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Supervisors' Meeting

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[ Continued f rom last week. ] On tnotion of Mr. Gilbert, the preamble of the resolution heretofore offered by him was amended so as to read as folio ws : Whbkeas, The tr.i!ij)iiUÍ.-;inccÍHí becoining troub!eonu', it sterns necespary that somt; furtber acüon be taken by llie lï iard to urolect the tax pujers from thrse leacnes on soi-iety aml tiie public treasury. Mr. Kearns'offered the following as d subslitute : Wuereas, The ïmmber of disorderly persons in this county seerastobe ;ncreasing, therefore be il Resolved, And it is hereby oidered that consent be and is hereby given md granted unto the keeper of the common juil of ibis county, that he ia hereby to caQbe the convicta cODfined therein who shall or may have been tenteneed to hard labor tu be, wliile so cotifined, tmployed at constant hard labor, pursuant to law, by biexking stne inastone-yard whicn is litreby esiablished for that purpose. All JuBtices of thePeaceand other Courts of this County, in passing sentence on pertonconvicted of disoiderly conduct, and under Chapter No. 51 of Howell'n Annotated Statutes and the amendineuts thereto, entitled, "Of Disorderly Persons," and all other persons when anysuch person shall besentenced to imprisonment in the common jail of this county are hereby requested, if no good reason is made to appear why the same should be improptr, to sentence all Mich persons to hard labor while so confined therein. The Cominittee on Public Bnildin s is hereby authorized and required to procure, at the expense of the oouuty, a buitable and convenient place for the establishment of a labor yard and to eotablish a stone yard ; aleo [o procure huitable tools, implements and material for conducting, by the keeper of raid common jai!, a stone yard therein, and the Clerk is hereby in fctruoted to notify the Justices of the Peace of this county of the passage of said resolution. Carried. The original moïion, as substitut d, was then carried. Mr. Burlingame, frotn Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the bill of Wm. Walth and recommended that it b allowed as sUted : Claimed. Aliawed. Williani Walsh, Dojit. Sheriff..... $ 10 00 ! 9üO Report adopted. Mr. Young, froui the committee appointed to txamiue the bonda ot' the C'tinty Officere, reported the bonds of Frank Joslyn and of the F. and M. bank, and recoaiinend thal they be approved. Iteport adopted. Mr. Bennett, from Criminal C.aiuis Committee No L', reported the following bilis and reeommeuded their allowance at sums ttated, to wit: Claimed. A E. B. Pond, J. P. $ 63 20 $ 63 20 N. (J. Butts, J. P 128 66 128 55 Kraiik Joslyn, J. P 24 90 On motion of Mr. Miner, the report. was adopted, with the excepticn of the bill of Frank Joslyn, wt.ich wa allowed at $21.07. Claimed. Allowed. Frauk Joslyn, J. I' tf 21 90 8 21 07 On motion, the Board adjourned until morrow, at 10 A. M. Alfred Dayenpokt, Chairmun. Arthur Brown, Clcrk. Thursday, Januan 8, 1891. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Hunte moved that Mr. Cavanaugh be invited to address the Board upon the subject of cl. ssifying the district schools. Carried. Whereupon Mr. Cavanaugh txplained the great need of having our district schools classified, and requested that a committee be appointed to confer with him upon that subject. Mr. Kearns moved that a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to confer with Mr. Cavanaugh upon the subject of classify ing the district schools. Carried. The Chair appointed as sucb commitlee Messrs. Kearns, C ise and Walter. Mr. Dancer, from Criminal ClaimsComtnittee No. