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To The Pacific Connt Go to California viathe throngh lines of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or St. Louis to Denver, and thence ver the new broad gauge, through car nes of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Railways, via Lpadville, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, - tlirongh interesting cities and unsuriatund oenery. Oi nintr eirí all the WílV O TWO CKXTK PEKHILR. 1'. II. . Thoiisnnri MHe Boofc ■ 'l ton '1 liiMisiinil l'olnt-.. A i opular deinand lias been a thousatnl milebook at a $20 rale (jood over m'vitíI roada withoul referred attuchraeiH .ir ot.hpr vexatinus r. yulations. Che new tlionsand mi Ie bookn which the Jincinnati Ilamilton & Dayton Raüroad will place on sul on and after January 20 meel thedernand. They will beso KI it all C. H. & I). tifk-t offices and will CPpted for [a8SHge not ouly on all liviMons of ihe C. H. & D. but, also beween al] s ations on iifteen otber linea. riiey ar an ever r. ■:!()}' tirkot between jincinnati, Ind anapolis, Chicado, St. Louis, Dayton, Toledo, Buffal , Balamaaoa, Ft. wiayno, Peoría, Aun Arbor, Cadllao (Mioh.) and a thonsand other ■jrllllls 42 ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI Street Raüway. TIME TABLE In effect January 10, 1891.] Lkavk YPSILANTI at 7:30, 0. 10:30 A. M, and 12:45, 2:20, 4, 5:40, 7:20, 9, 10:30 p M. Leave ANN ARBOR, irom Court House, at 7:55, 9:25, 10:55 A. M. and 1:10, 2:50, 4:30, 6:10, 7:50, 9:25, 10:55 p. M. 1k55 p. m Cara from Ann Arbor will ftfij) at corner uf Washington and Cross streets, Ypsilantl. Leave YPSILANTI ut 9:45, 11:25 a. -t. and 1, 2:40, 4:25, 0:05. 7:45, 8:10 P. m. Leave ANN ANBOR. frorn Court House, at 10:14' 11:55 A. M. and 1:30, 3:10, 4:55, 0.35, 8:'.O and 9:50 P. M. Wheeling and Lake Erie EAILWAY. THE NEW THK0UGH LINE HETWKICN T O l - 1: D O - AND B0WERST0N, STE3BENVIILE, KAUIElTd. TH R O UGH COA CHES BETWUh.N Toledo & Marietta. TI1R0ÜGU SLEEPERS BETWEKN PÍTTSBURGH and CHICAGO, AND DA Y COACHES BETWBES TOLEDOand PITTSBURGH, Via Akrou. Cufahoga Falls, Kent, Ravenna. Ix-avittstmrg, Warren, Nlles, Girard, Youngst'wn, NewCaftle and Ailegheny. The ONl.Y I.ISE running through "BEAUTIFUL ZOAR." A (. RLAÏR, .IA9 M. HALL, Trtffio yanagtr. Grn Past. Agent. Toledo, Ann Arnor & Nortb Michigan R?. lime Table goiDg into effect Octobcr 12, 1890. Going North. Golng Sooth. . i'. re t. ir. STATIONS. 5 Cadl Ciar. Man. Ciar. Cadi; Man. Malí Ex. Ezp. Exp. Malí Exp. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 6 00 3 80 Lv...Toledo.. .Ar 1 10 11 16 6 05 3 36 ..Manhattau J'n.. 1 05 11 10 6 40 4 0 Monroe Junct'n 12 25lO 80 6 47 4 10 Dundeo 12 16 10 22 7 08 4 31 Milán n 57 10 02 7 27 4 5ft Plltsfield 11 37 9 40 7 40 5 07 Aun Arbur... 11 25 9 2G 7 55 5 25 Leland's U 12 9 10 Worden's M South Lyons 8 15 5 L0 Hamburg 10 55 8 50 8 22 6 01 Hamburg J'u... 10 48! 8 40 8 50 6 28 Howcll J'n.... 10 25! 8 20 8 68 0 32 Howell 10 21 8 17 9 40 7 35 Durand 9 40 7 20 11 05 8 45; Kast Saginaw.. 8 10 5 0 10 20 8 10 Owosso 8 55 6 30 10 25 8 15 Owosso J'n.... 8 46 6 22 11 30 9 12 Ithaca 7 45 5 18 12 00 9 27 St. Louis 7 28 5 00 12 45 9 35 Alma 7 23 4 55 r. m. A. M. p.M. 1 25 10 13 7 00 ...Mt. Pleasant... 8 45 4 15 8 45 1 57 10 45 7 38 Clare 6 15 8 40 8 18 3 35 9 20 Cadillac 10 35 6 00 4 2.i 10 00 Harrielta 10 00 5 10 5 20 11 00 Copemish 8 55 4 20 6 22 11 40 ...Onekama J'n 7 40 2 55 7 00 12 25 Manistee 7 10 2 15 6 35 i 00 Frankfort 6 5f 2 30 AU passenger tralns run daily cxcept Sunday üonnectlons at Toledo wtih rallroadsdlverglng. At Manhattan Junctlon with WheeüngA Lake Krie E. a. At AlexlB Junctior wlth M. C. R. R., L. S. tt'y acd F. & P. M. K. 1 A' Monroo Junctlon wiin L. 8. &. M. 8. H'y. Al Dundec wlth L. 8. A M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán wlth W., 8t L. A P. Ry. At Plttsfleld with L. 8. 4 M. 8. R'y. At Ann Arbor wlth Michigan Central R. R.,and at South Lyon wlth Detroit, iAnslng and Northern R. R.,nd tt. T. Ry. At Ashley with the Toledo. Saginaw & Muskegon railway. T., A. A. & N. M. R'y run through coach from Toledo to Last Saginaw and return on each train' No changc of cara betwecn Ann Arbor and East Saginaw. H. W. ASHLK. A. J. PAI3LEY, Superintendent, Geu. Passenüer Aueui. GE'). H. HAZLEWOOD, Aent, Ann Arbor. KViGHIGAN CMEMS " The Niágara Falls Route." CEKTEAL STANDARD TIME. TRA.INS AT ANN ARBOB. Golng East. Going West. Mail 4.42 p. m. 9.43 a. m. Day Expresa 5.29 p. m. 8.57 a. m, North Shore Limltedt 6 30 p. m. 10.19 a. m. Chicago Expressí 2.19 p. m. N. Y. & Lirn. Ext !-45 p. m. Night Express C.05 a. m. Eveuii;gExpresb 8 58 p. m. Atlantic Expressf 7.50 a. m. Pacific Expresst 10.30 p. m Grand Roplds Ex 11.00 a. m 5.55 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. + Daily. O. W.RÜGGLES H. W. BAYBS, G. P. í T. A. ChieaKO. Air't. Ann Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register