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"That sA Blanket is a dandy." FREE-Get froni your dealer free, the y4 I5ook. It lias Iluminóme pictures and val'iable informatiun iilxnit horsos TVo -r tlirve úolliira fot a 5 a Horse Bhinket will malie vwr horse wortli more and eat less to keep warm 5A Five Mile 5A -uss Stable T for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at priees to snit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write i:s. M BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE S'A LABEL Manuf'ri Xry Wm. Aykf.8 & Sons. Plillaila whij make thHfamous Horse Brarut llakcr WarH-ef 7ood's Fïiostpla-OcLixie. E OREAT KVOLISH REMEDV. t . : 3ó years - .ra. of Youthful toUy ítAtI and the exoewe:; .illy. fm9t'9r ' later years. d to cure all .jJM 3 Uivea immefUntc l .:■! Nervousi Xj3 strenath andvi'j.:igss, Emls-IKMt er. AskdruKis .; .s, PP"P"?P for Wood's I'hnR . Iincotency "t, " , ,,," phodine; tnkci: : uil tht erfoctsZiito_iï0_nli?teilsub3tItute. i Se cags,Jl; slx, tb, by mail. Wrlto for pamphlst. I TbeiWood Chemicol Co.. 131 WoodvvarJ - j., Detrcit, Mlcli. SCVCN ÍEVtNTCErí To cure Biliousness, Sick Headaohd, Conetipation, Malaria, Liver Conaplatnto, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS V the SHAM Siie (401ittlo Becsüto th bOCtte). THEV AKE THE MOST Coxrt'. i.-3xa.5ïl tor #11 Agc. Prlce of -ith.r slze,_25e. per üottlo. HLIJiialnlSTl'r''"''U PANEL SIZK IWWimUiwii.i fri ' u.(eeppnoriump J.F.SHITHiCO.-iírr, :, í.i üium " ' ' r - .■ ■ - ■ ■ I I Rl [_ M ra,,i,lly ,,d honotably, tbo o ■UI I I OU f W illliiT ti.younprcr old.and in tbiir ■ Oivn localitif , liercrer tht jr lir. An ■ ■■!■ b ■ odo can do Iba work. Eaay K leun. Wa funnsh cverythinff. lVc start you. No rik. Yoa can devota your ■are moment, -r all your time to the work. Tliis la au entirtly new lead,and bringa wonderAil success to ererr workcr. Beginne are eaming from #25 to #30 per week and spwards, ana more after a llttlo einerience. We can furniih you Ihe employment and tenen ycm r'BKK. No atiace to explaln hare. Full Information KREE. TKVE fc CO., ilUlSIi, UIKV. llYOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & Ca No. io Spruce Stree NEW YORK, Robfr Slioes unlpss cri] uncomfortably tigbt, y slip off tli f.-t'i the colchest: :ü nrnnEn ce. mal-" all thPlr Phoit with insMe of heel llned wltlj rubb r. Thls olluw M the shoe unJ Lrc-vcnts th rubber trom siipplug oft Jail mr the ooteneftpf ADMEïVtl COUNTERS." FOR SALEBY Wm.Allaby, Jolin Iturt:, Dwiy d Felner. I,. Ui-mier, V. H-liiluirII A ►-, A. I. Sejler A Kon. AHBOR. ff 6000. 00 jmr ti blag br John Iï. tench how ti.curti from t& to #1U ti day al the tart, mul more ■■ you go on. Bota HM) all In nny part of Armri.ii. you mn cinmmice at lnjmc, girhip al! your tlnio.dr ijiare momenta only to ttie work. All is luw. Grmt .y Sl'KK for ev.rytlnuc. 1. SI 1 Y, M'ÜÍ.WLY lrarnetT Wlil'ld LA-ttf FltKE. Aililn-ftnt once, l uü M (v.. i i.'ii.kM', haim:. MANorWOMAN Shoul carry some Life Insurance and ASÍ OPTION POL.ICT, as now fssued by the National Life Ins. Co.. OF VEBJIOM, Providcs. forjany emergency that can srise. can be paid for infive, ten, or twenty years and contains the followlng guarantees: FIRST- Apald up policy after three yeart which amount is written on the face of the policy. It guarantees you an Annual Case Value, or if the insured needs, or desires to ral money, the Company will loan on this policy, and UU keep the policy in force. This is a great ad vantage to a person who may need money in business or to protect credit. THIRD- It guarantees extended Insurance for the full amount