Real Estate Transfers.

The real e.state transfers for the week ending April 18, were as follows: Napoleon Brough to Peter Hanlin, two acres in e U n e '4 sec 14, Webster $ 425 Mtchaof Reid to Nicholas Eeid, part of s y% b w Jísec 13, Dexter 60 Mlchael Staebler to David Mayer, niUn e Í se Vt sec 36, Lima, and lands in sec 31, 8cio 1 Ann A. Schryver to Laura J. Hallock, land in block 7 s of range 8 e, Ann Arbor 600 Laura J. Hallock to D. F. Schairer, land in block 7 s of range 8 e, Ann Arbor 1,100 Lyman B. Pettibone to Frank Collins, part of e í s w li sec 10, Superior 1,300 Anson flarmon to Nathan Bordine, property at corner of Huron and McKay-eta.lSaline.. 800 Margaret H. Frederick to Thos. N. and M. Cooling, part of e XA 8 w }4 sec 11 lots 56, 57, 62 and 63, Frederlck's add, Sa: .m village 825 R. M. Wanzer et al. to Harriet Welch, property in ec 10, Ypsllantl town 700 Elizabeth Reddaway to F. W.Cleveland, property on Huron river and Congress-st, Ypsilanti _ 200 Harvey A. Butler to Cari and Benrletta Kimtz, part of s e Jí sec 13, Augusta 495 B. F. Harris et al. to Abigail Post, lots 2,3, 4 , 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 and 19, Willis 1,500 Ohrlstian Fiegel to Charles T. Fiegel, n w '4 n w 'yi sec 11, Freedom 1 Martin Kberle to Miehael Eberle, part of n w M n e % sec 33. Lodl 1,025 Henry Rook to A rthur C. Pierce, w } n e !4 s w !i ec35, Lyndon 600 K. A. Wal lace to L. L. and F. Harlow , lot on Ballardst, Normal add, Ypsilantl 500 Ruth Young. by ex., to J. E. Beal. Sylvan. ... 162 John Roby to Ricnard Green, Manchester... 890 E. M. Moore to C. L. Hoffstetter, Ypsilantl... 569 Jno. HagKerty, by adm'r, to Ed. iitzslmmons,Scio.. 1,359 J. M. Day et al. to D. Schofield, property on Congress-st, Ypsilantl 70 G. H. Grimston to Thos. McNamara, w 'A lot 13, lot 14 and part of lot 15, block 2, Congdon'ilstadd, Chelsea 250 C. T, Conklin to Nancy E. Conklin. property on Main-êt, and land in sec 12, Chelsea-... 2.800 Jacob Christopher et al. to H. P. Rolston, Ypsilantl _ 100 H. F. Rolston to Jobn H.Gilbert, n% lot 292, Norris & Cross' add. Ypsilanti 100 J. L. Rose et al. to A. W. Hamiiton, lot 4,bl'k 1, II. R. AS. artd, Ann Arbor 600 Margaret Keru to Jacob Kern, Mancheeter... 600 AretuB Dunn to G. M. Henion, lot 11, bl'k 5 range 7 e, Land Co's dd, Ann Arbor 3,200 Ql'IT CLAIMS. W. W. Tozer to Jno. Chrlstensen, part of lot B, block 18, Dexter villaee S 50 Ju. A. Young to J. A. Parsous, lot on Henryst, Saline 1 C. M. Fellows to J. A. Fanons, lot on Henry, Saline 1 A. D. Parsons to J. A. Parsons, lot on Henry st, Saline 1 S. A. Young to J. A. Parsons, lot on Henryst, Saline 1 W. A. Sauford to J. A. Paraons, lot on Hfenryst, Saline - 1 1 Geo. P. Sauford to J. A. Parsons, lot on Henry-st, Saline 1 A. M. ïouug ro J. A. Parsons, löt on Henry. st, Saline 1 Ed. Young to J. A. Fanons, lot on Henry-st, Saline 1 P. Sheehey, jr., to Thos. S. aeais, eie'Asw 1,;cc28. Northfleld 300 Mary E. Minor to J. F. Henion, part of e i neVisecW; Jji Hneje wJseclS; und 4 part of s e W n e i sec 19, Bridgewater „ - „ 3,000 J. F. Henion to J. D. Miner et al, part of e U neHBia; y 'A B4neiíí],ítecli; 'A part of s w % n e 4 sec 19, Brldgewater 3,000 Henry Rook, jr., to Henry Rook, sr., n e s w! sec 3-, Lyndon 1 Adam Turnbull to Robert Huuter, part of sec 29, Ann Arbor 2,550 E. Fitzsimmons to Peter McGinu, blocks 7, 8 and e ]A lot 3, block 0; lots 8 and 4, block 10; block 15, 16. 17, e % lot 1, s y, lot 2, bl'k 2, Scio vHlag.e 1 400 D. 8. Schofield to H. S. Day, lot on Congressst, Ypsilanti 500 Margaret Christopher to H. P. Knliton, part of lot 292, Norris & Cross' add, Vpsllanti... 1 A. Whitmlll to H. P. Rolston. n % lot 292. Norris & Cross' add, Ypsilanti 1 Thos. S. Sears to estáte of L. James, eüeii s w í sec 28; w V„ e i 8 w 14 sec 28; n e Si nwLsecS3; Northfleld 1 J.'N. Hamlin to G. M. Wood, lot on Forestare, Ann Arbor 2,000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Napoleon Brough
Peter Hanlin
Michael Reid
Nicholas Reid
Michael Staebler
David Mayer
Ann A. Schryver
Laura J. Halleck
D. F. Schairer
Lyman B. Pettibone
Frank Collins
Anson Harmon
Nathan Bordine
Margaret H. Frederick
Thomas N. Cooling
M. Cooling
R. M. Wanzer
Harriet Welch
Elizabeth Reddaway
F. W. Cleveland
Harvey A. Butler
Carl Nimtz
Henrietta Nimtz
B. F. Harris
Abigail Post
Christian Fiegel
Charles T. Fiegel
Martin Eberle
Michael Eberle
Henry Rook
Arthur C. Pierce
E. A. Wallace
L. L. Harlow
F. Harlow
Ruth Young
J. E. Beal
John Roby
Richard Green
E. M. Moore
C. L. Hoffstetter
John Haggerty
Edward Fitzsimmons
J. M. Day
D. Schofield
G. H. Grimston
Thomas McNamara
C. T. Conklin
Nancy E. Conklin
Jacob Christopher
H. P. Rolston
John H. Gilbert
J. L. Rose
A. W. Hamilton
Margaret Kern
Jacob Kern
Aretus Dunn
G. M. Henion
W. W. Tozer
John Christensen
James A. Young
J. A. Parsons
C. M. Fellows
A. D. Parsons
S. A. Young
W. A. Sanford
George P. Sanford
A. M. Young
Edward Young
P. Sheehey Jr.
Thomas S. Sears
Mary E. Minor
J. F. Henion
J. D. Miner
Henry Rook Jr.
Adam Turnbull
Robert Hunter
E. Fitzsimmons
Peter McGinn
D. S. Schofield
H. S. Day
Margaret Christopher
A. Whitmill
L. James
J. N. Hamlin
G. M. Wood