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at BQiQB ttated, to-wit : animal. AUowed. Chas. Dwycr, Sheriff. 8181 00 Ï181 00 J'.W. Mui;abe,Deputy Sheriff 30 2i 36 25 ZioaBuck, " 9 78 9 78 InaBuck, " " 4 50 4 50 chas. Dwyer, Sheriff 25 00 25 00 Chas. Dwyer, Sbëriff. 53 'J8 53 98 Report adopied. Mr. Bennett, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 2, reported the followin - billa and recommended their allo ranee at sums stateJ, to-wit: Cío merf. Allowed. James ?howers, Marshal t 4 75 J 4 75 John Waston, Juror 78 78 All'red Brown, Juror 48 48 Myron Webb, J. 1' 2 50 2 50 K. 1!. Gldley, Constable 6 60 6 60 V. P. Bogarüus, J. P 8 CO 8 00 James Murry, VVitness 96 96 S. V. Saxtou, Witness 96 96 Davil (Mitins, " 48 48 N. C. Tice, " 48 Bert B. Kowc, ' 8 48 Fred BeJford, " „ 48 48 Cowen w. Howk, Witness 48 4S Paul Meyer, " 48 48 C. G. Darling, " 48 4S Report adopted. Mr. Forsyth moved that the Clerk be authorized to subscribe for the NortltKestern Reporter, to be kept in the Court Room. Carried. Mr. Case moved that a committee of linee be appointed by the Chair to report to the Board the amount of fees that thisBoard willallow forservingcitatious to appear in the Probate Court in insanity cates. Carried. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Edwards, Forsyth and Burlingame. Mr. DePuy moved that when the Board adjourn to-morrow that it be without day. Lost. Mr. Case moved that the Clerk be authorized to have the proceedings of this Board printed witli the proceedings of October last, Carried. Mr. DePuy moved that the Clerk be allowed twenty dollars for furnisbing a copy of these proceedings to the printer. Carried: Mr. Case moved that the committee to whom was referred the matter of reporting to the Board the amount of fees to be allowed for serving the citations issued out of the Probate Court, in insanity cases, be authorized to report to the Board the amount that this Board will allow to the officer's assistant for veying iiisane persons to the Pontiac Asylum. Carried. Mr. Kearns moved tliat Mr. Hughes be excused for the day. Carried. Mr. Edwards moved that Mr. Gilbert be exi'used lor the day. Carried. Mr. Bnrlingame moved thatMr. Sweetland be excused from attendanceat this session of the Board. Carried. Mr. Edwarda in o veil to take a retess until 3 P. m. Lost. Mr VanSi.-kle moved lo take a recess Ulltil 2 ï. M. Carried. A KTKRXOON SKB8I0N. Mr. Forayth moved that the Building Comrnittee be uuthorized toemploy Mr. Watts, or some other proper person, to repair the tower clock; the eame to be paid for from the contingent fund of said county, when the bilis tor the s.ime are certified to by the Building Commiltee. Carried. Mr. Yoiuift, from Civil Claims Committee, reported tho ibllowing bilis and reeommended their allowince at sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allmccd. E. P. ïlason, Sup't of Poor 8 21 00 S 21 00 M. J, Cavauaugh. Statlonery 20 56 20 66 Jas. Kearns, Witncss in 1'. fj 2 00 2 00 L. J. Liesemer, for I'rinting Iteport of the Liquor Moneys 23 10 23 10 EdwárdDufly, bupplies for Jail... 7 26 7 26 W. D. Marquardt, assistingJN. G. ButtB,J.P 10 1b 10 15 Report adonted. Mr. Youngalso reported the bill of W. G. Snow, for hack hire, without recommendation. Mr. Kearns moyed to allow the bilí is claimed. Mr. Hunter moved to lay said bill on the table. Lost. Mr. Miner moved to amend by striking out the last item in said bi 1, which was carried by the following vote, the yeas and nays having been called for: Yeas - Messrs. Ball,Bennett, Breining; Burtlese, Corey, Hunter, Miner, Perry, Rogers, Walter and