DR. FRUTH Of New York, the well known and suceessful Specialist in Chronic Diseases aud Diseases of the Eye and Ear, by request of many friends and patienls, has decided to vieit ANN ARBOE, Thursday, March 12, 1891. Coufultation and Examination free and strictly confidential, in his PARLORS AT THE COOK HOUSE DR. FRÜÏH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK. CITY, Ably assited ly a f 'ill corps of competent ph Rüians and Burcon, trcats with u::;arallc!e success all Chronic Vheascs and Disrav s of the E% and i.'ar of every natuieupon the latest sci .til! princ rIo particuiarly invites a!l who cases havo been ncglected, badly treated or pr nounee.l iat urablo. fatients who are do: :i -p uader Vac care of thelr owa pbysieians Bcod tu cal' on usf asour proviut'O is to ■ , cannot flndrll L othorwie. Bolieví"c thatsc cii'-e is truth and "truib isitiighty au 1 will pp vr.ii, wlion known, end kuowing tuftt disou be fired with poitive certaipty, he i:. . I rheafflinted to i-all and eceive adviee iree ai t curwi of their disenses. There js no lUbjcct thnt roqniros po mr Btud n-iil cxnerience as the treatment iin'l ( ;.- olihroiüc dixèases. TbeiütontatilBgsuccv rfmarkable cures performed by him ís duo t;-. thoroiijrU knowledgc ot he Btrncturo and funi tlooa ot the human svsl ;b, andthecuieof dlï caeby natural rt-medieí. Lettbosegiven mi i; others cali for examination. He baBSut-eepiiiib treatid the folio ing diseases sincehisarrivcl ii luis State: Jiy and Ear diseaêet, Chronic Din i ora, chronic JnflamwationoJ thL Wontb, ('I Jiiflnnninfion of'tkc B'fi'Ulrr, Puhiful ir h: MeitëtrualilHti Fn-rr Sur' tnid U1 frs, Irnnf;i of Vrbie, Tape Wurm, t roui.'d Limbsand Ealarr,f Joints, Spmal Cunntura, ( inb Fout, lip Joh Dlwaw, White Swelling, Di?cha'givg Ahwixses, -V. rifity or BarrrniuM, Aervowttett and Gfiitral Tebi Hij, Impotency, intrate of the Kcdnrysand B'aaüri Isucorrkca or Wltitcs, Blotclws, Pimples, Skin Dit fiMCè, DtispepsUi, ('onstipulion, Domj, Cáncer, Lp i leptie Fits, Érysiprhiit, Grarel, Goitre, Gleet, tiwior rhoea, llijdrore' ,ZyizcrCIirase,IJfafacfie, Püep,lfys 'eria.Syph üis,St. Vihis Dance, Chronic DijsciUt ?v, Èn larged Tonsila, Fistala in Ano, Hernia or i?üj"r, Orarían. Tumors, ParaJysis, Proïapsus Vtni, Bronchitis, Aslhma, Catarrh, ScrqfvM, Cotuumpüon, Chronic Cough, Female WeaJtwn, Sptrinatorrlun Allsurgicnlopcrations performed Free RxatnlnatltMi of the Urine. Eiich person applying for treatment fihould brin an on nee of their urine, whieh wülreceiveacarciul ehemieal and microsoopieal examination. Bemarkable Cures perfected in oll cases which have bn neglccted or unskillfuiiy treated. No expe. .ments or failures. Partits treated by mail r express, but where possible penonal cotisultation preferred. Curable cases gue viteed. Listof questioub Iree. Western Add ess, DR, FRCTE: Xoletlo. O.
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