid Treas 11 47 Saline Townshtp- " " ... 4,52 7( Northfleld Townshlp- Pald Treas. 274 89 Augusta 1 ownship - ' " 458 92 Manchester Townshlp - " " 549 01 Pylvan Township- ' " 530 53 Interest Fund- Int paid F. S M. Bank MS 4U BridgcwatrrTownsliip- P'dTreas. 254 10 sia;e of Michigan- Paid Treas.... 66 M K.Mlch. Asjlum- ■■ " .. 1624 T:i lom 'iownship - '' " ... 487 iïl Pittüfteld Township- " " ... 250 25 Salem Township- " ' ... 281 85 Ypsilantl Townshlp- " " ... 218 68 Board of Si hooi Exam.- Orders paid 223 00 Sti-nographer Fund- Orders pald 307 60 Wltness Fund- " 192 65 LodiTownthln- Paid Treas 231 77 Sharon Townshlp- Pald Treas... 2-'7 'J5 Superior Township - ' " ... 253 33 Webster ". " ... 15169 HcioTownsliip- " " ... 510 51 Dexter Townnhip- " " ... 184 57 Lima Townshlp- " " ... 222 53 House of Correction- " " ... 13160 Ypsilanti City- " ... 1354 43 Salary Fund-Orders paid 19)2 49 York Township- Paia Treasurer 617 78 Aim Arbort'ity- " " 2565 34 County Fund- Orders pa;d 6508 0 Juror Fund- ■' " 1879 00 ('imtingcnt Fund- Orders yaid... 3110 86 (icneral Fund- " ' ... 5 65 Fuel Fund- " " ... 878 99 Pub. Building Fund- ■ ■' ... 582 48 Poor Fund- " " ... 1307 27 Insurance Pand- " " ... 397 60 Ann ArborTowns hip- P'dTreas. 190 96 Lyndon Townsliip- Pald Treas... 127 Bridgewater Drain No. 1- Orders paft no 20 N. Br. Swan (,'rcek Drain- Orders Iaid 4 29 Amount Ovirdrawn at F. and M. Bank.October 1, '90 16500 00 T tal 815,970 87 statement of fietourcesand I.iabilities.asshown by the books in my ofllce, January 1, 1891 : RESOI Charged BackTüXes 8 1152 Jail Fund 151 72 Ivst Michigan Asylum 1,318 88 Board of School Kxam. Fund 401 96 Delinquent i.'ounty Tax 62 23 Stenographer Fund 292 67 Witness Funil 663 12 Salary Fund fi,347 99 County Fuml 10,591 21 Jurors' Fund 5,103 80 Ypsilanti Town Dog Fund 7 92 Contingent Fund.: 14,689 24 Fuel Fund 1,386 99 Public Building Fund 2,746 15 Insurance Fund 391 89 Unknown HeirFund 682 01 44.564 20 I.UBIUTIfS innual Tax Sale t 279 99 Kedeniptiun l'ax 1 85 Michigan Asyluin 60 '.il Northfleld Township 1,750 00 InUrestFund 8 66 .state ol Mientan 17 68 Pittsh'eldTiiwiiship 1,200 00 Salem Township 1,140 75 Teachers' lnstitute Fund... 322 29 Lodi Townshlp ..... 2,197 Ui Superior Township 1,925 00 Webster Townsblp 1,900 00 ScioTownshlp I,5r6 00 House of Correction 276 58 Ypsilanti Ci y 123 75 Ami ArborTuwn Dog Fund.... 201 Delinquent Tax _.... 185 01 Genera) Fund.. ... i,io 51 Fine Money Fund 91 90 Foor Fund 3,109 01 Ann Arbor Township 'i, 175 00 Hridgewater Draiu No. 1 182 88 Wanty add. to Sugar Cr'k Drin Fund 5 07 Down & Ferris Drain Fund 22 52 Bis Marsh Drain Fund He Btoney Creek Drain Fund 9 33 South Co. Line Drain Fund S0 88 Pittsfleld Drain No. 1 g 00 West Branch Big Marsh Drain Fund sx ïupcrior Drain No 1 29 56 Lowrey & WalBh Draiu Fund.. 19 80 Edward D. Slmpson Estáte 27 01 Jno. H. Hans Estáte r 5 00 Luvi Jud 25 00 Overdrawn at F. and M. Bank. Jamiary 1, t-'.n üO,921 33 144,564 20 Mr. Hughefl move 1 to reeoueider the motioii of Mr. Case to have a comtnittee appointed to report theamountof bounty paid (in Kii:lish sparrowH in the several Supervieors' ilistricls of Washtenaw Co. Wbicb motion lost. Mr. Kearney moved Mr. ('use be added to said committre. Mi. ('ase moved 1.1 amend, by' stibstituting llie ..I Mr. Miner fnr the DBOie of Mr. ('ae. Mr. Miner moved as faubstitute, llmt the committee heretofore appointed be discharged, and that the Chair appoint a committee of one lo examine the acCOUnU and report In the Board. Carried. The Chair appointed as such committee Mr. John R. Miner. Mr. Case moved that the Committee on Public Buildings be instructed to see that the usurante policies upon all of the public buildings be made to contain a perniit frotn the nsurance companies aliowin); the use cf gaBoline BtoveR in al! of the public buildings. 