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The sum of $28.86 was paid for sparrow scalps last week. The county's gas bill, last montli, amounted to $75.00. William Ball, of Hamburg, has been made a member of the Washtenaw ?armers' Association. Tramps are thick in the vicinity of the Michigan (Central depot. Mrs. A. A. Stanley entertained about CO guests on Friday evening last. An informal party was given Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodyear. Nearly 300 guests attended the recepion given by Mrs. Israel Hall on Saturday afternoon. Services are held during Lent every Wednesday and Friday eyening at the Catholic church. A pleasant dance was given, Friday evening, at the residence of Adam Schlee in Geddes. Oswald Herz, son of Alderman Herz, wassurprised by a party of young friends on Friday evening. An enjoyable hop was given by Ross Granger on Tuesday evening. Twentyive couple8 were present. Airs. A. B. Prescott entertained a small company Tuesday evening in honor of Professor and Mrs. Langley. A surprise party was given Tuesday night to Miss Emma Eeyer, of Pittsfield, ,he occasion being her twenty-third jirthday. A newbutterand cheese company has )een organized in this city, with $6,500 capital. The factory will be located on he river road. Mr. and Mrs. B. St. James on Friday eveningentertainedthe members of the Business Men's Quartette, and their wives and friends. Mary Francés Fitchell, of the fourtli ward, died on Friday last at the age of sixteen. Her funeral took place at St. l'homas church on Monday. At the Unity Club next Monday evening, Feb. 16, Dr. S. H. Jones, of this city, will read a paper on "A Visit to the Home and Haunts of Thoreau." Mrs. Anna Benton, widow of the late Eli Benton, of Lodi, died on Monday at he home of her daughter, Mrs. Comsock Hill. She was eighty years old. Margaret, wife of Thos. Sutton, died on Monday at her residence in Ann Arbor town. The cause of her death was blood poison. Sne waseighty-three years old. A disgraceful fight uccurred in Fred Brown's saloon last Thursday afternoon. Shots were fired and one of the frequentere of the place was struck in the head )y a club. Frank Parker and William Wainer became intoxicated on Saturday las and Justice Butts decided that three days in the county jail would be sufficient to bring them around. The school board met on Tuesday evening, took measuies to remedy the sewerage in the high school building, allowed bilis amounting to $510.48 and transacted some routine business. The books of Nelson Sutherland.. treasurer of the] Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Road Company have been examined by a committee, consisting of Geo. E. Sperry and Frank E. Mills, and have been found correct. The Good Templare will give a match social and an oyster supper Saturday evening. The first class program will be enjoyed by all. Admission free. Supper, twenty-flve cents. All friends are cordially invited. Rev. Rush R. Shippen, of Washington, D.C., willpreach at the Unitarian church in this city next Sunday morning and evening, in exchange with Mr. Sunderland. Mr. Shippen is one of the ablest and best known Unitarian clergymen in this country. The Ann Arbor Gun club bas lately been organized. The following are its officers: President. W. E. Walker; vicepresident, H. C. Kellogg; secretary, S. W. Saxton; treasurer, C. L. Dow; captain, W. F. Lodholz; directora, D. J. Roes, M. Clements, J. Gwinner. Four patiënte from the Wayne county hospital were inoculated with the Koch lymph, Tuesday afternoon, by severa) of the University physicians. They were the following: John Burk, suffering from lupus; R. 'H. Lavender, rodent ulcer; Nellie Jackson and Fred Frazier, tuberculosis. Mrs. Adam Goetz died on Friday at her home on Chapin-st. She had been suffering some time from liver and hear disease. She was twenty-eight years old. She had been married but four months at the time of her death. Her funeral took'place.'Sunday, at the Beth lehem church and was largely attended Mrs. Mary Kinney has filed a bil against her husband, Michael Kinney who lives on north Ashley-st. They have been married a little over four years, and during that time Mrs. Kinney alleges she has suífered muchon accoun of her husband's cruelty. She therefore asks for aseparation and $1,000 alimony ! The trolley on one of tho electric cars became detached on Monday evening, while the rar was decending the hill to the depot, and the vehicle soon acquired such a velocity as to run down to the main entrame of the building. It took an hour and a hall to place the car on the track again. Yesterday afternoon occurred the ma1riageof Albert Manu, ihe popular druggist, and Miss Ida Binder. Rev. Max lein performud the ceremony at the esidence of the bride's parents on Liberty st. Only a few friends were present. Mr. aiid Mrs. Mann have taken possesion of their new lioine on Madieon-st. A special convention of the Sunday chool workers of Eastern Michigan will be held at the Woodward avenue Bapist churoh, Detroit, February 16-18. B. F. Jacobs, o Chicago; WilliamReynoldp, of Peoría; Marión Lawrence, of Toledo and Mrs. W. F. Crafts, of New York, will e present. Each Sunday school in Dastern Michigan is entitled to three lelegates. The topics for the uext meeting of the Vashtenaw Pomological Society are the following: "To Increase the Interest in our Society," by President Scott; "Sale of Fruit," by J. Ganzhorn; "Best Sprayng Pump," by W. F. Bird. Fifteen minutes will be devoted