Our Ypsilanti Rambler
You'd neverthink it of us, bui we've got it. We've had it before and didn't know its name. However, the Washington girls cali it ennui and now we are ?lad to know what ails us. Ia it froni social dissipation? Blessjou.no! It's the res uit of Tiddledy Winks. We've tiddledy-winked progressively, iolitairely, in conples, single, doublé and triple ; at home and abroad; at morning, noon and midnight. Would that the man who h'rst winked had died while he was still young and innocent! To be sure the monotony was slightly broken theother evening by a progressive needie party which was anything but soothing toour perturbed spirits. The Presbyterian ladies are still pegging away at their organ fund and on Tuesday evening gave a dime social at I). C. Batchelder's where Rev. Mr. Morey gave an interesting talk on " Bits of Travel in Europe." Same evening the Y. W. C. A. gave a reception to state secretary Miss Silver, which was very epjoyable. Next week Wednesday evening the Y.M.C. A. will celébrate their first anniversary and Rev. Dr. Iliinting, of Alma College, will address the meeting. No doubt many will be pleased at an opportunity of hearing this eloquent divine. Miss Helen Swift and daughter ] Ia.it ie attended the students' volunteer mission convention at Cleveland lat week and report a most entertaining and instructive meeting. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of .Tudge Ninde. His friends are quite alarmed about him. Suppose none of you have ever visited the Kindergarten department of the Normal. It'll pay you well to cali in some day and see tliose little tots perform. Misses Van Der Werker and Lockwood are doing most excellent work in this department. We overheard soruething good the other day, and can't resist telling y ou,but you mustn't breathe it, 'cause the young man in question might writhe in spirit, you know, and upset things generally. It seems that the students who take this course have to try their hand at teaching the little ones. There's one young man, who, though an earnest student, has a bad eye for color anu he innocently instructed his class to combine blue and green in their weavinz. producing, of course, a villanous combi uation. After the class, a diminutive miss was heard to exclaim the" work would look horrid and that it was just like a man to make them mix puch colors." Another amusing episode was told the other day of a wee colored child who was found delnging things with briny tears and when asked the cause of her grief sobbed forth that fehe'd "been 'sulted by having to sing 'Marching thro' Georgia' to march by" and her "mar couldn't stand it to have her 'sulted 80." We therefore expect any iïorning to hear that the state board of education has been petitioned by the colored déspota to have the teacher who instituted this unlucky march publicly beheaded as a dreadful warning to the rest of the white folks. Miss Una Abell, the Pauline Napoleon of Rhea's company, was banqueted by Mrs. Perkins last Friday to the evident satisfaction of a number
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