'ai lied On motion of Mr. Kearney, the Board adjourni'd unlil to-morrow, at 10 a. m. Al.FRBD Da VENPORT, Chairman. Artiiii: r.ROUN, Vlerk. Wkiinksh.w, Jaimaiy 7, 1891. The Board met pursuant to adjournuienl. Cal led Ui order Uy Ibe Chairman. H'ili called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday wan read and a puro ved. Mr. Dancer, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reiorted the following bilis and recommended Iheir allowanco at sutns stated, to-wit : ('íatmed. Alhiuui. Charles Dwyer, .sherin $15 50 sis bo M. C. Peieikon, Deputy Sherlll'. 8 40 8 40 John Uillen, Ucputy Klierlll'.. BIS 8 25 Michael Brcnner, Deputy Shctill... 7 TO 7 70 llepnrt adupted. Mr. Bennett, from Criminal Claims Committee No, 2, reponed the following bilis and recom tnended their allowance at suins r-tali'd, to-wil : Clatmed. A.lloied. A. I). Crane, ,) . 1' Ï 3 81 Ï 3 81 (luis, sielilnus, Deputy Sheriff.... 175 175 J. T. Honey, Juror 2 25 2 25 J. V. N. Qregory. Juror 2 25 2 25 Geo. W. Pratl, " 2 ÜB 2 25 M.8. Cook, ' 2 2.1 2 25 H. Thrasher, " 2 25 2 25 II. ;. Whittakcr, " 2 25 2 25 T. J. Walker, Witness 75 75 Frank Buctaanan, Witness 75 75 G. W. Beckwith, " 10 00 10 00 Kdgar Ililderbrant. " 2 25 2 25 John Hilderbrant, " 6 00 6 00 Kalph Plnckncy, " 2 25 2 25 N. ü. Butts. J. P 8 00 S CO Report adopted. Mr. Bennett also reported the bill of M. M. Campbell, which, on motion, was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney. Mr. Young, from Civil Claims Committee, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: ('hiiuicd. Allouied. Eberbach &Son, Thermometer... $ 1 00 S 1 00 Dr. John Kapp, Witness In P. C... ñ 00 5 00 Dr. H. Gibbs, " "... 5 00 5 00 Kuprene Oesterllne, " "... 2 00 2 00 Dr. C. G. Darling. " "... 5 00 5 00 John W. Bennett. " " ... 2 00 2 00 Dr.J.W.Herdmau, ' "... 5 00 5 00 The Kichman & BackusCo., Stationen 86 68 86 68 Dr. B.Studworth, Witness in P.C. 10 00 10 00 Kalamazoo Pub. Co., Statlonery.. 1 50 1 50 Geo. W. Palmer, Witaess In P.C. 5 00 5 00 Wni. Arnold, for repairs on Co. Treasurer's clock 1 50 1 S0 Dean & Co., suppües lor Jall 9 50 9 50 J. W. Morton, Witness in P. C... 5 00 5 00 Dr. F. Carrow, " "... 5 00 5 00 C. G. Darling " " ... 5 00 00 C. II. Kempi " " ... 6 i-) 6 40 Report adopted. Mr. Miner, from Special Committee, to wliom was referred the matter of computinp the aniount of bounty paid for English sparrows in the several Supervisers' districte, for the year 1890, made the following report: Xn. if Sparrowt. Ann Arhor 12,324 Ann ArborTowtl 954 Aigui.ta 1,622 Brldfiemater 5,2i8 Dexter MM Freedom 2,883 Lima 117 Lodi 2,418 Lyndon 112 Manchester 5,378 Northfield !W0 Pittsfleld 1,155 Salem. 2,842 Saline 1,861 Scio 2.755 Sharon 1,017 üuperlor 815 Sylvan 2,8x:i Webster 176 York 1,807 Ypsilanti Town 2,430 Ypsilanti City 18,881 68,9.r;4 Total amoiint oaid, @3ceach $.068 92 Which report, on motion of Mr. lire ining, was received and ordered spread upon the Mr. Young, from Committee to Examine the Bonds of County OfthterH, reported tbal thecommitteehad examined the bonds of Charles Dwyer, Arthur Brown, Gustave Brehm, Michael Heery and Patrick McKernan, and recommend that said bonds be approved. Rfiort adopted Mr. Duncan moved thal the question of fees of the County Olticers in the tax casei be referred to the Special Committee heretofore appointed to report to the Board thesalaried dnties of the ('lerk. Carried O.i motion, tlie Board tmik a recess muil _' i'. RKOON BKMION The Kpecial hour ha ving arrived for the i'onnideration of the resolution of Mr. (. lier i in reference to the establishment of a i'one yard, Mr Miner moved iiis Mr. Elihn B Puiiil requeüled to addregs tlie Board iip(in the nutter' of t r i ektat)Hhment of a ti ton e yard. Carried. Thereupon Mr. Pond addresi-ed the r.'i:inl upon lliiit sul)jeet. f To be Continued. ]


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Ann Arbor Register