to questions by any one on fruit topics. The gospei temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, by the kind invitation of Rev. Mr. Carman, will be held in the Baptist church instead of in Cropsey's hall, and the service by the Good Templars intended for that day is deferred. The meetings )lanned in Cropsey's hall are: Sunday, ?eb. 22, "Who favor high license and why," an address in its defense; March , meeting by the W. C. T. U.; March 8, meeling by the Good Templars. A boy baby was found in an outjuilding on the premises of C. H. Cady, Tuesday evening, and taken to O. M. ylartin's undertaking rooms, apparently dead. It was, however, resuscitated and restored to its mother, who proved tobe ienrietta Ehnis, a domestic in the emloy of Mr. Cady. She charges Adolph '. Diehl with the paternity of the child. Ir. Diehl was arrested and gave bonds o the amountof $500 forhis appearance on February 25. A complaint has also leen made against the girl. The work of removing bodies from he old cemetery is going rapidly on. By Tuesday night 249 had been taken away. Those unclaimed are re-interred n the fifth ward cemetery. The remains of Odd Fellows or Masons are removed to Forest Hill cemetery. The )ones of the man whose tombstone represente the manner in which he met lis death (that is, being crushed bv a og), have been taken to Dixboro. Among the bodies removed were those of Mr. Lord, the first county clerk, and Rev. Thomas Wiley, the first Methodist minister of Ann Arbor. The Register is indebted to Col. H. S. Dean for a copy of the annual report made by the inspectors and officers of he Michigan state prison at Jackson. It shows that the value of real estáte and buildings is $742,700; furniture and Sxtures, $33,910.92; tools and machinery 512,899.70; material, $11,267.88; miscella' neous, $20,549.83; total value of property , $821,328.33. On June 30, 1890, there were 726 inmates of the prison. The total income during the two years was $197,543.20 and the expenses, $196,381.48, leaving an excess of $1,161.72. This shows careful management on the part of the officials and is gratifying to all citizens of Michigan. A young couple from Milan, one day last week, went up to Justice Pond's office, with the intention of being joined in the bonds of wedlock. They were about ten minutes too late, and the swain then proposed that they take the etreet car up to Mr. Pond's residence. This the prospectiva bride declined to do, saying that she was afraid of lightning. Then they started to walk, but had not gone two blocke when the lady said she was too tired to go any further. The bridegroom began to despair, but finally he thought of one of our pastors, who does not live far from the business portion, and prevailed upon his lady love to accompany him thither. It is not as yet known whether the couple succeeded in getting back to Milan. The friends and relatives of Miss Grace Moon will be interested in the fcllowing clipping from a Muskegon dispatch to the Chicago ínter Ocean: The largest and most brilliant wedding of the winter was celebrated tonight at the First Methodist Episcopal church, the contracting parties being Miss Grace Noble ;Moon, daughter of ex-Senator John Wesley Moon, of this city, and Mr. Clarence Burckle Beardsley, of Chicago. The church was decorated with palms and bride roses and was filledwith over 1,500 people. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by the Rev. W. A. Hunsberger. The bride wore a Worth toilet of silver brocade and white satin en train, trimmed with pearls and old point lace. The white embroidered silk tulle veil was clasped with diamonds and a necklace of pearls and diamonds was] worn. The reception from 8 o'clock to 11:30, was attended by over two hundred and fifty friends many of whom had come from Chicago where the groom is well known in social and business circles. On Sunday last occurred the death of Mrs. John Smith, of Ann Arbor township, from heart disease. She was fortynine years old and the mother of a large family of children. Her funeral took alacp, on Vfonday morning, fro'ii St. Patrick's church, Northfield, and was argely attended, many of those present being Ann Arbor people. Mrs. Sinith wae respected and adniired by all who inew her. O;i Monday morning severil of ihe pastors and others interested in the mperaxue work ml in the lecture room of the Methodist church. Prof. J. B. Steere, who wascalled to the chai stated the object of the meeting. Rev A. S. Carman was appointed secretary and rtmarkw ere madeby MessrsBrad uh&w, Burt, Curman, Sunderlaid, JJay, Mesdames Sunderland, Dick and others. [t was decided to hold a unión te ínperanci- maí-s meeting on the first Sunday evening in March. An effort will be made to tecure University Hall for the iurpose. A gospel temperance meeting wiil be held next Sunday afternoon :n theBiptist church. A very favorable opportunity to learn about the famous Lick Observatory will be afforded on Friday evening next at the First Baptist church. Prof. W. W Camp'iel!, of the University, by special nvitation, spent the last summer vacation there, and took part in the daily observations. He will give a descriptivetalk.fullyillustrated by stereopticon views of celestial objects, such as the inoon, eclipses of the sun, nebulse, etc, ;ogether with views of the observatory and its instruments. Some photographs of the scenery about Mt. Hamilton and San José will also be exhibited.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register