ïoung. Nays - Messrs. Burlingame, Case, Davenport, DePuy, Duncan, Edwards, Forsy'h. J edele, Kearney and Kearns. ' Yeas, 11 ; nays, 10. The amended, was then carried. Ckiimcd. Allowcd. V. G.Snow, Hack hlre $ 6 00 8 4 00 Mr. Forsyth, from Special Committee lo whom was referred the matter of fixiiig Ihe compens&tion of office rs for serving citations isBued out of the Probate Court, made the following report: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Washlenavj County: Gentlemen: - Your Committee who were appointed to üx the compensation of officiers for serving citations issued out of the Probate Court in cases of insanity, hereby submit the following, to-wit: Forservini: notice on each person, fifty cents; for each mile actually traveled, ten cents. All of which is respectfully subtnitted. James M. Foesyth, T. G. Burlingame, D.' Edwards, Commiltee. lleporl adopted. Mr. Forsyth, from same Committee, inade the following report: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Washtcnaw County: Gentleman: - Your Committee to whom was referred the authority to fix the compensation for an assistant to officers in conveying persons to the Asylum, hereby submit the following: That we will allow railroad fare and three dollars ; the same to be paid only when an assistant is ordered by the Judge of Probate. All of which ia respectfully submitted. James M. Foesyth, T. G. Burlingame, D. Edwards, Commiltee. Report adopted. Mr. P.ennett onered the foJowing : Reiolved, That whenever hereafter tne services of a stenographer hhall be ordered by the Prosecuting Attorney, in Ir.king of testimony in examinations in Justice Courts, the compensation of such slenographer shall be üxed at the rate of eight cents per folio for taking down and transcribing said testimony. Adopted. Whereupon the Board adjourned until morro w. at 10 a. m. Alfred Daveni'oi'.t, Chairman. Arthük Brown, Clerk. Friday, Janu.iiy í), 1S91. The Board met pursuaut to adjournonent. Called to ordt-i by tho Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Bennett moved that the jourual of yesterday be considered read and that the same be approved. Carried. Mr. Bennett, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 2, reported the following bilis and recouimended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowcd. Stephen Hutchinson, Dep. Sher_ S 10 75 $ 10 75 M.M. Campbell, Constable 37 40 37 40 J. M. Woods, Constable 15 85 13 20 J. M. Woods. Constable 26 75 81 75 Report adopted. Mr. Cace, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reported the following bids and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit : Claimed. Allowcd. M. C. Petereon, Dept. Sheriff. Ï263 00 8177 )5 L. H. Miller, Deputy 8heriff. 6 00 6 00 Report adopted. Mr. Walter, from Civil Claims Committee, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. John E.Miner . WItnem in P. C... $ 2 00 8 2 00 W. M. Welch, C asslflcation Ree. 28 83 28 83 Report adopted. Mr. Kearns, from Special Committee to whom was referred the subject of procuring Classification Registers for the Distr.ct Schools, made the following report: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Gentlemen: - Your Committee who were appointed to consider the advisability of classify ing and grading our District Schools, would respectfully report that they have made a thorough examination of the svstem and would recommend that Mr. Cavanaugh purchase 135 of Welch's School Registers, at a cost of ninety-three cents each, to be placed in the several District Schools of the County. James Kearns. M. F. Case, Geo. Walter, Committee. Report adopted. I Mr. Duncan, from Comraittee to Settle with the County Officers, made the following report: ff ASHTENAW COUNTY CLERK'á OFFICE, j ANN Arbob, Januay 9. 