
CITY NOTICES. Who'e pot the key? Ice CreRms and Jee -frved to familie8 n 1, 2. 3 ir 4 qt brickx, H i"t"terfer. tí WlioV (rot the key ? Chiidreri Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Iw l'ream. Ij. liocolate, coffett, pistan i [o, wberry.macaroon, tutifruitti,biQue, nonqtiat. " A)l 8anday orders sbonhl be jjivpii the da? prevlone. 1 f E. V. Haxc.ste R k i' i : . Who'fl jot the key? Children Cryfor Pitcher'g Castoria. The Dry Qooda Economist Mya of one of our young busim-ss men : Walter C. Mack, of the old firm of Mack &. Sclimid, Ann Arbor , is irj tliis market after drives in Ury. fancy goods, Pte. Ar ii b.iryain hunter Mr. Mack takasthe lead.and liis friencisuay that lie ha no superior in this directiou. The tirm ík ioiiiif a large and increai-ing basioees." Mrs. V. R. Bliss, formerly of this city, has recently located at Ypsilanti, and bas comfortable quarters just above the dry roodg Ftore of Messrs. Lamb, D.ivis and Kishlar. Those whoknowof Mrs. Bliss recommend lier as a thoroughly competent dreesmaker. She woiild be pleased to have any of her foriner patrono cali. Entrence to her suite of rooms if; throufch the store of the above named firin. A.MUI, HEEriKO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Ann Arbor Water Company will be held at the office of the company in the Hamilton Bloek in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Wednesday, the sixtli day of May, at eleven o'clock, á. m. for the election of oflicers, and for the transaction of any business wbiofa may properly come hefore said meeting. The polls will be kept open for one hour. The stock transfer books will be clo-ed on the fifth day of Muy and remaní closed until after said meetAi.ex. W. Hamilton, President Charles E. HtSOOCE, Öecretary. April 1, 189]. 53 I'arfncrsliip Disüolntiou. The firm of Hunter & Turn bullof the Ann Arbor Engine and Boiler Works, have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent. All debts owing tb said partnership are to be received by said Robert Hunter, and all demands on the said partnership are to be presented to him for payment, as he ia authorized to settle a 1 business in connection with said firm, Robert Hunter, Adam Turnbüm April 15, 1891. New Fqulpnirul on tne Wabasb. The Wabash Railroad has just placed on ite day trains between Chicago and St. Louis a line of elegant new Wagner buffet parlor cars. These care make direct connection at St. Louis with through sleepers for Hot Springt) and the Southwest. The night trains on the Wabash running between Chicago and St. Louis have long had the distinction of being the finest in the West, their compartmentBleepers being especially popular. This new departure bring8 their day trains up to the same Btaodard. 5jtf Happy and content is a home with"The Ro. chester;" a lamp with the light of the morning. For catakzu,, writt Rxkattr Lan Co. Nn, York. lees. Oraoge, lemon, gtrawberry, raspberry, pine apple, Roman punch. tf E. V. HaNOSTEBFER, ChildrenCryfor Pitcher'sCastorla. Wkere Tbere Are Ko Bad Indiana. The Sisseton Indian reservation at the eastern boundary of South Dakota, and containing one million acres of choice farming lands, has just been opened for settlement, and offers to the homeseeker inducements that cannot be equalled. The soil is very fertile, the country well watered, there being numerous small lakes within its boundary, and it is within a short distance of the twin cities of the Northwest, St. Paul and Minneapolis, insuring good markets al most at the settlers' doors. This is not a frontier reservation, but is surrounded on all sides by an old, well settled and prosperous country. The reservation will be held for actual settlers, only homestead enfries of 160 acres each being permitted. and there is room for more than 6,000 farms. To get the best, however, come early; first come, íirst served. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway is the only road which runs directly through the reservation. To reach it from the East buy tickets to Summit, S. 1)., Waubay, S. D., Wilmot, S. D., or Wheaton, Minn. Summit is within the reservation, the other stations on the border. All ticket agents in the United States or Canada sell tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Forfurther information apply to Geo. H. Heafkord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111., or to Harky Ercer, Mich. Pass. Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 82 Griswold-st, Detroit, Mich. i 52 Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, l„ COUNTY OF WaSHTENAW, J At a seeslon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursdar, the 2Srd day of April, in the year one thousand eignt hundred and ninety-one. Preeent, J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate In the matter of the cítate of Kendall Klttredgc, deceased. Eunice W. Kittredge, Eiecutrix of the last will and testament of uid deceased. comes into court and represente, ihat 6he is now prepared to render her final account as such executrix. Thereupon it U Ordered, ThatMonday thel8th day of May neit, at teno'clock in the assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisee. legatees and heirsat-Iaw of said deceased, and all other pereons interested in said estáte, are required lo appear at a sessioa of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said executrix giye notlce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, bj causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspapcr printed and circulating in said County, three successive weeks prerious lo said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. I Wm.G. Doty. Probate Register. 55
Old News
Ann Arbor Register