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TheShahof Persia Thongh advanced in years, has hair of ravpn hue. Gray liairs are strictly prohibited iu bis dominions, and henee the large shipments to that country of Ayer's Hair Vigor, by tlie use of which the Shah's subjects save not only their hair but their heads. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores the natural color of the hair. It should be on every toilet-table. " Some time ago my hair began to fade and to fall out so badly that I thought I should be bald; but the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor has restored the original color and made my hair strong, abundant, and healthy. It doe3 not fall out any more." - Addie Shaffer, 540 Kace st., Cincinnati, Ohio. " My hair (which liad partly turned gray) was restored to its youthful color and beauty by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor. I shail continue to use it, as there is no better dressing for the hair." - Gaido Gapp, Georgeana, Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor, TREPAEED ET DB. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell. Haas. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumera. _jk rNF" CLAS9 10 l,ret, Fasttst and Ftnut tn the World. tm ïikloNDONOERRT "hllOI'lA, April 18, I C1RUASS1A, May 2, DEVONIA. " 25. I ANCHOR1A, May 9. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOHD-CLASS AND STEERAGE ra'e on term to and f rom thep-inciplo SCOTCH. ENGLISH. IRIS AND ALL COSTWtNTAL POIKTS. Exciii"ionTickft3 rwlui-éd . made available to return by either the Fictureinu Clvnp St Nurth ot Irt-land, or Hiv(?rMi'ri!ey ASoutn ot In and, or Naples Gibraltar. CIRCULAR LETTERS Of CRtQIT. D8ÁFTS AID HOKEYORlfUS (orany amount at lowestcurrant rates. Apply to tLny of onrlooal agenta, or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JA91KN K. KACH. Agent. Minutes ATSri T -íT, YEAB. DOUGHEETY'S 8EW EH8!.ñÍ53 Ü!1 KiKCE MEAT. in paper boxes; enough for two large pies. Always ready; easilr prepared. OLEAN, WHOLESOME, CONVENIENT. SOLD BV ALL CROCERS. mm THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR PIL-ES Salt Rheum, Eczema, Wounds, Burns, Sores, Cröup, Bronchitis, Etc, PRSCE 5O CENTS. SeBd three two-ceat stamps for freo sample tos and book. tarWsóap, ABSOLUTELY PURE, FOR MEDICINAL, TOILETj BATH AND NURSERY PURPOSES. TAR-OID CO., Chicago, I1L 3TRLN(ÏTHEK:X3 PIASTER EYS IKVEKTOX fgSg TÜ3 tríJo-nmrfc will ba found on all genuino . Look it wlK-n you bny. Don't bc fooicd. Thcrc Is co other plastcror ■■xfiiniL! romcdy lito tho Hop Piaster, elther in i iüion, quickness of action or rcliability. They Rlvo instant relief and permanent cure for every troublesomo pain, eorenesa, aclio or weaknoef in auy part of tb.2 body. l" ."d in thousanii'i of homes alwy8 wlth absolute aonuüence and success. Sold by rellablo medicino dcaïerj errrvhen. Sent by mail on receipt of priee. 25 .; 5 for $M-O3. HOP PLASTER CO., PROP'S, BOSTON. I THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ IaTRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK. BlUoasSpellsdepend fnracasewhercSuL-ll onS! lpbdrBittkrs i'iiir Bitters wHllll itvvillrmvyou. not assist or cure. It n -. :■,... .....y. ■"-■"-■■ ti Itliattiredaudallgone cieanM the vitiatedT feeliug; tf so, use i,loocl whcn yon wcrl I Süli-iiur Bitteks; ta lmpuritles burst-lll it will cure you. ingthrough tho skiulll III not procure sntlicicnt „„„„„,111 I lezorrlsc, and all who 8ULPHÜB BittebsI I lareconlincdiniloors, „ni cure LivcrComJI Bl8houldiiseM:M-iii;K )]llInt, i,,,,'ttc11s.l U Bitters. Theywil !.n,KlgcüitwlUcurcUI IHT7ñrSníñrw?íh SULPIlUlmTTERsI ISism uí a bottíe of me you strongandl I SuLriiDR Bitters; liealth__Blll lllitpcver falla to cure. si;lphl-kBitters !S Don't lie witliuut a will niakeyourliloodpj igbottle. Tryit; you pure, rich and strong.U I iTMÏÏèTTTdöïïSë "TryÜLPHÜBÍTIII III healtri, who are all ter to-night, andl lllri:u(lown,f!ionlduse you will slecp wolllll jUSüLi-m-i; r.n-n i:s. furl tve] hcltcr forlt. Do yon want tho best MeiÏÏcaï Work publlsbed? Scnd 3 '2-iont stampa to A. P Okdway & Co Boston, IIuós.. uid reccive a copy, frec.


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