1891. j To the Hon. Board of Swpervisors of said County: . , Your Comuiittee to Settle with the County Officers would respectfully report that they have examined the accounts of the Clerk and find that they agree with tlie accounts of the County ïreasurer. We also find the charges for entry fees and jury and stenographers fees, as transcribed from the Circuit Court calendar and Court blotter, to correspond with the account of the Clerk. The following is a correct statement of said Clerk's account with Washtenaw County: Washtenaw County in account with F. A. Howlctt ex-Clerk, from October 1,1890, to and inclurting December 31, 1890 : ToPostage ■ 8 lü 00 To Telephone bilis paid during 1890, by order of Court O To December Term Docket .-.. 10 00 't'o Return of Marriages- 179 at 6 ets. each . 10 65 To services as Secretary of Board of County Canvassera : : luJ oo To Fees in twenty Tax Cases commenced by Auditor General, at 82.00 each 00 Total "SIM CONTRA CREDIT. By 15 Entry Fees, at 82.00 each S 30 00 By six Jury Fees, at $3,00 each 18 00 By six Stenographer's Fees, at Ï3.0O 18 00 Bt balanco due the County, as per October settlemcnt 42 40 Total 108 40 BalancedueF. A. Howlett 2o S181 65 Which vee recommend be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted. Jacob Breining, A. T. Hughes, Frank Duncan, Commitlee. Mr. Breining, froin same Committee, made the fullowing report: To the Bon. Board of Supervisors of Washlenaw County: ïourCommitteetoSe tle with County Officers respectfully report that they have in ad e a thorough exaininatiou of the books and accounts in the office of the County ïreasurer, and for all moneys received and paid out by him correct vouchers wei e found on file in his office. The foüowing is a condensed statement of the receipts and disbursements made by the Treasurer from October 1, 1890, to January 1,1891 : RECEIPTS. Received from Town Trcasurers, to apply on taxes 814,13 ö Primary Jloney 0.915 29 Redemption Tax 1 w Institute Fees of SI J. Cavanaugh 62 00 LiquorTax 62o 9a Received froin D. Kingsly $52.87, J. Vi . Babbott, Ï10.00 62 87 Superintendente ol Foor loo 30 Delinquent Tax Collections 485 01 Office Rent from W. K. Child, Sec. Ins. Co. 53 00 FineWoney 3 00 CharRCd Back Taxes 11 a2 Amount overdrawn at Farmers' and Mech&nUV Bank. January 1, 1891 20,721 33 45.970 87 DISBUESEMENT9. Taxes charii cd back S 11 iri Paiü Treasurer Mich. Asylum. 11 47 Paid F. H. Belser cash, interest on overdralta 52S 49 Paid State Treasurer 66 54 Paid Treas. E. Mich. Asylum... 1,625 79 PaidSupt. House of Correction 121 30 Boaxd School Exani. Fund 2'2'. 00 Steuoitrapher Fund 307 60 WitueiSFund 19265 Salary Fund 1,912 49 County Fund 6,508 60 Juror Fund 1,379 00 Contingent Fund 3,110 45 General Fuud 5 63 Fuel Fund 878 99 Public Building Fund 582 48 PoorFund 1,307 27 Insurance Fund 897 60 DrainFunds 120 49 Pain Township and City Treas. 10,179 98 Amount overdrawn at F. and M. Bank, October 1,1890 lf.500 60 Jacob Breining, A. T. Highes, Frank Duncan, Committee. Mr. Daucer moved that the Clerk be instructed not todraw any more warrants for the payment of bounty on English sparrows until the carne had been audited by this Board. Mr. "Duncan movee that the consideration of said motion be indefioitely postponed. Carried. Mr. Burlingarne moved to reconsider the voteby which the bil] of W. G.Snow was allowed. Carried. Mr. Burlingame moved to allow the bill as claimed. Carried. ülalmcd. Allowed. W. G.Snow, balance on account... ï 2 00 $ 2 00 