of Insurance, for so long time as the cash value will pay for it. This Is a valuable option to many who may through physlcal, or flnanclal misfo'rtune desire their policy carried. In fact this Polier ffotect? Jpiji?t jUyeijsit]f In Business, and also makes an absolute provisión in case of death, for wife, children or creditors Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the .National Life Insuiance Company of Montpeller Vermont. GEORUE; W. KILLER, Special Aircnt, 1 IIhiiiIKoii Block, ANN ARBOR. MICH. Insurasce, Seal Eslats and Loa: Aencj OF 2HAMILT0N & GREEN. OFFICES : No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST II. OOK. Parties deslrine to buy or sell Real Estáte will find it to their advantage to cali on ns. We represent the following flrstclass Flre Insurance Companies, havir.g an aggregate eepltalof ever 8,000,000 ', The Orand Rapld V'rv im. Co., Tlie Ohlo Farmor's in. Co., (Insnrei oill.V llu.llllllis . The Herman Flre lm, ('o., The Peoplc's Flre Ins. Co., The Cilizens'Fire Ins. Co., The Wentohester Flre In. Co., The Milnaukce STrchanlc'H Flre In Co., The Siew Ifamnshlre Flre In. Co., The Xonnwestern Flre Ins. Co. Rateo Low. Loeses liberally adjusted and pal promptly. We also fustie Life and Investment Folíeles in the Conn, Mutual Life Insurance Compauy. Astets 155,000,000. Persons desiring Aident Insurance, can have yearly Pollcies written for them oi Traveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket lssned at Low Rates In the Standara Accident Insuranc Compsn-" of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at CnmM Rate. Office hours froro 8 a. m. to 12 m. nd ? " 5 p. M. Hamlllon tfc Green. rini'lf) '■ '" Shoea are vaUllU ivnrrnntofl. nmi every pair kan til" iiniiif mul ptirf tninpcfl no bottotu. c2 ifw , OlES W. L DÓUGLAS $3 S H O E GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Iaced Waterproof Oraliv. The excellence and wearinff qualitlesof this shoc cannot be better shown than oj' the strong endorsenientB of its thousands of constant wearera. $L.00 Genuine IImi4-t'weil. an lesant and 9 styllsh dress Shot) which commends itself. $ f .00 Ifnnd-M'wi'd Welt. A fine calf Shoe ■P uaequnlled for slyle and durablltty. S0.50 (lïoodyear Welt 1b the standard dresa O Shoe, at a popular prlce. SO. 60 Polic(manfH Shoc Isespeclally adapted v for rallroad men, farmerB, etc. All made la Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$, liave been most favorably recelTed slnce Introduced and the recent improvements niake them superior to any shoes boM ai these prlccs. Ask your Dealer, anl lf he cannc iupply you senil ■ direct to faetory encloslng adTertlsed prioe. or postal for order blunks. W. L.. IOUUIAS Ilrocktu, Ma. EXHnilne W. L. Ioo[Ihn 82.00 Shoe for Urntlrmen anl Ladlea. WH. REINHARDT L CO., 42 S. MA1.V KTRCXT. Alm Artior. FOR MEN ONLY! ífjrarpTWSFor LOSTorFAILDÍO MANHO0D; jKHljJifHGeneral and NERV0US DEBUJTYj PÍ"J 1 I n I ■ WeaknesB of Body and Blind, Effect F" f H " tnf Errors or Eioesaei in Old or Toun, (huil, Soblt MAMKHinfnlIr lientorca. llow to fnlrre i 'I renet hnVi KAK, ï M)KVEI,(ïPFItOK(JAN8 PAHTHOF BODT. tlxolutelr nnfmlll..K I1OHK 1 KKA1 MKNT-Henrftti In d.T. M ttntitj n-ora &O Stuif k tind f erHgn Coantrlf. rite the. J: ncrlptlve Honk, #tpiftni(.i n nnr) tironT" nmllrd (Bltd) frM AríM ER1C MÏHÖA!. CO.. QUFFALO. N. Y 1ALESMEII WA1TTBD. il LOCAL OR" J TPAVELING. 11 to Bell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses Stcady Employment guaranteed. CHASE BROTHERN OMPAXY. N. W.AYER ïWi7ouraiich..l.L uia


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Ann Arbor Register