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Michigan, Houghton Michigan Mining School A State Srtiool of Surveying, Mining, Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering. Physics, Chemistry, Assaying, Ore Dressing, Mineralogy, Petrography, Geology, Drafltng, Machine Design, I etc. Tuítion free. For catalogues and Information address K. E. Wadswokth. A. M., Ph. D., Director. Each Season its own peculiar maladj ; hut wltli tlie i : i,ni maintalned n astuto ol uuli ion m purity, bytheuseof Ayer'sSars .;■ rilla, the l1y adaptó i tivea - highly concentrated, rllla la the mi ;uio :ines. . i-jus truuble . ■ I ■ Díglits, an , v, iiii paina la t! ; ek. s oí ud Indigestión. These . i worse lasl t...,: le with niy i aek. A frieud o use Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. taking it. snd my troubles all Si - Mrs. (Jenevra Belanger, 1A '.,-■:■ st., Musí. Ayer's Sarsa papila PBBFABBD r.Y DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LoweU, Mass. SoIdbyDruggistB. $l,six$5. W'orth $5 a bottle. P,Thon lab;, ros aks, w ncl' Castoria. When slio was a Cíiild, she cried for Castoria When sh became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Whfci -he had Children, she gave them CastorU. feBk. Snu? llttlA frliinc!i!iri-licrnmídeat K&Mmi Work fur UB, by Aluin I'agP, Austin, tn-" r-. ITpxas, and Jno. lionn, Toledo, Ohfo. HBK'j ,7(,TlHft'! Othtrs are doinp ís well. Why T"" iBaEfWÍ&lMKkint you? Same rm over 500. 00 a lw 7- PKgfflDI"1'111"1' You enn do llie uork and live IkAk-tMBHS' home, wherever you are. Fen beJ'VJ& CttHS'pnnfrt urc nuih' finiini from #5 to A r ijSBKf ÍH'adoy. AlUpes. Weihow youhow ll.lIiilltU.4. C'u.,UoxS8OrrlIiinl,Mano SWjhe Bestand Purest Medicine jjtSL EVER MADE. i XS.ItwnmrivetheHumorfromyonri I t íCLsystcm, and maUe your skinB 1 1 o AKX[cle!in and emooth. Thosell I 'feTVPJmplcs and Blotches I SS , 'h 3v%L which mar your beautyp E3 %, . } VviLaro caused by impureg I , 4 f XLremoT cd inashortl I II f 7" % %?""i SVwiso and usel I til!! .poonful. 'Ituthof % ■% V I best nml clicapoit, - "."l I medicine. ft, and,j , J?oa I youwUlhee tlsftod. t% %"U In üet ll ol' yjCa' T % y& ra I j DOS'TWAJX. GCTITATOXPEV jL g If yon are enfferiiip from Kid II olfesurBÍSíSXI Tuey never fail to cure. III Sond 3 2-ccnt stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., m Boston, llnss.. for best medical work published? I SJL REGULATOR AVENSTRUATION ■ . OH MOKTHLV SICKNESS I t TVll.N DURKB CttAHSE.. Oï ,ït i jíook TO"WOMAN'Mí7y I BRAÜFIECD REEUUITORCO. ATLAMAGA. aautBYALLDBtieaisn. 8OI.D E Y '. E. EBEKRtril " Maneéis Spicific," CURES írrvouH DrinUty, Exlinnstïnn, Prematuro Decay, I'uriiul or Total Impotcucy, mul All WE A t - 9 noaa arising from over-taacation of misd or body. afcuflferinff from the Oseases and weaknesa that have Brigin lo youthful imprudenco, can rely on a speedy and jMrrinaneut restoratíon to health andnapplness. Price, 92.00 by mail securcly scalcd. 9 'i THE SPECIFIC ia prepared ftom the prescrlptton oí n ola and experienred physician, and may be relied on ■ms aremedy unequaled in efflcacy, and ve therefore ■commend it to the notice of tlie Medical Proe$siott Irena-alii, offlce and Laboratory ManceV8 Specific, 9 13 E. 30th Su. New York City ItcM's lenmatlc Rastere. O19TAXT Tf ron íll tunnnuTia bacís. e Btm cüb forKhenmatiem, NenralgiaandSciatica. Bold by draggiats everywhere, or by mail, 25 cents. XoTlt7 l'lter Morks, towcll, Jlio.,.


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