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SPECIAL SPRING SALE OF BMEêê - OQQDS AND Black and Colored 8ILK8 ! 25 PLECES {N ruwst Shadee) Oolored Henriettas, all Wool. 16 and 17 Twill, 75 cents a yard. Usual prlce $1.00. -r PIECES (Spring Colora) Sere Royal, 42 inches wide, at 75c per yard. Actual Valué, $1.00. 20 P] K('KS( DesirableTtnts) Fine Quality Serge, 40 inches wide, at 57 cents per yard. Worth 75c. 10 'PIECES(JLate8tPatteni8) Plaid and Striped Saxony Suitings, at 25 cents per yard. 4O inches wide and Oheap at 35c. 15 T?iecea(8taplc Colorings) Paragon Oolored Gros Grain DRESS SILKS at 75 cents per yard. Sold Every where at, and Reduced from $1.00. 5O Pieces [AUShades and Cólon) of the Famous Clifton Mille, Colored Surahs and Failles, at $1.00 per yard. The Best the Market affords. 15 Pieces Black Gros Grain &i(Qu(tW yG uavanteefl). Great Bargains at 75c, 903, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 per yard. Greatly Reduced in Price for this sale. EXTRA A.TTBACTIONS in Blaok Faille Francalse, Black Surahs, Black Rhadames, Black Satin Regence, Black Armures and Razimers. Black Brocade Silk. All 81.OO per yard, to Reduce Stock. Store to be Bemodeled and Renovated. This Sale is to get the goods out of the way. Take advantage of and get some of these Bargains. BACH, ABEL & CO. 26 S. MAIN STREET. Corner of Washington. Look! Look! Look! It will pay you to look at our goods and prices. vVomen's Dongola Button Shoes, Flexible, Tackless, in Op. or Common Sense, worth $3.00 - $2.50 Men's Cordovan, Hand Sewed, Shoes, worth elsewhere $6.00 5.00 The best place in the city to buy the best $3.00 MEN'S CALF SHOES jn any style. OUR SHOKS ARE ALL SOLID. We guarantee everything we sell to be solid leather, buy of the BEST HOUSES and warrant everything we sell. Don't fail to cali and see ua before purchasing. Samuel Krause, 48 S. JVH.A.IN ST. YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st.


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