The reason the men always "piek" on a woman is because sheisbetter picking than a man. Tiie beauty craze has revolutionized society and Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp lias revolutionized the treatment uf congha and i'olds. The Indian is nn fooi. Ile does nol umih htK squaw to beeome civilized, and be a suffragist. A lioon (o Whes. Having used "Mother'c Friend"' I wcmld no' be without it. It isa boon to wivea w ho kuow they must paBSthrongh the pain lul ordtal of ehildbirth. Mr-. ('. Melhourne, Iowa. Write the Brarlfield Ueyulatur Co., Atlanta, Ga., fr pariicular. Sold by all dru:yists. A Niiilcrn InsliiiKO. Tommy - Boes yonr nia ever in throngh 'your poefceta looking garettefcV Jimmy - Nar, she don't smnke the same kind as me. J.Hllcs Try (ïreat French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periódica! Pilis from Paris, F ranee, act only iipon the gnerative organs in fc maíes, and posilively cure suppression of the mensas (from whatevi-r cause) and all periodiral troubles peculiar to omen. Established in Europe, 1839; Englaud, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1SS7. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion if the i lis to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disoidered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Pprice, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists, Ann Arbor. Micb o Too .lllirll Viacir. Prona pter- Mr. De Sage, you pronounce the words "Get thee to a nunnery" with too rnuch passion. You shout them out asthough Hamlet really ineant them. Actor- Wel!, didn't he? Prompter- Of Course not. Hamlet and Üphelia were not tnarried. Kot a Mlracle. . Until recently Consumption was considered incurable, but now the people are beginniug to realize that the disease is not incurable. The cure of Consumption is not a miracle, now. Dr. Pierce'cGolden Medical Discovery will cure it, if taken in time and given a fair trial. This renewed remedy will not make new lungs, but it will restore diseased ones to a healthy state when other means have failed. Thousands gratefully testify to this. It is the most potent tonic, or strength-restorer, alterative, or blooicleanser, and nutritive, or fleEh-builder known to medical Bcience. For Weak Lungs, Spitting, "Liver Complaint," and Dyspepsia or Indigestión, itis an uneqnaled remedy. NEW áiDVERTISEMRNTS. BlálflfW PI AXOS new], 814.1. RiA.S All 1 $35. Dahiki. V. BeattY. Wshill;"in. N' J. , ñpv make 100 MR CBNTueKm dij 0rAïtlSI i seus, Belt, Bruslies, ('urlers, aml Medi "eines. Samples f re. Write now. Dr. Itridjmaii, 371 Broadway, Nciv Yoik. Largest Salaries, Highesi oas-ssions. INrniiiiK'iii Siliiiilions to wide awake men to sell our 650 varieties of Hardy Nurery Stock. Special advautagen to beiiinners. Gilt t-dged Hpecialties. Pay Weekly. Fine outfit Free BatUfactlon to customers and salemen guaraiuccd. Address Ol.FS BROS..Nurserynien, Thisfirmis iwrfectlyreable. B'Olylf r. ' T. BOiLINC WATtR OR MILK EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. 10,000 ACENTS WANTED to eupply the imperative (iemand for 5(MKOOO copies oí tbe only a.ble and n ui liontir l-ih' of Gen.WM.TECUMSEH SHERMAN ___ Bt MAJ. OU. HOWARD R nnd W. FLETCHER JOHNSSII k This work is a splenriiilh written f H l.m rioftheHeroof "Marcliing throuiïh Georgia" - his ro■■IKl I mantic youth- Bnlliant Career tWt iW in War - Patriotic Manhood!_ r Beautiful Old Age-of thriUim, tapjJEy fnKreii- Richly illustrated. HHIf and will have an KnoriiKius " ,ïti ' sjilr. 12 mo. 6()0pp. lowprict'. tÊriJk. S2Ó to S.jO V" "■ li forAgents J3 Kend 35c. for outfit or beet term{ii Bitos., i'uijs.. &!? gt. J.ouls, Mo. ' PARKER'S Vtft lcver Fails to Ecstore Gr,iy rïtAiV. H Huir to jts Youthí'ul Color.' Wek Lunm, IteffilïndigeSioii, PSTWk! linhl' SINDERCORNS. Th oiilvsurpcurcforConi-i jps il pain. 15c, at Uruggists, or IIIÜCOX & CO., Ñ. V. ■ ■flT 1 AT WHOLESALE PRICES WÊM I lf you use wall paper do H mm ■ I not lail to eend loc for mHf A ■ I 'aii't'les of sphni; pat■S V H Hteros. LuuarunteetoBave ■ ■ ■ ■ " youmoney.Whiteblanks 4c foCc perroll. GiltsSc . _. _ . i'rroli.BmbossedOiltsB ■ B%B IÉ locver-roU. TbeUnestVI ■ parlor papers witli -mm ■■ Uh mm in.iriezo to 7iiati'h l,r I n Mer roll and iiimard.H H ■ ft_ ALFRED PEATS.l ■■ ■ ■■■■ W llPpr Merchiit,M7-H9W.Madiaon-st.Cliii:ago. V Pnn plailng liehcve ÜBU. CDntracts we and have Q verifyinR a i their t horough f uliillment knowlcsdge Rnuioli and of nUWcIl iinrivaled all facüities tho O in ins & all and departmenls out3 p_ for of OU. careful newspaper and adyertising, intelligent k'aiued wtl loe. in S. an offer experienoe NoUCnanor .olu ' twenty-flve ■ ■ !. l to s Advertising i 1 "f:l1 Ruroüu oontem businus; DlllüClll. Bpeadlng we Slu lmvo or i lio sio,ooo best in equipped newspaper ofllce, I n advertising by U and far who the CnrilOQ wish most OUIUbC to comprenensive ' get as Pt the well Olit most as ' and the UDU best most HOM advertising (ODvenlent for ystem Ynrt the of lUIIVi money.
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Ann Arbor Register