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Michigan State News

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The suprema court, in an opinión denying B inandamus to Schmedding, a reporter, W. May. Wayne county clork, torn peiling liim to give the reporter aceess to records in a certain case, the court holds that in eertsiü cases of disagreementq between partier, the contenta oí papers flled in the prelimlnary framing f the case Ls not to be considered public record tvhen the case ia concluded, and suggestothat it haanoright to it in divorce ee.s, s in any event: itbeinff a priva'. i' affair oí qo int rest to the public, except as a matter of curiosity; also that a newspaper tas qo riht to publish the fact that a man is to be sued. as the case might haveno foundation in fact. and the publication scriously atleet the business reputatíon of the party. Justloe Grani writes the opinión. FOUL WEEDS. A Bulletin frnin l Eic Ar'cnli ural College of" Valoe i i' rtn-i-s. Bulletin Ko. ;; of the experimental station, botánica! department, is ready for publication. It contains a description of and a remedy for six of our worst weeiis. viz. : Canada thistle, red root, moth mullein. toad flax, rib grass and narrow dock. Wliile the bulletin was being prepared Slr. Wheeler, of the botánica! department. conceived the idea of sending a sample of seeds of each of the above named weeds by them on the first page. If this plan proTes Buccessful, and he has every reason I it will. many other varielies of seed will be sent, and in the s:imc manner; and this will prove a wonderfnl aid to the farmer in giving lüm a chance to compare and the more peadily detect the f oul stuff amoEg his ; A CLOSE CALL. A Sl-í;liiii; Party Narrowly Kseapes Drownlng in ;i Klchiffan Lak;-. A dozen people liad a narrow escape from death near Houghton. A sleighing party was i little lake on their way t a concert nlien the horses took frigh I ' '. ard a large hole where ice-cutting had been in progress. .lust befbre reachin the water the luirses swerved. overturning the sleigi) and throwing the occupants out. A moment later the horses plunged into the water and vverc seen no more. Had not the sleijfh upset all in the party would doubtl ss bare perished. of Medical Benefit. At last it lias been discovered that the cranks who persist in starving themselves for certain periods in dime museums will be of some benefit to medical Science. It transpires that Wutlmeau, of Detroit, vs ho recently eompleted his thirty-flrst day. had a complication of diseases before he undertook the tast thatleftgrowthsoi ubnormal tissue on his body. With the starving pi-D. ■'■■'. ti ■ e have all disapeared. This star has been made by the phy kiaiis who bave him in charge, bul they annonnce tha extraneous ;:r 'wth will probably appearagain. Health In Jtloblpuo. Reports to the state board of health by fifty-nine observers in different parts of the state for the week ended February 28 indicated that measles, cholera morbus and whooping cough increased. and ïnembranous croup, inflammation of the bowels. cerebrospinal meningitis, typhoid fever, diphtheria and puerperal fever decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at twenty-nine places, scarlet fever at forty-six, typhoid fever at Gifteen and measles at thirty-fivc plaei wüHhim r. WéU Daad. William P. Wells, a distinguiehed Michigan lawyer, dropped dead in the county eonri at Detroit just after he had ftnished an argument. He was collector of castoras under President Johnson; was chaiituan of the general council of the A meriean Bar association; was pi'of essor of Law in the university of Michigan, and a leadin democrat. lic had appeared in all the great Michigan cases and praeticed for many years before the federal supreme court. lic was bom al St. Albans, Vt, 183 1. Nliuri lint tlniil. The direct taz bilí passed hycongress gives Michigan I : !6, 198. John Canfield, a man ofmillions, girea Manist. ;tii acres for park purposes, and will dónate a big site to any location-seekin factory. Little George Chase, ol Clare, tied his Bied to the ii arend of a passenger train the other day and boarded the aled for a ride. He as killed, Frank Peterson. of Dollar Bay, was killed by a íallingchimney during the burnintcor Tonej Schntte's house at that place. The moneyloss was93,000. At Ealamazoo an electric stret railwaycompanj has bsen organizad. Joseph Rorr, aL'.'d SS years, an old and respected resident of l'ineonning-, died suddenly after an illnessof one day. Two new rrist milis will g'o up at Marlette in the spring. Eight of the men employed at the log camp of E. K". Potter A Sons in Alcona county were more or less seriously lajured in a ruaawav accident. A fall of rock in the bottom of Tamarack Junior mine at Red Jacket killed Charles Mavorain. He ras a single man, :20 years old. Thebill toestablishan lndiun school, to cost S3S,000, in [sabella eounty, has been sifrned by "resident Harrison and it is a law. CharlcvoiN lias ofte red the West Michigan road 135,000 to extend its line from Traverse City. The store of tleinrichs & fiimonsky, general hardware dealers at Menominee, was seized by the sheriff unagf two chattel mortgages, aggrecratinii 12,000. Ucius DanielJohnson, aged 35 years, ex-city attorney of and a promiifiift raeinber of the Inghain county b'ar, died at the home of his parents of tubercular laryngitis.


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