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Our Ypsilanti Rambler

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These have been drery days for rambling around this pretty city, seeking what news one may devour; and as the people look sort o'dreary, too, it will be no strange thing if this letter dons a sombre hue as well. Come to think, however, last Friday evening wasn't particularly drearj'. Let'a see, there was a progressive pedro party at Mrs. Julia Shertnan's, and everybody knows there can be nothing dreary or slow that's in any way connected with her ; then the Episcopalians held a merry-making at Hotel de Hawkins, at twenty cents per head, and cleared about fifty dollars, to be devoted to home charity. Same evening, a select corps from the state legislature donned ite evening smile and gloves and arranged itself in the Normal reception room, where it was duly shaken and admired by several hundred students. We understand that that august body of learned politicians carne ,away weary and scarcely able to lift an arm (the right one), but with a profound respect for the hosts of intelligent, welldressed and m&nnered students who paid them homage. Saturday afternoon we noticed so many ladies flitting in and out of a certain Washington-st residence that we were tempted for once to indulge a bit of curiosity, which is usually confined wholly to the gentle sex, and ask the reason of this thusue:s. I aeked meekly, and was informed by a pert miss, "Oh, you wont understand if I tellyou; but any way, Miss Fannie Grey and Dr. Christine Anderson Taylor are giving the loveliest 5 o'clock tea. Men never care for such things, but we do." Loís of í'olks welcomed the U. of M. boys Saturday evening at the opera house. The boya are favorites and their musió and 8inging appreciated. That calis to inind that we are indebted to Ann Arbor for another pleasant treat. Mr. Eandall spared no pains to make his exhibition of etchings, china, etc., pleasing to all vibitors, and his visit will be pleasantly remembered. Well, now, come to think of it, Monday night was pretty middling jolly. There was the Liyht Guard annual ball- and the brave b.jys did themselves proud by way of entertaining, and certainly Gapt. Sinith had just cause for beaming so beami'ngly as he noted the fair dames and mibses who tripped the light fantastic so gracefully. Everybody looked entrancingly beautiful, even "the great borrid men." Monday night was a "red letter day," if I may be allowed the expression, for our well known Will Hubbell, who loves the hi8trionic art with the whole of his manly soul. So Will made his initisl bow as the hero in "Lady of Lyons," and if anybody can beat William in artiatic bow making, let him now come forward or forever hold his pt-aee. Then things are Dot bo dreary after all. But there is one sad household tonight at least. Two fond daughters and their little ones mourn the loss of a kind parent in the death of S. H. Dimick, whose genial face, set in its beautiful frame of silvered locks, has for so many years greeted the pedestrians on Huronst, from his little drug store window, and who for bo many years ha bravely withstood the vicissitudes of business changes, sickness and death, till of late his oiïn summons came. Then there's but goodnese! how late it is; I really can't stay another minute, for you see I'm a


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