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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Aciveitisements, sueb ajs To Rent, For Sale and Wants, not exceeding three Z lincs, can be inserted three weeks for 23 pents. ÍANTEI). WANTED-A nice Boy to learn photograph business H. Randall. 44__ WANTEÏ- AT OXCK- Young LadyTo play for Gymnastic ClaBs, in excbange fur lessons. Inqulre at 46 South Ingalls-st. 44 A few more Pupils of Violln. Be' ginntrs only. Terms reasonable. Inquire at 46 South Ingalls-st. 44 $1,500 to Loan, for a term of years; Tl Becurity given on good business property in this city. J. Q. A. 8KSSION9, Ann Arbor, Feb. S, 1891. 41U' Agent. FOR NALE. FOB House in SecondWard: 2Houses on Whitmore Lake road, and 2 briek Stores and frame building on N. Main-st. Occupied respectively, as grocerv, saloon andbarbershop. Inquire nf Executors of James Kitson estáte, 21 Geddes avenue. 41 L'OR SAI,E- Horse, Phaetou and Cutter. In. r quire at M Williams st, or at my office, No. 5 N. Main-st. J. Q. A. Sesslons, 41tf tMHl Flouraud Saw Mi, Is In Calilornia. Location unsurpassed for health and investmi-nt. N. H. Chamberlain, 22 Maiiison-st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 43 FOK NA Ii E- House, baru and one acre of land, on best street in !th Ward. SV50 down, balance at six per cent. J R B.. 22 8. State-st, 43 Í?OB SAL.I-:- Farm lorsuieorezctaaage for city property. Inquire at 34 Thompson st. 42 ifÖB HA I.K. UK ÏXl'HASWE 537 acre ' farm. Uood buildings, near depot- 60 m. to Washington, Ï10 per acre. AddressÜ.O. BuntlDg, Guineys, Caroline Co., Va. 49 IflOK St LE- KiKhty-acre Farm ; good sotl and 1 comfortabre buildings; half mllefromBaldwin, county seat of Lake county, Mich. Good 6chool, two railroads, roller grist mili, etc. Price, $800; one-quarter down, balance 5100 per year. Address lock box 57, or inquire of EmmettCoon, Hamllton Park, Arm Arbor. 4 1 FOR HF. NT. IOR RENT- House on West Liberty-st. Prtce, r tl.50 per week. Inquire at Ebtr White's place. 44 L'R kk' I- Two Flats, and several suites of r rooms, in the new Sager block, 20 S. State-st. Inquire at 18 S. State. 28tf MISCEM.AKEOU. ÏF YOI7 WISH to secure a remunerative position, write to The People's Building, Loan and tiaving Association, of Geneva, N. Y. They wish to secure an agent to work for them here. The Banking Department endorses Iheir plan. 44 ÖJHT - X Lady's Silvsr Watch aid Chain. j Finder please leave it at 18 S. University-ave. LOST- February3d. bëtween Calüni's Pharmacy, st. and the Begikter offic. a Ladies' Silver watch, altached to gold fob. wiui blui stone and comelion setting. Please return toCVIkins' store, or this office. 43 TNNTRI7VTIONS in Pastei. Charcual. Crayori land Oil Paintings, by Mrs. J. H. Mowers, at 25 Spring üt. Terms, flfty cents per lessnn of three hours. Examine wort a Blake's. 41 BKISIU desiroiis of living near the L'uiTersity, I offer In exchange for a residence in the City of Ann Arbor, a fine nome in theenterprisiug city of Battle Creek, beautifully and conveniently located (on Jeffereon-st, 199) and worth about 12,000. Address or cali on Russell C. Reeve, Dexter, Micn. 80tf USE EN IUA1. ' m'ïxiLMBnökw'hëïtf lour, the best in the worid. If ynur grocer does not keep it in stock, send your order to the mili. Allmendirger & Schneider. 28tf ITOK BARUAIN - TLt ilesirable V property known as "Oak View," MDler-ave, Ann Aroor. Nice ten-room frame dwellius, barn, other out-huildings (nearly new), best well water, soft water in house, 6% acres of land, good assortment of fruit, seven minutes from Courthouse, fine location. Apply soon- P. O. box 1700, or on premises. V. Geo. Liddell. 42 jTHE MEHLIN PIANO. Very Highest Grade. j ALLMENDINGER PIANO AND ORGAN CO., s 0 General Ayrnts. n heMehlinPianoi s Meriïs Examination. f ALLMENDINGER PIANO AND ORGAN CO. ( L' General Agent. ajiLiiB.itini'HIHiiuillllllll'lliHllllillHttimiitiilimillwlllv nu IIIIIIIMIMMIM ■lima -THE MEHLIN PIANO1 Prices Reasonable. Quality Highest. 1 ALLMENDINGER PIANO AND ORGAN Co., j Qeneral Agente. ïluiiiiilimiiiniuitiiiiiiuiHiMlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiliniiiiiiiiiiflillltlHlllHniNiiiiiiiiiimiitiKtMiliiluiilK OTHE MEHLIN PIANol )? v glDo notlet prejudlce prevent an 4 ALLMENDINGER PIANO t ORGAN CO., r f General Agent. ! The Mehlin Pianol ETEnr KXOWX IMfROVEUENT. ALLMENDINGER PIANO AND ORGAN CO.l General Agenta. I- THE MEHLIN PIANO.- 1 ALLMENDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO., Gen. W7iolesale and Jletail Agent, S AVN ARBOR, MlCH. SoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000 0000000000800000000000000# )[tHE MEHLIN PUNO]) jj Guarantced Six Years 18 V ALLMEKDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO „ ' A General Agenta. - The Mehlin Piano- Manufactured by a Company whose , Capital is $500,000.00. „, ALLMENDINGER PIANO & ORGAN CO. General Agent. ï


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