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Western Congress

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Kansas City, Mo., April 18.- At the Western States Commercial congress resterday the majority report oí the committee on resolutions was presented. The followinf? is a synopsis: It favor the adoptlon by congress of a law authorlzing free, unllmited colnage ol sllver, and the issuance of a sulfiden amQunt of legal tender notes to be redeemable n both gold and silYer, to 9tor8 tjje equilibrium betwee money and all other products; declarts the congress to be unalterably opposed to the protectlve tarlfl principie ; favora a tarlfl fof revenue only afl urges congress to enact laws to place the tariff upon a purely revenue basts at as early a Oáe as practicable; declares that the interstate eomiperce of the country should be cohtrollefl by the general government, and that the 111161 state commerce commisnion should be strengthened by appropriate leglslatioB; favors espêclally the mprovement it the Mijstssippi river and its affluents; lndorses the actlon of the congress in making an appropriatlon for the construction oj the Hennepln canal and recommends thal congress make ampie approprlation to complete the work; commenSs the proposed canal connectlng the Tennessee and Mlsslsstppt rivers; lndorses the actlon of congress in making appropriations íor a deep water harbor at Óalveston; favors the construction of a ebip canal connecting the northern lakes with the Atlantic oceau; iavors the tection of haríais and navlgable rivera that discharge tbeir watera inio tbe ocean add the establishment of a návy yard at some ellglble point on tie Miislsslppl rlver near Hs mouth; declares it to be the judgment of tnis congfes9 that tbe Mississippl can bo and should be made navlgable for ocean steamers of Sucíl class as now enter the pprt of Kew Orleans and for a considerable dlstahce above that port, and recommends tbe earlypassage of a measnre (jimilar to the one known as the Burroughs Wil, whtch provlded au appropriation Of $10,000,000 to be used 1q the oonstruction of levees from St. Paul to the gulf. The resolutiona provide for the appointment of a commlttee of three trom each state represented here to lay the above resolutions beiore the next national congress and urge the adoption of the policies therein recommended. The report further íecommends a sys(em of candis and slaclt %ater navigatlon to connect the waters of the Tennessee with the gulf of Mexico and also a snip canal írojp the head waters of the Ohio to Lake Erie and a ship canal from the bead of Lake Superior to the Misslssippi rlver ; favor the lmprovement of the Columbla river and a canal around the Dalles and removal of obstructions at Priest's Raplds and otber polnts; favors the construction of tbe Nicaragua canal as a matter of vital consequenca to the United States and especially to the Pao'ño coast and declares that tbeie are importunt commercial and political reasons why this great lnterocean blghway should ezlst as a dietinctly American work under American control. The report furtner invites the strious attention of tbe state legielalures to the problem ot mtklng such reforma In methods of taxation as win remedy tbe injustlce of unequal taxation and as win place a just inare of tbe burelen of the taxation upon tbe accumulated wealth f the country; favors a anlonal banUrupt law; recommends that the leglslatures of the states enact reform laws to prevent the inisuse of concentrated capital through "trusts" and "combines;" favors the amendment ol immiration laws so that only iirraigrants who both deslre and are fit for American citizenship should be permitted to land upon ourshores; recommena the speedy extinguiBnment 01 tne Indlan titles inOklahoma, Indian Territory and otber states and territories and the opening of surplus lands to eettlement under the provislons of tne homestead law; favois the probibition of the ownership of landt by nOn-i resident aliena; recommends that all unearnjd railwaygrants be restored to the puBlio domain for homesteads; that the general goterament should cede lts arld lands to the various states ; indorses the action of the departmentof agricultura for what it has done toward the reclamatlon of the semiarid región and -Urges congress to continue this work and extondlt; tavors the enactment of laws to prevent dealings in futures; recommends the admlssion of the territories of Arizona and New Mexico; recommends the rigid observance of the flsh and game latfS of various states and the adoption of meaos for their eftectual nforcement; commends the honorable secretary of agricultuïe for his persistence, energy and untlr ing eitorts in hts forelgn policy to {re move obstructions to our meat trade, créate amity between the trade of this and othei nations which will end In better prices and largcr sales and a brlgMcr for the cattle lndustry. The minority report opposes a tarif] for reverme only and indorses protection; declares in favor of a fair trial oi the present law, with reciprocity, anc in favor of a non-partison tariff com mission. The report favors the perma'nent organization of the western commercial congress. E. V. Smalley, of Minnesota, presented the views of the minority of the committee on resolutions in regard to the tariff. He said there had been tpo much politics in the discussion by the oommittee. The tariff and silver resolutions had been adopted oj a striet party vote. The de.le gates had come to the convfen tion representing no party anc prepared to act in an unpartisan manner upon the importan' subjects proposed foidiscussion. Wh? he accepted the chairmanship of UÍÍ committee he did not expect that the dèmocrats would cröwd their paft platform down his throat. He elaimec hy inference that the convention hl( been packed in the interest of the d?ti ocratic party and that the conejnc( was really being held for the püfpése of weiding together the democrats anc the Farmers' Allianje. The minority report representing republican views was voted down viya voce. The consideration of the raajority report was then proceeded witil. The debate again became intensely partisan and heated. Tinally a vcte was taken by a cali of states on iht adoption of the majority favoring freí silver and lower duties, and it vas adopted, 98 to 55, all the state delcgations dividéd upon the questkA. Mr. Smalley, of Minnesota, rose to á question of personal privilege, lie said the cougross had dcgi'iieratcd into a democratie powwow, and as a nonpartisan candidato he desired to resign as chairman of the committee on reSolutions. Mr. Smalley oxplained his course and withdrew from the eongress. Other resolutions were adopted ihdorsing the world's fair, indorsing the Torrey bankruptcy bill and making the congress a permanent organization tp meet bieunially. The usual compli mentary resolutions were then adopted, and the eongress, at 9:15 p. m. , adjourned to meet at the cali of the ex cutive comniitteft.


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