Mr. Dancer, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reported the bill of M. C. Petereon, Deputy Sheriff, and recommended itsallowance as claimed, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. M.C. Peterson, Deputy Sheriff..... $ 4 00 8 9 00 Report adopted. Mr. Oesterline, from Special Committee to report the Salaried Duties of the Clerk, made the following report: The Committee appointed to repert the Salaried Duties of the County Clerk have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report, that the Clerk should perform all duties required by stat ut e, andshould keep uptodateof Ihe expiration of bis office a complete general index oflawand chancery cases, and the following indexes, chancery and law calendare; biiths.deaths, niarriages, naturalization record, and all other things tliat are necessary to keep the records of his office in perfect order. The Committee fnrther recommend that the following fees be al'owed in cases brought by the Auditor General for the collection of delinquent taxes: Where the case is tried and a decree wanted, $3.00; and in oases where no decree is taken, $1.00. Report adopted. Mr. Forsyth, froin Committee on Per Diem, made the following report: Ann Arbor, January 9, 1S91. Your Committee on Perüiem respectfully make the following report: Ij's Sim. i fl j } i L_L_ L J. R. Miner e'll8 00 1 12 Í18 12 EugeneOesterliuo 6i 18 00 1 12 18 12 James Kearns 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 Ambrose Kearney 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 Amos Corey 6 18 00 1 11 18 12 John W. Bennett 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 Thomas Burlingame 6 18 00 6 60 18 60 WaherRogers 6i 18 00lft 1 80 19 80 Ge orge Waltere 6 18 00 30 3 60 2160 Jacob Jedcle 6 18 OOjll 132 19 82 Jacob Breining 6 18 00 16 1 92 19 92 Walter Danccr 6 18 00 20 2 40 20 40 L H. Sweeiland, 6 18 00 7 84 18 84 Thomas Young 6 18 00 27 3 24 22 24 William Burtless 6 18 00 35 4 20 22 20 Frank Duocan 6 18 00 10 1 20 19 20 Morton F. Case 18 00 7 84 18 84 Arthur C. Vansickle 6 18 00!l5 1 80 19 80 EdwardDePuy 0 18 00111 132 19 32 Andrew T. Hughes 6 18 001 8 96 18 96 Albert II. Perry 6 18 00,35 4 20 22 20 M.J. Howard 6 18 00!l0 120 19 20 James I, Gilbert 6 18 00Í18 2 16 20 16 Edwin Ball 6 18 00! 10 120 19 20 Alfrea Daveufiort 8 24 00 16 Ui 25 92 John M. Hunter 6 18 00 8 96 18 96 David Edwards 6 18 0010 130 19 20 James N. Forsytli 6 18 00 10 1 20 19 20 AU of which is respectfully Kubmitted. (Siened,) James M. Fomyth, Arthur C. VanSicki.e, Amos C'orev, Commiltec. Report adopted. Mr. Kearns moved u reconsider the report of the Comnntiet1 upen the oí 11 of William Wttlsh. Carried. Mr. Kearns moved to ülow the bill as claimed. Carried. Claimed. itoioed. Wm. Walsh, Depuly Sheriff, balanceofbill 8 100 g 1 00 Mr. Oesterline moved that the proceedings of this session be printed in the liausfreund, at a cost not exceeding $15. Carried. Mr. Dancer, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended iheir allowance at sums stated, to-wit : Ctaimcd. Allowcd. Chas. Dwyer, Sheriff. 13 00 Í 13 00 Chas. Schott, Deputy Sheriff. 52 40 52 40 Chas. Dwyer, Sheriff. 1,167 40 1,167 40 Chas. Dwyer, Sheriff. 285 40 235 40 Chas. Dwyer, Sheriff. 95 65 95 55 Jacob Staffen, Deputy Sheriff 69 78 63 03 Chas. Schott, Deputy Sheriff. 18 70 17 70 Paul Schall, Deputy Sheriff. 35 25 32 70 ZtnaBuck, DeputySheriff. 6 55 6 55 Report adopted. Mr. Gilbert moved to adjourn. Lost. Mr. Kearns moved to allow M. C. Peterson $14.00 in the Fuller case. Carried. Mr. Hughes moved to adjourn without day. Carried. Alfred Davexport, Clerk. Arthub Bkown, Clerk.


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