Weather Report
The fotlfiwing isa retronl uf the meteorological olmnges dnriiig week .() to an,l inciudinK BJInrday, ry 28 : Thermometer- = = ReglRteHlig liefcrcas l'"ahr. g-ï 1 lieimomeier - 9 p. M. 7 '' 't -2 S A MP M P M U ;1JL MX. Mill. I -"1 Keb.22 M.02Ï.J H.7S.929.19J 45.Í K.J Feb. 23..... 30.4 .6 IS.O 89.8 J9.07I B.1! '23. o Keb.4 42 S 17 4 10.5 46 9 28.547 M.O 4'l.0 Feb.2-r I85.B .l 24.5 29.7 Z8.S17 5Í.0 '23.5 Feb 2 .. 21 '2 23.6 14.S 19.SI 28.S12 '2Ö.0 13.5 Keb.'27 IS.2S.0 28.0 19.4 29 .070 26.0 ll.l Feb. 28 l4.2 13.' lO.TllS.r 2i--! .7 24.0 _. Rain and mow.0.5 lnche.
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Ann Arbor Register