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When you find a woman sympathizing with a man t is usually bêcause his wife imposes upon him. It will usually be found of weuk-headed men that they are most apt to be headstrong. 'A stilch in time saves nine," and i f you take Hood's Sarsaparilla now it inay save months of future oossiblesickness. When he is settling with the fiddler, is a oor time to remitid a man that he was the bet dancer in the house. Don't think that all the parsons say is gospel. If you do, you may becorne disgusted with Christianily. A bald headed woman is unusual before she is 40, but gray hair is common with them earlier. Ialdness and grayness may be preventej by using Hali's Hair Kenewer. The more wealth an old bachelor has, the more positive the women are that he must be awful lonesome. When great preparations were benig made in London for the celebration of the great Queen's Jubilee, loyal citizens anxious to particípate were rapidly curing all their aches and pains beforehand by a generous use of Salvation Oil. Two Figures out of Ttaree. Cynic- The Four Hundred isa highly appropriate name for our high society. Binnicle- Why? Cynic- Because its chiefly made up of ciphers. A etrl Wortli Ilnving. After reading Mr. Gray's experience in the plating business, I sent $3 to the Lake Electric Co., Englewood, 111., fora Plater, and cleared $21 in a week. Isn't this pretty good for a girl? There is tableware and jewelry to plate at every houee; then, why should any person be poor or out of employment with such an opportunity at hand. A Sqbscbibrb II MlKht be Great. Miss Flyaway - He's a great crosscountry rider. Miss Frostique- Why, I think he is a very pleasant gentleman. Pensive and Expensive. Miiny a woman shrinks from consultinga ph y sicianabout f unctiooal derangeineiils and weakness, and prefers to suffer in silence. She is Bad and pensive, ani her neglect of lier ailments will prove expensive. It may cost her her life. One of the most skillful physicians of the day who has had a vast experience in curíng diseases peculiar to woman, has prepared a remedy wbich is of inestimable aid to them. We refer to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the only remedy for woman's peculiar weakness and ailments, soldby all druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturera, that it will give satis faction in every case, ormoney refunded.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register