LEGALS. Probate Aotloc. STATE OF MICHIGAN,! COVNTY OF WaSHTKNAW. ƒ At a session of the Probate Court for the County nf WnKlitenaw, liolden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the lSth day of Ktbniary, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William II. Dell, deceu JeseeA. Peil, Fxecutor of tbe last will and tes tament of faid deceased, comis iuto Court and represents that he is now prepared to renner his li Kxecutor. Ttwreupon tt is Ordered, That Tuesday, the 17th dxy of Mareta next.atteno'clockinilu.-forcnoonbe assifsned íurexamiuingand allowingsuch account hihI that the devisees, k'.eatees and heirs at lnw of i, and all otner persons interested m i-aid ei-tate. are required to appear at a gession of sanl Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Au u Aibor, in said Couuty, and show cause, !fany tnere be.why the said account should tiot be allowed: And t is further Urdered that saij Executor givc notire to the persons ínterosícl in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing causing a copy of ihis order to be published in the Ann Arbor n h, s newspaper printed and circulated In saiil county. three successive weeks previous to aid dny of hearing. J. WILI.ARD IURBITT, Judge of Probate. [A tniecopy] , ; Doty. ProhateRe 46 Probate Order. 8TATE OF MICHIGAN, l_ COÜNTY OF WaIHTSHAW, ' At a seaslon of the Piobate Couit for the County Of Washtenaw. holden at the l'robatc Office iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednerday, the eleventb day of February Inthejear one thousaud euht hundred and ninety one l'ie-ent, .T. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. la the matter of the Estáte íf Bertha Gottz, deceased , Ou readiiiE and flling the petition. ilnly vcrified of Adam Goetz, prayiug that a certain instrument uow on file in this couit, purporting to be ihe last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that administration of taid estáte may be granted to Leonhard Gruner as executor, or to some other eoltable person. Thereupon it is ordered, Ihat Monday. the Oth day of Marcb next, at ten o'clock in tac fnrenoon. be assigned lor hearing of said petition, and ihat the devisees, legatees and heirs-atlaw of said deceasid, and all oiher pereons intcrested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, f nny there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estate.of the pendency oí said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publkhed in the Ann Arbor Reoister, a newspaper printed and circulated in said Counly, three successive weeks previous to said day of huar'ng. J. WILLAR1) BABBITT, Judge of Probate [A true copy.] W'M. G. Doty. Probate Register. 45 ftlortgnu'r l'on losiire. DEFAULT HA VING BEEN MADE in the payment of a certain mortgage, made and executed by Charles M. Draper, of Mooreville, of Washtenaw County and State of Michigan, to Hanson Sessions,ofthe City of Ann Arbor, County and State aforesaid; said mortgage beare date July 10, 1878, and recorded the same day, at 1:40 o'clock p. m., in Líber number 54, on page 696 of mortgages of Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, and thereisclaimedtobeduethesumofTwoHuudred and Fifty-two Dollars, principal and interest; also twenty dollars Attorney's fee, as provided in taid mortgage ; also all other legal coste and expenses In foreclosing the said mortcage, taxesand insurance inclnded; therefore Nolice is hereby given Ihat we will sell at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, on Natiirday. April the Kli. 18111. at the south front door of theCourt House, afio'elock i'. m. of that ilay, in the Cily of Anii Arbor, tbat being the building where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County isheld),thepremisesdescribed in said mortgage. or so much thereof as will satisfy said mortgage. Premises described as follows: Being in the village of Mooreville, Washtenaw County, State oí Michigan, lots numbers four (4), and tive {i) and tix (Cl, in bloek number two (21, north of range number ouedl west, excepting that rH-rlion ot lot number fourilt, heretofore deeded ly two conveyances by llenry Maper and wifeto James McMullen, and recorded in Liber 4S, on pages 015 and 01 r. in the office of Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, according lo the reeorded plat of the village ot Mooreville. Datcd. ann Arbor, January 8 1891. KDWARD TREADWKLL, IIARR1ET L. SESSIONS, Executors of the last will of Hanson Sessions, deaemeA. ■ ■ fk A ■ S"B-" beniaoiirllHI Ihusfimk, Hm E Ik! LW1"' a"d "'"bir. ■ ! llfl 1 I lU S" V ■ilhor wi, yoimgor .]!, and In lluir lili I o,,l,,,alili',vl,,r(ver!h1-ylivf.Aiir IIIVIIL I „„o tt, do du woik. i:iy to leun. We iurnish everythiUK. Wc atait you. No rUk. You can devote youripare moment, „r all your time to the work. lilis san cntirely nnv lead,anü briugs won der ful succeBB to tvtry worker. Beginners are earning from $25 to 5O per week and upwards, and more after a little experience. We can fumiih you the etnployment and teaeh yon FltKK. Ko apaceto expíala hare. Full lnfor:.iation KREK. TKUJE CO.. AlfltBTA, Bi' Mi. MUSICAL FORMS A Bystematio Primer of the Typical Forma oi Modern Muuic, by V'. ÍS. xï. MutheWB. Price 8C centa. Juut published. A SAMPLE COPY will bt pent postpukl for 50 ets., provided this paper íb men tionod. (HAUKIi CATALOeUES of STANDAE1 MUSICAL UOMPOSITION8. Vocal and instru meaul, will be ent FliLË to any addreas. ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT. 15 West SI., Boston, Mass the m KEW UIIRCD ni. ten n H ÊËttÊËÊUDÉÏJ&Ei5Sm-- Has Patent Return Flue Boiler; Wrought Iron and Steel Whecls, with the Springs be'ween the hearings of the Hub; 14-inch Steel lire; Cushioned Gear and all Latest Improvepents. 8, 12 and 16H. P. Ask for Catalogue, Frse. C-Threshers of all sizes. IHE HUBER M'F'G CO., Marión, Ohio. 'i-lOths of the Separation at Cylinder. Xo flying grain. See Reverse Beater in cuts. Only one belt. R. SHËTTLER, General Agent, Grand Rapids, Mich. HUNTER Si ÏURNBULL, 43mC Agente, Ann Arbor, Mich. ..TEJftCT FARM LANDS At present vahiatton will make roer. rieh during ihe year 1801. The most conservativo iidmit the jruth of this assertion. 't is now known that thefinest wheat land inthe luor'd indBititable for allsmull gnUnsand frints:indin iiany inetiinees ootton ire In North and West Texas Texas farmers have au eaormoitfl hume market is well :i Twelue Thcusand Miles of Raiiroad and Ocean Outtet ortheir surplus erop. llore farmers are iiule to jvorkoutoi' doors every day in tbe year, and stook un on (jruss f rom January to January, Biany farmers In Cansas and In the north-west ure selllng ■viuitever equltytfaey have in tnelr farms, buytnfi hecheaTlandaol 1 in man y lostancea the prlceof the land froni theirfirtt ?rops. The iatestct i i a i mera In rexafl have their farms ichool fund tbe Ia taltb In ■ on the aundred dollars. He sifflply a? i as Agea Í il of Land Coni n to the in ter froiD non-r. iny chi f money. 1 1 ns. Kort Woi National Bai I PotVVoTth, and th Gom merce. Correapoi Ited. THOMAS J. HÜRLEY, [ÍKQOTTATOB BHTNTCIPA1 BOXI , I OUMJ ' I 1A1 PAPER, HORTOAGL8 .N REAL E Hurley Office Building, Fort!. Wcrth, Texas.
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Ann Arbor Register